Why Left Behind has left you behind

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Dispensationalists have approved Tim LaHaye's book Left Behind as the most best selling book encouraging people to believe in the Rapture. More like best deceptive book.

If you have bought this book and you think it is connected to the End Times and you think these events, like 9/11, Iraq war, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Palestinian statehood, etc. All the dispensationalists are Satan's puppets trying to lure you into the Lake of Fire which is known as Hell. What about Abraham's Bosom? It passed away because of the death of Jesus. What about a physical resurrection in the Last Day? Jesus and Paul were talking about a spiritual resurrection, not a physical one.

Dispensationalists have said that flesh will be restored to look like him and insist that the resurrections would be two, and some non-denomationalists have said that all mankind will be physically resurrected in the Last Day. I refute those doctrines.

What about Armageddon? That term is not literal, but spiritual. You think World War 3 is the key to the Last Day? No. In my view, this is a spiritual Armageddon, it's your human life, not this world. This earth might continue on for thousands of years, it may even end this day or this hour. I'm not date setter. I don't know when the end is going to come but only the Father will know.

Matthew 24:22 "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."

Notice when Jesus said, "There should no flesh be saved" He means that He is not going to make our flesh bodies glorified. If this is true, then you would say why did Paul said that we shall be changed" in 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17? Paul was not talking about a physical change, spiritual change. Not the flesh, but the soul. The Resurrection of Jesus maybe real but remember, He was dematerialized when He went back to the Father. If he went back to the Father in his flesh, his clothes would be laying on the ground. Jesus left Heaven to become born in the flesh.

If you think from other false teachers that Jesus was raised in the flesh the second time, then ask me would he be eating food on this earth? No flesh means no eating. The soul doesn't have a stomach.

What about Lazarus and the Roman centurion's adopted daughter, when they were raised from the dead, did their flesh became glorified?

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus whom went to Sheol/Abraham's Bosom when they died in not a true story but a figurative parable. Paradise and Hell are not located in the Sheol because that term is a Hebrew pagan doctrine, just like Catholicism's purgatory. Paradise is referred to Heaven, Hell is referred to the Lake of Fire where it has already been reserved for the Devil and His Angels. While we like to call Heaven "paradise", remember it is unseen and spiritual, not material, same as Hell/Lake of Fire.

Now since Lake of Fire is spiritual, the flesh can't go there nor to Heaven. Why? because our flesh is made of material or atoms. If you took biology and chemistry class, you should know that we are made up of atoms. When Jesus returns, He'll do away with the Periodic Table, thus our flesh will be gone along with this material universe.

But why our soul? because it's not material, but spiritual. We were made of flesh in the beginning. In the end, our souls will be changed and glorified to look like God.

But the souls of the wicked will feel torment and pain in the Lake of Fire/Hell for all eternity.

Flesh can't feel spiritual fire and souls can't feel literal fire. Thus the flesh must be destroyed.

When the flesh dies, the soul is taken to Judgment to determine whether you go to Heaven/Paradise or Hell/Lake of Fire. What about Abraham's Bosom? That's metaphoric and Old Testament History. Jesus is done away with it when He died on the Cross. When Jesus says He has the Keys to Hell, he speaking in metaphor.

Whilst I am a non-denominational believer, I also believe that the events from the news are not End Times. The term "The Last Days" is symbolic, not literal. Jesus is referring to the Last Days of a man's life. Why the Last Days of a man's life? Because Hebrews 9:27 shows that a person who wants to die physically, but after he/she dies, their souls are taken to Judgment, not to a temporary adobe to await Judgment.

Therefore, The End Times is a false. The End Times is not sound doctrine.

Your life drawing short and your salvation is at risk. Will you Believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior and be baptized?

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