Elisha Kettell

From Brass Goggles

Revision as of 05:34, 12 November 2008 by (Talk)

Elisha Kettell, First Mate aboard HMAS Steel Breeze

Elisha Kettell currently serves under Captain Ned Canning on the Steel Breeze. Kettell is tall and lean, blue eyed, with blond hair unkempt. Has a brooding, observent air. Kettell is considered the responsible and level-headed crew member on board. He dresses in a duster and with goggles when active, but often wears a simple waistcoat. His most distinguishable features are his mechanical, steam-powered limbs. He lost his left leg, right foot, left forearm and the last two fingers on his right hand to a cannon-blast, and the resulting shrapnel, and they have been replaced with their current steel versions. His weapons of choice are his two pistols and he is a crack shot with both. Often he attaches blades to the ends for use in close combat. If disarmed, he can use his metal arm to subdue most opponents in hand to hand combat.

On the APF Bohème

While on a mission to London to purchase parts for the Breeze, Kettell found his passenger ship destroyed and himself mixed up in the plots surrounding the Boheme airship. After sharing adventures in China and Italy with the crew, Kettell finally reunited with his crew in York and helped them defeat the Black Ships of the Secret Service. When the Steel Breeze left for Oslo, Elisha opted to remain with and aid the Bohème.

In a recent fight against the Russian Agent, Viktor H. Erebus, Elisha suffered crippling damage to his lungs. He now wears a respirator over his mouth whenever partaking in exerting activities. The generator that runs the respirator has also been hooked up to his mechanical limbs, giving them the power to literally punch through walls.

Elisha's current activities and adventures can be found in Steam London.

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