Steam London

From Brass Goggles

Revision as of 07:26, 29 November 2008 by (Talk)

(Just to warn you this game is big and complicated. My summery is just a quick and dirty thing that needs to be updated.)



The Steam London game plot began as a mix of characters and their actions within London, which could get confusing. As time passed, a single cohesive plot emerged.

The current plotline deals with the adventures of the young inventor Emmaline Lighton and her aethereal partner, Professor George Lewestine. The pair had been forced to work for the insidious Capt.Hieronymus Black, before escaping to the ship APF Bohème. Black however, will not give her up so easily and has pursued the Boheme across the world. To make matters worse, the mysterious mission the captain of the Boheme is on has attracted the unwanted attention of the Russian Military, and a member of the Boheme's crew is wanted by the stubborn British Secret Service.

Yet there is hope for Emma and the Boheme. The crew of the Boheme is a brave and diverse cast, who would lay down their lives for Emma or each other. As well, the Boheme has managed to make alliances with some of the most reknowed air privateers of the age. The forces against them have no easy task.

Across the world, from London and heading back, the Boheme is entangled in this storm of plots and intrigue. New dangers or discoveries hide behind every turn. The outcome is clouded, but the journey is destined to be fastpaced and unpredictable. Who knows what villianous or heroic characters will show up next and how they will alter the course of the Boheme and history?

Currently, the plot the crew of the Boheme has delved into has taken a turn for the terrible and unbelievable...for forces beyond mankind may be at work...

Pre-Boheme Plot

Bracer roams the roofs of London while Demetri Rousselle gets very lost and falls a sleep on a bench. Horatio runs from a fire and tries to wake Demetri but it doesn't work. Ajax Callaghan fresh from a bad business meeting demands to know what caused the blaze. Hiram plays cards and sets up a meeting with Chen-yu.

Geirulf spears apples and Van Ottens watches the fire from above. Demetri wakes shakily as Ajax desides to enter the fire and Scott Coolige tries to drunkenly investigate. Horatio and Demetri try to stop him as Ajax rushes in to the the blaze. Hiram sends the fire brigade and the local boss is replaced.

Ajax grabs his dead partners love notes to his sweetheart in Liverpool and tools. He makes it out and collapses. Hiram and Chen Yu make a deal for influence and power. Ajax is revived by the power of whiskey and they deside to go to a bar. Horatio leads them to Bucer's Quill. Hiram's boys ham fisted-ly try to find out what caused the fire and almost cause a riot in the bar but after some tenseness they back off.

Horatio is on a mission to find a certain text. He mentions Moriarty and gets a lesson in how London really works. A Member of Parliament is found dead. Wyatt tries to stir up a revolution. Ajax and Demitri leave to go get what Ajax saved from the fire. Scotland Yard performs an autopsy. Hiram goes for a walk and kills a hired killer.

Horatio says he is looking for a study of true resurrection undertaken some 2000 years before Christ achieved the same feat. Two time travelers argue and time goes funny for a bit(I think). Demetri knows of Horatio's book and it may be in his own university. Horatio, Scott and Demetri are thrown out of the bar by it's fearful owner. Russians were behind the hired killer and they are old foes of Hiram's. Horatio decides to go to the university for himself. Edward the manager of Bucer's Quill and Demetri fight. Agrippa looks for his lost student and Demetri and Scott go to find Horatio.

Underwood looks for work. Von Watt chases some one and causes time hiccups. Demetri is suddenly home later he sends out a interesting extract from a diary.

The Bohème leaving London

APF Bohème, having nothing to do was looking for adventure and employment. After a brief stay in the local pub Ben Hudson gathered a small crew. Consisting of Leonard Fulmineus an accomplished inventor on the run from an evil brother, Jessica Butcher a conspiracy theorist and very good pilot and Mr. Oliver Newton-Chance a rather tall albino who has a miniature analytical engine that can connect to the global aetheric web.

They were were contacted by the enigmatic and dangerous Hiram, who sent us on an errand - to pick up a small parcel from a shady associate in China. In return, he promised us a Maxwell's Demon Program for an analytical engine, which would allow us to create a contraption of huge efficiency. While they were deciding weather or not to take on the job a large, darkly clad man with a muffler wound over the lower half of his face dropped off an unconscious redhead and insisted she go with them.

The route was planed with five stops in Gibraltar, Cairo, Kabul, Lucknow and Mandalay before reaching our goal in Shenjing but before they could get out of dock they were fired on by Russians. Apparently they don't like us working for Hiram. Lilli woke up and gave security hell while Leonard was frustrated by the sudden additional armerments taking up space. Lucky the damage was repaired quickly and soon the Bohème was in the air and on its way to Gibraltar.

The Bohème in Gibraltar

In Gibraltar we picked up Dr. Lakshmi Marleybone-Smythe who needed to go to Calcutta. The captain got a really neat weapon from Hiram, Lilli went shopping and Miss Butcher got zapped in the middle of the night. Lilli, Oliver and Leonard subdued the miscreant that attacked Miss Butcher. He turned out to be Russian but vanished when they tried to get information out of him.

In the air over North Africa Lakshmi figured out what Lilli was drugged when she came aboard and found something odd about the hair the Russian had left behind. They landed in Cairo Aeroport, dealt with a very scary lift and spread out in to the city.

The Bohème in Cairo

Oliver and Lilli went to the newsstand. Lilli found out some distressing news from home. While she was taking about going to Austrian consulate they were drugged and taken away to the private museum of Dr. Habib. At the museum they were questioned about the Orb of Nuut, The Obelisk of the Portal and the Casket of Opening of witch they know nothing. With some very quick thinking Oliver with the help of one of Hiram's local agents known has Mr. Umbrella and Henri Rousselle they manage to escape.

Lakshmi goes to do some shopping in the souk and gets tackled by the tiny inventor Emmaline Lighton and her invisible partner Professor George Lewistine. Emma and George are on the run from a Capitan Hieronymus of the Eastern Star who wanted to do dastardly things with their technology. Lakshmi KOs the man that was following them and gets their whole unbelievable story. She learns that George was disembodied, forced in to the realm of aether in a lab accident and he and Emma have formed a kind of symbiotic relationship. Lilli and the others show up and tell of their adventures. George knows about Orb of Nuut to the surprise of everyone but him. When the rest of the crew leaves Emma goes with them back to the ship while Lakshmi goes to meet the captain.

Back in London a vampire named Underwood is given the task of steeling the Black Prince's ruby from the State crown in the Tower of London the by Lamont a Changeling in the service of Hiram.

Captian Hudson is led on wild goose chase and then goes to meet Lakshmi for tea. The Dr. revels Lilli's connection to the Thugee cult and that the hair from the Russian miscreant was artificial. With more questions than they started out with they head back to the ship to find Oliver burned by a spontaneously combusting hair and Emma, Mr. Umbrella and Henri Rousselle all on board.

Captain Hudson explains they are running behind and will have to miss out on stopping in Lucknow and Mandalay. Emma and Mr. Rousselle join the crew, Mr. Umbrella bullies Lilli around then leaves and her father is reviled to be one of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's top intelligence officials. Lakshmi sets up courier and reminds the captain that they are headed for the tallest, wildest and most pirate-infested mountains in the world. Emma plans engine upgrades and swaps cabins with Lilli who was upset at Mr. Umbrella. Lakshmi has lots of pretty guns, is aristocrat and may be able to call in a favor from some one named Rahmat Saleh.

George makes a connection between the flaming hair and warehouse arson, Lilli makes shopping lists and Miss Butcher is sure a vast conspiracy is behind it. Emma brings the captain a dead bird with a note, George says something stupid and Mr. Umbrella reappears and is yelled at. Lilli helps a crying Emma and Miss Butcher reveals a pirate attack. We all have fun repelling borders and Leonard is shot but Lakshmi patches him up. Cairo goes to pirate-ey hell around us and we look for a way out.

The docking arms are removed with lost of care, steam and yelling. They fly out of the airport but Lakshmi's harness fails and she is plucked from the sky by Ben. They all pile back inside and discus what to do when they reach Kabul. Lakshmi gives Emma something to change her hair color so she can hide from Captain Black.

The Bohème in Kabul

They land very early in the morning when most of the crew is still asleep. Emma landed the ship while Ben spoke to an old friend. Emma landed the ship, made breakfast and handed off a very volatile shopping list to Ben and Lakshmi. While they explore the market Patrick O'Landery gets invited aboard after Emma mistakes him for one of her employer's men. They are both passionate engineers so they get along well, but Emma keeps George a secret afraid Patrick would think her mad. While they are getting acquainted Lilli gets in a fight with one of the real employer's men and uses a ring to vanish back to her ancestral home. Emma is mightily confused by this, but takes Patrick to the engines where they happily work the day away. Meanwhile, the real supply runner shows up and Emma sends him off after scolding him.

As Patrick and Emma are working, Fabrice Grecko (A well trained assassin posing as a pilot) and Jack Dervish (her target looking to get to India and save a friend) come to The Bohème to look for a job and passage respectively. At first Patrick is suspicious, but Emma is friendly and invites them inside. They sit and get to know each other when the supplies show up. Disgruntled by his earlier treatment the runner decides to muddle the supplies. Packing the crates like this - oranges, a pair of pants, a large block of soap, engine degreaser, two small containers of volatile chemicals (dangerously close to being knocked over, or crushed), a small barrel of drinking water and a random assortment of bolts and nuts in the bottom, rather than following any normal separations. Seeing that this is going to be a big job she sends Patrick and Miss Grecko on to finish the engine work while she and Mr. Dervish work on cleaning the shipping disaster. While they are separated, Emma and Patrick both ask about the blood stains on their clothes from an earlier run in with a sniper after Jack. Mr.Dervish's answer helps cement his place in Emma's good graces.

Patrick finishes his work and is very hungry, so Fabrice and Emma make dinner and the secret of George comes out. At first Emma is sure her new friends are going to think she is mad as she tells her story but then she thinks of a way to prove it. Emma rummaged in the pouches of her make shift tool belt finally pulling a small sealed glass tube filled with unknown chemicals and encased in brass bands. It was slightly smaller then her thumb but she treated it like it might explode at any moment. She closed her eyes and pulled a pin. There was a piercing white light that faded in to a cool blue as the reaction stabilized then she removed one of her aetherphones and snapped it in to place near the top of the tube and the other near the bottom. Emma tunes it in to George, unsure if the others can hear him. To her shock and joy they can and for the first time in a very long time she is able to talk to George in public without people looking at her funny. George uses his new found way to communicate to antagonize Patrick and his nickname of "Monkey" is born.

Ben and Lakshmi finish shopping and go to visit his friend Saeed's family. They get there just in time to delver a baby and have tea.(Not in that order though) They leave for another meeting, but this one isn't nearly as pleasant. Rahmat Saleh controlled most of the criminal element of Kabul and Lakshmi warns Ben that their safety won't be assured during the meeting. They pose as a married couple and sit down to a rather tense negotiation. Through flattery and threats, in equal measures, they get ammunition and a promise of help thought the mountains. As they walk back to the ship Lakshmi reveals her family's criminal roots and Ben speaks of his feelings for the open sky.

As the crew of the Bohème is waiting for the captain to come back they receive a frantic call from Capitan Linkletter of the Æthercutter. He is on a crash course with their docked ship and he has no way of steering. Emma launches the ship to save them all, but feels very guilty because she is technically stealing the ship. Thankfully they are able to bring both ships in safely, even if they do get yelled at by some very angry people at the port authority. Emma is able to talk them out of fines, but they still aren't happy.

Captain Hudson and Lakshmi arrive back just as dinner is being served. Emma falls all over herself trying to apologize for her actions, but the captain forgives her straight away. As they meet the new crew, Mr. Dyke & Kabuki, who had been mentioned in a letter sent by carrier pigeon back in Cairo, come stand at the bottom of the gangplank. After a whirlwind of introductions George tells the Captain of their visitors. The doctor accompanies him to listen to Dyke & Kabuki's accusations of a traitor aboard the ship. Once inside they revealed themselves to be something other than the gentleman they seamed. They first insinuated that Lakshmi was the traitor and then held her at gunpoint. They want the Bohème to abandon it's mission to china.

While the Captain is dealing with the visitors Emma is confronted by a bit of her past. Aether generator build 12 was supposed to bring George back from his exile in the aether but has a hidden devious purpose of creasing a way for people to enter the aether to spy undetectably anywhere in the world. Emma is faced with a hard choice, take away George's best hope to keep the world safe or keep them to help George despite the risks. In the end she gives half of the plans to Patrick trusting him to keep them safe.

Alerted to the trouble from the visitors Emma and Patrick arm themselves and head for the locked lounge door. With a bit of chemistry they brake down the door and free Lakshmi. Dyke & Kabuki are tied up and seem to be calm but still unwilling to answer questions. Patrick's long studies in the ways of pirate interrogations become obvious as he slips in to a persona and threatens them. Emma with her own attempts at acting joins him in the questioning.

Using George to scope out the two men Emma finds Russian tattoos and a bomb hidden in plane sight. After dealing with the bomb Emma confronts them about their employers. Instead of talking they evaporate like ice in hot water. Stunned by the inhuman nature of their captives everyone is rightfully confused when twins of the melted men show up along with some heavily armed porters. A brief gunfight ensues where Emma fires a weapon for the first time. They have been set up has Russian invaders.

They meet the "Real" Dyke & Kabuki who state that they were only trying to warn the crew about Lilli but are too late. At first Emma with her new red hair is mistaken for her but Kabuki states that she can't be the same woman in a rather offensive way. Emma sends them off rather angrily and the Boheme takes off before it can get in any more trouble.

Meanwhile in London

Nathanial Walker, owner of Walker's books, on Tinkers Row, is troubled. Life was simple before, business was steady, friends were plentiful and he had all he wanted. When Miss Lighton came to inquire about his add in the paper for the office above his shop he thought she was odd, but nice and rented it to her on the spot. Things were going well until she left one evening and never came back. Now it looks like that opened a large can of worms because he caught someone braking into her empty office whom vanished into thin air. Nathanial asks every scientist and detective he could find for answers but none of them could help him. Finally, he decides to go to a Mr. Thomas Taylor for help with the problem of the vanishing man.

After telling his story to Mr. Taylor they both go back to the scene if the crime to investigate. After answering Trip's questions he discovered the folly of trusting strangers. Thomas William Taylor the Third (Trip) turned out to be the thief himself. He left Nathanial paralyzed and bleeding on the floor as he stole Miss Lighton's designs for an aether generator. When he finally regained use of his body he unleashes the mad fury of Tinkers row on Taylor and runs him out of town.

Weeks later, when Nate is healing from his wounds and seeing Trip's fading face in his nightmares, a Charles Tayle appears like a demon summoned by his bloody dreams and offers the chance to chase Trip. Nate accepts and they ready his airship the Coraline for launch. Nate provides the best weaponry Tinkers row has to offer and Charles teaches him how to fly the ship.

Nate and Charles are not a good fit and argue often but their biggest argument ends in Nate drugging Charles and stealing his ship. Leaving Charles stranded, Nate goes after Trip with blood on his mind. With only revenge to guide him Nate starts slipping out of touch with realty. Soon he eats little, sleeps less and thinks only of killing Trip. Madness makes him strong and relentless; he only stops briefly in Kabul to take on a crew and then presses on.

Meanwhile Trip safe aboard his sisters ship is trying to make use of the plans he stole but they are explosively flawed. After a pile of attempts he realizes that the only way he his ever going to get the thing to work is to find the inventor herself and get her to divulge how to make a working model. In her notes he finds her picture and decides to charm the answers out of her the problem is that she has vanished off the face of the earth. His sisters ship is bound for china so he will start his search there.

The Bohème in the Hindu Kush

As the Bohème flew in to the calm twilight mountains Emma and Patrick settle down for a quiet evening while Lakshmi and Ben wander off to look at the supplies Rahmat Saleh provided them with. Emma tells bittersweet stories of of her past aboard The Star and finds that Patrick had worked under Captain Black as well. As they talk Emma realizes that she has a lot to learn about weapons and protecting herself. As she and Patrick are disguising making a raygun that can disrupt communications over a distance. George came in with devastating news. Black had found them and his ship was closing in.Emma knowing that her bad eyesight would make her more of a liability than an asset in the coming battle decides to let George take possession of her body.

After a rather tense conversion George and Patrick open fire on The Star. Captain Black has pulled his ship along side the Bohème and is trying to disable it and then send baskets full of borders to overwhelm the defenders. George and Patrick stop most of the heavy chain shot before it can reach the ship but the battery powering George's possession sputters distracting him at the worst possible moment. Three shots hit the side of the ship one bounces off the hull, another crashes in to the room were the Captain and the Doctor are arming themselves and the final one crashes in to the engine room completely destroying one of the aether stacks and cutting power to the ship.

Seeing the lights flicker off Black changes from chain shot to boarding harpoons. George and Patrick using some of Emma's inventions for purposes they were never meant for manage to hold them off long enough for Lakshmi to outfit herself with an extra set of clockwork limbs. They take over defense of the ship while Patrick and George rush off to do emergency repairs. Ben is left with Patrick's overpowered aether cannon which he has no idea how to use while Black takes advantage of the brake in fire to send over three baskets of borders. They blast one but the other two make it to the ship and bust their way inside.

Meanwhile Patrick and George get the engines up and running but the aether stacks are in sorry shape. The best they can to is rig one to run at 70%. The lights come back up but they are dim and flickering, shadowing more than they reveal. Patrick takes pride routing out a border that was lurking in the dark but George's time is running out. As he is forced from Emma's body he makes Patrick promise to take care of her. It is the first time he ever referred to Patrick by anything other than Monkey. Emma's body collapses as George is pushed out of it but some rather foul fluid called aethric bitters and Emma is back, if a bit wobbley. They decide to go and make a stand with Ben and Lakshmi but as they go to leave the room heavy footsteps from outside stop them in their tracks. The door is flung open to reveal a rather menacing man with metal claws for hands. As Patrick readies his gun unsure if he can beat him he steps aside to reveal an even more dangerous opponent Capt.Hieronymus Black himself.

Emma tried to stand up for Patrick as the man with the metal claws advances on them. At first she is able to make him step back but then Black tries to charm her knowing that she loved him once and for a moment it looks like it could work but life on the run from him has made her grow up a little. She tells him she won't go back. He stepped forward and struck quick as a cobra pulling the gun from her inexperienced hands, tossing it aside and griping one of her wrists. He threatened all aboard with death if she would not come back with him but while he was ranting The ship Trip was on found the Bohème in the middle of a battle. It turned out that Capt. Lilly had unfinished business with The Star and it's captain. She opened wire with the sonic cannon giving Emma the distraction she needed to free her hand from Black's grip and go for the discarded weapon.

She got hit for her efforts and Black advanced on her sword drawn to rain down brutal punishment for her defiance. Patrick brought his own sword in to block the blow nearly faltering at first but then he remembers how George asked him to protect her and gains resolve from his promise. They fight swords glittering in the darkness as Emma hovers near tears feeling betrayed and useless trying to find some way to help Patrick. Emma finds her aetheric batteries as she is backed in to a corner by the man with the metal claws. Using their first blast of harsh white light she blinds the attackers making it possible for Patrick to shoot the man with the claws and wound Black bad enough to force him to retreat. The room fills with pirates and Patrick is bleeding badly. Emma using a slapped together aetheric sword manged to make the pirates flee fearing for their lives. Patrick collapses from blood loss and Emma runs off in a panic to find Lakshmi fearing she may already be to late.

While Emma is running Trip comes aboard to see what kind of ship he helped save. He finds Captain Hudson first and then the rest of the crew tending to the wounded Patrick. Trip recognizes Emma from her picture and resolves to seduce her in to handing over the plans for the aether generator. Emma tucks Patrick in to bed to recover and goes off to find a celebration for the defeat of Black. She is thoroughly charmed by Trip and after a demonstration of her bond with George they go to see his Teleporter. George is not happy about Trip's fondness for Emma and does his best to annoy him while as they work on calibrating the Teleporter so Emma can get a ride. Emma switches the aetherphone off for the first time and nearly kisses Trip when they are alone in the moonlight. Both Emma and Trip have a lot to think about as they part. Trip rethinks faking his attraction to Emma while she is overwhelmed by the events of the day.

Later in the evening when Ben and Lakshmi are working on improving the cannons they are startled by screams from the cabins. Lakshmi rushes in expecting to find a pirate but instead finds Emma deep in the grip of a nightmare. While she tries to soothe Emma, George tells his misgivings about Trip and asks Patrick A very important question. With Patrick's assurance of protection for Emma they get to work on a set of aetherphones for Patrick so they can stay in contact.

Patrick and George make friends and go through Patrick's rather insane arsenal to find a weapon for Emma. They find a lovely aether osculation pistol Patrick named Luciérnaga. Emma is overjoyed to see George and Patrick getting along and is amazed at the ray gun. They eat tougher and then go off to do repairs. Patrick and Emma were working on fixing the aether stacks when Trip came to offer help. Emma went off with him and George riled up Patrick to pull a prank on him. While looking for some notes Emma and Trip talk ending in what is most likely her second kiss. While this is going on Nathanial and Charles are fighting. Nate ditches Charles, steels his airship and charges off to get Trip.

George was not happy at all about the kiss and Emma came to apologize for leaving Patrick to do the repairs but she was so embarrassed it took a while for her get the words out. A truce between Patrick and Trip led to some teasing and all three of them going out to patch the skin tougher. As they dangle over the side Nate catches up to them sees Emma with Trip and Patrick and suspects the worst. In London Charles gets a second ship to chase Trip and Nate.

Nate hails The Boheme, saying he is looking for a criminal and Emma lets him aboard. That turned out to be a very bad idea as Nate grabs her convinced he is saving her from kidnappers. Emma tries to reason with him but it don't work and she can't get loose. Trip sticks to his story of a stranger with his face and frees Emma from the mad, ranting Nate. While they subdue him George comes back with bad news. They are flying into a Russian led ambush.

They tossed the ranting Nate in to The Boheme's brig and took up weapons. Everyone ran to man the cannons as the first ships approached. Twenty smaller lighter ships were being led by five big strong slow ones. Three of the little ones attacked us and Patrick managed to shoot one of them down while almost being knocked off the ship. Trip picked him up and noticed an absolutely terrifying sight - air krakens had come to investigate.

Nate's ship was distroyed by the kracken and The Boheme had to avoid them and the pirates. Patrick gets Emma to make some very powerful shells to take out the larger ships with, but while she is working on them The Boheme is boarded by pirates. She finishes them and they get passed off to Trip as the first boarding party attacks. The fight is going well when a booming voice from a kracken ship hybrid stops everyone in their tracks.

During the fight, many passenger airships traveling through the pass are damaged or destroyed. Two of these ships, the Dublin Owl and the Parthena Tremaine manage to drop a member of their crew onto the Boheme. While Trip is shelling the last of the large ships the Irish healer Jennifer Sheenan crashes face first on the deck out cold while the Canadian privateer Elisha Kettell makes a gentle landing via propelled evacuation balloon. After a rather tense greeting Elisha helps the crew fight off the pirates.

Nate is knocked free after some wild evasive maneuvers and escapes. While Trip has his arms full of unconscious girl Nate armed with a pistol sneaks up on Trip. Patrick subdues him by cutting off his trigger finger and Patrick and trip tie him up while Emma carries Jennifer inside through a wave of gunfire.

(From here on is work in progress) -The pirates are beat off and Jennifer awakens. Patrick is immediately smitten with her and her with him. Elisha and Jennifer introduce themselves to the crew and captain. Before going to bed Elisha sends a message to his ship.

The Bohème in China

-As soon as the Boheme lands in China, Emma is arrested by the local police. The rest of the crew formulate plans to rescue her.

-During this, Ben goes to meet his Chinese contact.

-Trip attempts to sneak into the jail while Elisha and Patrick attempt a direct approach. They are both captured.

-Charles Tayle makes it to China and rescues Emma. Trip follows her aboard his ship.

-Jen sends a message to her Italian contacts. They plan a jailbreak.

-Black arrives and decides to torture Patrick to draw out Emma. The warden of the prison remove's Elisha's metal limbs for his own use. Before Patrick can be tortured, the Italians blow open the wall of the jail and rescue Patrick and Elisha.

-In the middle of the town, with Charles' airship overhead, Black catches up to everybody. He shoots Emma and takes her onto his flying machine. He then begins firing onto the street below in an attempt to kill Patrick. He only succeeds in killing the warden of the jail. Patrick manages to down the flying machine and then steal it, using it to get Emma away from Black.

-The Russians arrive in a huge digging machine and confront Black. He reveals where the Boheme is and the Russian machine smashes through the town to reach it. The Italians take Elisha back to the Boheme.

-The Boheme begins to take off to escape the Russian machine, but Ben is still running towards it. Patrick uses the flying machine to rescue Ben in the nick of time, but destroys it in the process. The Boheme just barely manages to escape the Russians and leaves the town.

-Later they rendevous with Charles and Trip. They dock the ships together for the night. Trip and Emma help Elisha reattach his limbs. In the morning, Charles is gone, having drugged them all and having arrested Trip. Charles sets off to London with Trip, who attempts to escape multiple times but is always foiled by Charles.

-The Boheme tries to follow, but is is revealed that Charles sabotaged the engine. While the Boheme is immobilized, Black takes this as the opportunity to attack. However, his assault is foiled by the intervention of the privateer ship Angelus and it's Captain Adriana. The fight ends when Emma sabotages the Eastern Star, sending it speeding backwards.

-The Angelus helps repair the Boheme. Both ships head out for London, but must stop for fuel in Rome.

The Bohème in Rome

-The Boheme makes a short stop in Rome.

-Emma and Jen are nearly immediatly arrested again - it is revealed Charles has agents in most major cities.

-Elisha goes to stage a jailbreak and runs into a crew member of his ship. It is revealed his ship is actually in London.

-Emma manages to escape by herself - the Boheme leaves Rome before more trouble can occour.

The Bohème in York

-Patrick contacts his old ship, the Hattori Hanzo. Elisha contacts his ship, the Steel Breeze. The Boheme, Angelus, Hattori Hanzo and Steel Breeze plan to meet in York.

-When they arrive in York, Charles has an army of police waiting.

-Also waiting is a Dr. Cross, who seems to want the organs of a crew member of the Angelus.

-The military and police hesitate to destroy the ships, the head officer, Upjohn, not trusting Charles. Charles orders the Secret Service Black Ships to do the job and travels to York to deal with the problem personally.

-The Angelus, Boheme, Hattori Hanzo and Steel Breeze fight and defeat the Black Ships. Upjohn knocks Charles out and handcuffs him to a chair. (Charles later escapes and returns to London)

-The Black Ships self destruct while Trip manages to escape and make his way onboard the Hattori Hanzo.

-Meanwhile, Hudson meets an accomplish of Hiram and recieves the plans in return.

-During the fight, Patrick is wounded and Jen has to use some of her life to save him.

-Jen slips into a coma due to an overuse of her powers.

-The Hanzo starts to be boarded by the military but breaks off, the Hanzo, Angelus and Boheme fleeing west.

-Meanwhile, Captain Canning tells Elisha he intends to go to Oslo, then back to Vancouver. It is revealed the Steel Breeze may become a military ship, losing privateer status. Elisha declines the offer of a rescue and decides to help the Boheme attain safety. Elisha returns to the Boheme and briefly vists the Hanzo to retrieve Trip

-The crew of the Boheme attempt to build a scientific device and use George to bring Jen back, however the machine will not be built in time. Patrick attempts to use himself in place of the device.

-Patrick revives Jen, but is nearly killed in the process, only being saved by a swift intervention by Elisha. Various members of the crew are affected in various ways by the powerful mental feedback, the full nature of which is still unknown. Effects seen include a probable mental connection between Jen and Patrick, a mainifestation of Patrick in Elisha's mechanical hand and a manifestation of George in a corporal form. Hudson enters to inform the crew of their landing in Dublin.

The Bohème in Dublin

-The crew are interrupted by a disturbance in the hold, saving Trip from having to admit any misdeeds to Emma

-In the hold they find that Nate, affected by their experiment, has taken control of the bodies of Ms. Butcher and Oliver. They are now mere extensions of Nate's body.

-All of Nate's bodies escape, injuring Dr. Marleybone-Smythe in the process.

-The Doctor is left in Dublin to recover and the Boheme turns around to head to London.

-Jen and Patrick begin to work on occult and engineering projects together, revealing the mental connection that has emerged.

-Trip, George and Emma experiment further with aether, trying to find a way to render the plans for Maxwell's Demon intangible and thus unattainable by anyone but George

The Boheme returned to London

-The Boheme lands in a less official dock in London

-Black is revealed to be in London, staying with Russian agents, including the twisted Viktor. H. Erebus.

-Nate and his stolen bodies make their way by boat to London

- Insepctor Upjohn returns to his house in London

-Charles has a meeting with Patrick's occult-obsessed older brother, Brian, who states his wish to apprehend the Boheme

-Hiram recieves the package from Hudson

-Elsewhere, the Angelus and Hattori Hanzo manage to draw off most of the ships that were hunting for the Boheme. They split up and head away from London to confuse persuers. In Northern Russia, Captain Canning is about to investigate a mysterious Russian military project, when he is interrupted by the news that all Vancouver Air Privateer licenses are to be revoked.

-Patrick and Jen continue their technomanic research

-Charles and Brian briefly fight due to a lack of trust. Brain gains the upper hand, for the moment and Charles agrees to let Brian help.

-Elisha recieves a letter from Canning detailing the cancellation of all Privateer licenses. Elisha rejects an offer to work with the military, wishing to remain independent, if illegal, essentially a vigilante. He takes the title of the Vancouver Air Privateer.

-Emma completes the matter transmitter. The plans are the first test subject and are successfully turned aetheral and left in the safekeeping of George.

-The group, except the Captain, all go to Tinker's Row to investigate. Patrick and Jen interview Avihs, an old friend of Patrick's, who reveals the existance of Brian O'Landry.

-Meanwhile, Emma, Trip and George investigate Emma's old apartment and the shop below it. The shop-boy, Sam, helps them, but appears to not be all human...

-Sam signals for a group of Black's men to enter the shop. Elisha, however, was standing guard outside and followed them in. Emma and Trip fight a suddenly aggressive Sam, while Elisha quickly dispatches the assassins downstairs.

-Black himself enters the shop, only to be help at gunpoint by Elisha. Emma and Trip kill the creature pretending to be Sam and with the aid of a young tramp, escape by an upstairs window. Once outside, George instructs Elisha how to set off a trap within the shop and escape. The tramp agrees to lead them to the place he last saw Sam. Black realizes where Emma went and begins to follow her.

-Brian directly attacks Tinker's Row, starting the Tinker's Row Massacre, where he kills multiple innocents. Patrick and Jen retreat to a safehouse, a brothel run by a Ms. Arachne.

-George investigates the building where Sam dissapeared. It is revealed to be run by some sort of alien creatures, who are running a biological weapons and cloning operation. Shaken, George, Trip, Emma and Elisha make their way back to the Boheme, only to be halted by a small Russian digging machine in the very streets of London. Elisha attacks the machine, killing the pilot, but knocking it and himself into the sewers.

-Jen senses Brian's nearing prescence. She, with the help of Patrick, begins a intense magical duel with the accomplished Blood Mage. Jen manifests and extremly powerful form of White Magic and manages to beat off Brian. After the fight, Patrick momentarily connects with the machines in Tinker's row - including the biological weapon Viktor has set up in the sewers of London. Patrick and Jen enter the sewers to locate the machine.

-Meanwhile, the tramp that had been guiding Emma is revealed to be one of the creatures. It attacks Emma while Trip tries desperatly to rescue her.

-Patrick and Jen are ambushed by Vicktor himself. Before he can kill them, Elisha ambushes him and kills his agents. Viktor holds Patrick and Jen hostage and Elisha attempts to negotiate with him. He releases them, but decides to kill Elisha anyways. Before he can fire, Elisha uses his mechanical hand to smash the pumping system on the machine. Viktor escapes, realizing that the machine is now dispersing it's gases into the sewers. Elisha follows, but begins to inhale some of the gas, damaging his lungs. Jen performs a basic healing on Elisha, but he is still too weak to fight.

-Elisha returns to the Boheme and contacts an engineer friend of his. Together, they rig up a respirator and generator system for Elisha, allowing him to breath during rigorous activities and increasing his combat capabilities.

-George and Trip manage to kill the creature attacking Emma. Emma is still in shock, so George and Trip take her and begin to return to the Boheme, pursued by more of the creatures in human form.

-Brian, still too weak to fight Jen and Patrick directly, summons a demon which attacks them shortly after they encounter Elisha. They begin to use magical force against the creature.

-Elisha, now with refreshed lungs and repowered limbs, attacks and disperses the creatures attacking George and Trip. Trip returns Emma to the Boheme. George goes directly to help Patrick and Jen banish the Demon. Jen manages to successfully banish the demon. All of the crew retreat to the Boheme.

-Charles phones the chief of police and claims that Trip caused the Tinker's Row Massacre instead of Brian.

-Viktor sends out Black once again to hunt down Emma.

-The crew momentarily rests on the Boheme. Jen and George calm Emma down. Elisha ponders the situation and voices his concerns and questions to the Captain. The crew rests for the night.

-Patrick has uncomfortable dreams and awakes in the middle of the night. He stays awake the rest of the night fueled by coffee and building automatons, including a mechanical dog.

-The next morning, Elisha recieves a letter at breakfast, instructing him to meet a Lord Woolsley and to bring Emma. Emma, Trip and Elisha go to Lord Woolsley's Manor. The Lord reveals a lot about the plans and the creatures they have been fighting. The plans were actually made by Emma's grandfather, who was help captive four years ago by the creatures in Alaska. The creatures need a hybrid version of their engines that could work on Earth. Woolsley's part of the Secret Service attempted a rescue (With the help of local privateers, including a younger Elisha, this being the mission in which he lost his limbs). Emma's grandfather was dead by the time they arrived. They took the plans, but the airship carrying them was destroyed. The plans only emerged later, in London, under the ownership of Hiram, who gave them to Ben Hudson, who gave them to Emma. It is revealed that the creatures have control of most of the Russian government, and parts of the British Government. The British Secret Service is in a state of chaos, as it fights a secret war against itself.

-Woolsley agrees to help them, but is interrupted and killed by Captain Black, who is foiled by Trip in his attempt to kidnap Emma.. Emma, Elisha and Trip make their way make to the Boheme. They are stopped by the police, but escape in the chaos when Black and his agents and pirates run into the police. Nate also appears and attempts to stop them, but is flung off the dock by an impatient Elisha.

-The Boheme takes off. Black attempts to grab onto the side of the ship, but is knocked off by Patrick's new mechanical puppy, who he has dubbed "Scraps".

-The crew agree to set course to Boston to interview Emma's parents.

-Patrick creates the detection goggles and the heat rounds, giving the crew their first effective means of combating the creatures

-Meanwhile, Charles reflects on his first experiences with Time Travel. Remembering Trip's involvment in illegal time travel, he obtains a permit to bring Trip in to the Time Police personally, meaning he will be the only person after Trip at the moment.

The Boheme in Boston

-The Boheme lands in Boston and the crew disembark and go to the Lighton's house.

-Once there, Emma's mother mistakes Trip for George, revealing that she recieved a letter that said that George intended to marry Emma.

-Meanwhile, Ivo Van Cuyk arrives in London, looking for work.

-After some awkward moments, Emma is able to explain the situation to her parents

-Her parents reveal a connection between her, her grandfather and Lord Woolsley

-A package, myserteriously from Lord Woolsley, arrives, containing documents in an alien script - Emma's parents reveal the key to breaking the code is within the mechanisms of a clock, carried by Emma's brother, Walter, who is on a boat somewhere near Florida

-At this moment, George spots Black closing on the house. Emma's parents flee the house and the crew leave to make their way back to the Boheme.

-Black and his crew of humans and creatures catch up to and confront the crew of the Boheme. Elisha holds of the majority of the creatures with the new heat rounds while the rest of Black's crew chase Emma. The crew of the Boheme fight Black and some newly arrived creatures, revealing that Black has some form of shielding against their weapons. However, Trip uses a device to quickly evacuate them to the Boheme, where they reunite with Elisha and take off for Florida.

-As the Boheme heads to Florida, Emma confronts George about the letter he sent to her parents, claiming he was to marry her. George leaves her, but begins to realize that he still loves her, despite her romance with Trip.

-Before the Boheme can reach Florida, Charles attacks from a submarine, with Brian O'Landry as well. The Black Service men quickly capture Trip and retreat to the submarine, vanishing before the Boheme can do anything.

-Brian remains on the Boheme to kill Patrick and Jen. Elisha attempts to stop him but is beaten easily by Brian's magic. Brian begins to strangle Jen and Patrick is forced to shoot his brother, putting him on the brink of death and permenantly crippled.

-Despite protests by other crew members, Patrick takes Brian's conciousness, but not his memories of evil deeds and places them in a new, artificial body. The result is named Cain.

-Meanwhile, Brian's former demon-slave confronts Charles, seeking vengeance for Brian's "death". Charles directs the creatures towards Russia. On reaching Russia, the blood-demon reveals itself to the Tsar. The Tsar and his ministers then reveal that they are the alien creatures and agree to an alliance with the blood-demon, now known as Amon.

The Boheme in Florida

-George spots the boat that Walter, Emma's brother, works on. The crew of the Boheme descend to the boat.

-Walter gives Emma the clock, the key to decoding the papers.

-Meanwhile, Jen collapses on the deck and sleeps, mentally and physically exhausted from her encounters with Brian.

-Back in London, Charles puts Trip on trial. The jury finds him guilty and he is sentenced to hang the next day.

-In Florida, Black manages to catch up to the Boheme and Walter's boat at sunset. He makes a surprise attack, disabling the Boheme and forcing it to crash in the Florida swamp.

-Captain Hudson is alone on the Boheme. He surveys the damages and determines he will need to find civilization and parts if he has any hopes of repairing his airship.

-Black and his men then descend to the boat and paralyze Walter and Emma, kidnapping Emma and taking her onboard the Star.

-Elisha manges to get Jen and the clock safely into the lifeboat. Patrick, Cain, Scraps and Walter also make it to the lifeboat, while Black begins to bomb the boat. Elisha is knocked into the water before he can reach the lifeboat. He washes ashore and cannot see the lifeboat or wreckage of Walter's boat. He decides to look for the nearest town.

-Trip is taken to the Time Court by Charles, who seeks to punish Trip at the highest level. However, before Trip can be prosecuted, a mysterious doctor arrives and proves that Trip is infact the inventor of Time-Travel - thus he cannot be executed or the entire Time Court would cease to exist. Out of reverence for the first Time-Traveller, the court ejects Charles and sends Trip back to the Boheme, where he meets Elisha.

-With the help of Cain and Scraps, Jen and Patrick find the Boheme as well. Soon George appears to Jen and informs the crew that Black has Emma in New Orleans. At that moment, Captain Hudson arrives with some locals and spare parts.

-Patrick uses the parts and his command of engineering and magic to repair the cripplied Boheme.

-The Boheme takes off, making the short flight west to New Orleans

The Boheme in New Orleans

-George reveals to Emma that the Boheme and it's crew are ver much alive. She instructs him on how to damage the engines of the Eastern Star, setting out the first stages of an eventual rescue attempt.

Persons of Importance to the Current Plot

The Crew of APF Bohème

Emmaline Lighton

Professor George Lewestine

Captain Ben Hudson

Patrick O'landry

Jennifer Sheenan

Thomas William Taylor the Third

Elisha Kettell

Allies of The Bohème

Captain Adriana and the Crew of the Angelus

The Crew of the Hattori Hanzo

Captain Ned Canning and the rest of the Crew of the Steel Breeze

Dr. Lakshmi Marleybone-Smythe

The Villians

The "Creatures" a mysterious race of aliens that has infilitrated our world, especially the nation of Russia

Various Russian Agents, including the twisted chemist Viktor H. Erebus.

Capt.Hieronymus Black and the Crew of the Eastern Star (Deceased, Eastern Star destroyed)

The blood demon Amon, seeking vengeance for it's master's death

Charles Tayle and an obscure branch of the British Secret Service

An insane Nathanial Walker - now a being know as Triplicate-Nate, having a concious that controls not only his own body, but those of Ms. Butcher and Oliver, who were crewmates on the Boheme

Brian O'Landry, blood-mage and brother of Patrick O'Landry (Deceased, reincarnated as the construct Cain)

Other Persons Involved in the Affair

Gertrude Babbage

Ivo Alexander Van Cuyk

Officer Upjohn

Crew of HMAS York, including it's Captain Sir Thomas Knight

Col. Hiram Merriwether

Dr. Oliver Cross

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