Brackbill Reunion, 1948

From Brackbillwiki

Saturday, August 14, 1948

87 members of the Brackbill clan gathered at the Mennonite Church, Strasburg, Pa. for the second reunion of the family.

The president, Mr. Landis Brackbill, jr. presided. Scripture was read by the Rev. Irwin Brackbill, and following a moment of silence in memory of those members of the family who died during the year, the Rev. Moses Brackbill led us in prayer.

The president welcomed the group, saying that 100 invitations had been sent. He introduced Mr. Maurice T. Brackbill of the Eastern Mennonite College, Harrisonburg, Va. who spoke on "Life". Our historian, Mr. Martin Brackbill, Jr. gave the second installment of the family history.

The president called for a short business session. The minutes were approved as read. The treasurer reported a balance of $35.50. Mr. Martin Brackbill, Sr. said the fence had been erected around the Brackbill graveyard, and arrangements made with the farmer to cut the grass. The balance in the cemetery fund is $139.60.

After some discussion it was moved, seconded and and carried that we meet on the third Sunday in August in the Strasburg Mennonite church]].

It was suggested that we give a contribution to this Mennonite church for their over-seas relief work. It was moved, seconded and carried that a collection be taken, from which the janitor be paid and $5.00 be given the church for relief, and the balance put in our treasury.

It was moved, seconded and carried that the treasurer be authorized to pay all bills which may arise during the year.

The president called for the election of new officers. It was moved, seconded and carried that all officers be re-elected.

The president asked every one to register.

The collection amounted to $23.07

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.

A number of families gathered around the tables out doors for a picnic supper.

Respectfully submitted
Lucile Brackbill
Recording secretary

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