
From Bluesockapedia


Exo-Politics is a song by Muse. It's an alright song. But Burning Bandits was far better. Exo-Politics is a shining example of Rich Costey's vandalism.


Looking for the Muse song? Then fuck off to Musewiki.

A term applied to any system of government where politicians are not native to a planet. For instance, John Prescott is a Slitheen. This example from British politics (n.b. Britain is a fictional country from 'RL') perfectly illustrates the principle of Exo-Politics where extra-terrestrials take positions of political power.

Often linked with Exo-Political economies are the Zeta Reticulans who are frequent visitors to other worlds since they are the extraterrestrial equivalent of an uncle with bounday issues (seriously, what's with the anal probing?) who frequently invites himself over for the night without telling you until you wake up to find his... [Jasmine: "ok Mike, that's enough, stop there!"]

The only country known to actually exhibit an Exo-Political system of government is Jasmine's Bra where they are ruled by sperm who migrated from Andy's Underwear.

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