From Bluesockapedia
Nogli, also known as Nick Pollard in Ghana, is a trampoline from New York, Tokyo. He is considered the most powerful man on the planet, with 56,352 HP, and 491 technique points.Early life
Nick began life as Trevor McDonald, presenting news on ITV, before moving to the only channel now available; Pee3. He is considered the most dangerous journalist in the entire world, as he has been known to take on Osama bin Laden, mano-on-mano. After relieving the world of terror, Pollard was given a special commendation, earning him the right to live free, and not having to pay anything, ever. Using a special card, he would present it to a cashier, and would let him have his goods for free. However, Pollard used this card in Monopoly, but accidentally replaced it with a Chance card (which, incidentally, says 'Go to Jail').
TV Soap career
Pollard went on to play Eric Pollard in the highly acclaimed, and popular soap, Bummerdale. His character is a mean old wrench, who lights sleeping with old women, and killing the young, more sexy ones. His character is also a true alcoholic, much like his real life persona.
Rage virus incident
Pollard, much like Zane Lowe, is invulnerable to the Rage virus. This was discovered after he took a bath in a sample of the virus, and began to make fountains, by splurting the blood out of his mouth.