Talk:【Beyond Good and Evil】
From Beyond A Wiki
Anybody is allowed to chat/discuss/comment/request/ask questions or whatever here...however we ask that anyone choosing to do so please be considerate of the posts of other people. The very nature of wiki is such that anyone can edit anything anyone else has said, so please respect that which has already been said, and if you MUST edit something, only edit that which you yourself have posted. If discussions get out of hand, or editing priveleges are abused, this discussion area will be locked. We want this to be a user-friendly place for anyone to post their thoughts or anything about the information in this wiki or about the fic in general. Don't be a jerk and ruin it for people who want to have a real discussion. ^_^ We know some of our theories are...unorthodox. So if you have any thoughts on them, please let us know!
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