11 Footnotes

From Beyond A Wiki


Wow. Haven't needed any of these in a while.  :o These are all applicable footnotes from Chapter Eleven of the Final Fantasy VII fanfiction story, Beyond Good and Evil. This is not a source of official canon information and, while all of the information stated herein is based on and derived from what is given in canon, this information is not and can not be considered official or supported by the game creators or developers.



We Seem to be Having a lot of Weather Today...

As Gaia is mostly water, it stands to reason that the planet's climate relies heavily upon ocean currents. When Aerith summoned Holy, the Lifestream gushed up out of Northern Crater and poured over the world, saving it from Meteor. However, due to all the ice in that region, and the fact that the Lifestream is actually warm, the summoning of Holy would have resulted in a massive amount of ice melting and dumping into the ocean, effectively interrupting the flow of the climate-regulating ocean currents, resulting in a short miniature Ice Age that could have rectified itself over the course of one year, as precedented by the miniature Ice Age of Earth during the Industrial Revolution, caused by a slight melting of the polar ice caps due to the sudden influx of greenhouse gasses. The miniature Ice Age of Earth was rather unimpressive--aside from the strange weather and the fact that it was snowing in July, nothing was really affected, and the following year, the climate had essentially righted itself. Following in this same global climate regulatory pattern, Gaia would realistically experience a very cold year following the eruption of Holy.

Why~ Didn't I Take the Blue Materia?

What Reno didn't realize was that Kadaj wasn't using Summon materia. Though a Summon materia would have been necessary to summon Bahamut Sin, we see a distinctly blue materia--a summon materia--glowing in Kadaj's arm. This, coupled with the fact that Bahamut Sin appears and actually fights on the material plane, rather than apparating and casting a spell before vanishing again as do the other summons of FFVII, leads us to believe that Bahamut Sin was summoned with the help of support materia, in much the same way as Zirconiade was summoned in Before Crisis. Please see this entry for some clarification.

The Good Old Days?

It is in the opinion of the authors that the Turks' official department name of 'Department of Administrative Research' is far more apt than the fandom gives it credit for. A lot of people subscribe to the idea that the Turks have always been assassins, and that this department title is simply cover. We seek to cancel this subscription; it makes little sense for ShinRa to have needed an elite team of assassins over thirty years ago, when Vincent Valentine was a member of the department. ShinRa was only just starting to delve into the fields of mako technology, and had little opposition at the time. Why would the company bother to come up with a cover-story for a secret team of 1337 assassins? Obviously, the department used to have a normal mundane duty to fulfill. Please see our Turks Information Page for our full theory on how the Turks began, and each member's introduction to the team, as well as some further back story on some of the lesser known playable characters from Before Crisis.


A former bodyguard of Don Corneo, Rafe's specialty is his outstanding ability to wield twin handguns with deadly accuracy and blinding speed. Growing up in the slums, his prowess with firearms earned him a seat on Don Corneo's cabinet of bodyguards. It was said that「銃を見た時には、既に死んでいる」, 'by the time you see the barrel of his gun, it's too late'. But after spending many years in the slums, he was tired of the politics that overran the scene in Wall Market and sought a new lease on life.

It was around that time that he got an offer from the Turks. Knowing that his dissatisfaction with his situation wasn’t likely to go away, and that his defection would not be kindly looked upon by the Don and his cohorts, he accepted, leaving the world below the plate and its intrigues behind. Cool headed and a consummate professional, he carries out his orders, and he carries them out well. There is only one major flaw Rafe has, and that is, to be specific, that he carries his orders out in his own way. He has spent almost his whole life under the plate, and quite a bit of time in the Don’s employment, and as a result, he is used to doing things as he so chooses. When he was offered a place in the Turks, he took up the role, knowing that it would put his skills to the test. However his brash and unorthodox "underground" style of carrying out missions often brought about failure on his part, much to the chagrin of his peers. He often came to loggerheads while on his missions because he suddenly had protocol to follow, and team members he had to work in tandem with, and it was all very jarring for the youth. But it was something that he had to get used to if he was to succeed in a formal working environment, especially one like the Turks, where the ability to follow orders and do things exactly the way Veld and Tseng want them done was paramount to his success and survival. But what he lacked in self-restraint and strategy he more than made up for in enthusiasm and passion for his work, and eventually it all evened out. Despite his lack of reservations and tendency to fly off the handle, his skill with his guns is legendary and unmatched, and while his induction into the department might have been rocky, his ability to shoot the wings off a fly from fifty yards has saved the lives of his comrades on more than several occasions.


Native to Icicle, Cyr is perhaps every bit as cold and merciless as her hometown. As a mercenary, she has seen a lot of battle and is accustomed to taking orders, regardless of how bloody or greusome they might be. As such, she adjusted to her new job on the Turks' payroll easier than some or her peers. Thoroughly no-nonsense and businesslike during missions, she gets her work done with minimal fuss and maximum efficiency. She is level-headed, alert and perceptive, frequently able to assess a situation and take the most prudent course of action. A skilled martial artist, she uses a style that demonstrates high levels of agility and kicking. She uses a special kind of attack style that involves twisting herself in the air mid-jump and kicking out at her opponents that, when executed just right, leaves her opponents dazed and often incapacitated.

She almost exclusively uses male speech patterns. It seems that having worked as a mercenary for as long as she has (naturally, most of those mercenaries were men), she just sort of picked up on their speech and behavioral patterns. She became, essentially, "one of the guys". That's not to say that she’s butch, exactly, because there are things about her and the way she acts sometimes that are distinctly feminine, however she is most decidedly a tomboy if nothing else, and has just grown accustomed to being the way she is and probably doesn't even give it a second thought anymore.


Raised in Mideel, (presumably) the only daughter of a well to do family, Samantha is the epitome of genteel breeding, and has developed a taste for particular (somewhat eccentric) hobbies that accord with that breeding. She is very much "daddy's little girl", as it is implied that her parents doted on their daughter, and she was given the best of everything. Her love for hunting was instilled in her at a young age, and her skill in that area--and her expertise with the shotgun in particular--what was caught the attention of the people that recruited her into the Turks. She loves showing off and constantly tries to outdo herself, and, thus, immediately accepted the offer to become a Turks when it was presented. Samantha is a fan of big game hunting, and it shows in her work as well. While big missions incite a certain zealous enthusiasm in her, the smaller missions don't really hold her interest. Samantha is a rather flashy person with a flair for the melodramatic, and has a tendency to act a little spoiled. However she has a firm grasp of who she is and is confident in what she can do. She often comes across as a bit over-the-top as a result of her enthusiasm.
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