15 Footnotes

From Beyond A Wiki


These are all applicable footnotes from Chapter Fifteen of the Final Fantasy VII fanfiction story, Beyond Good and Evil. This is not a source of official canon information and, while all of the information stated herein is based on and derived from what is given in canon, this information is not and can not be considered official or supported by the game creators or developers.



No, we are not making this up. Rude actually did date a girl named Chelsea who was a spy for AVALANCE. In Mission Six of Before Crisis, which takes place in January of 1991, the relationship comes to a head, although the length of time Rude may have been seeing Chelsea prior to this episode is unspecified. Things go down pretty much the way Reno details through the course of the chapter (though some of the dialogue and inner monologue was improvised on my part), but if you'd like to read the script, you can check it out here at Gunshot Romance.
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