From Beyond A Wiki
These are all applicable footnotes from Chapter Three of the Final Fantasy VII fanfiction story, Beyond Good and Evil. This is not a source of official canon information and, while all of the information stated herein is based on and derived from what is given in canon, this information is not and can not be considered official or supported by the game creators or developers.
Say What Now?
You may notice as scenes from Advent Children are revisited over the course of the story that the dialogue doesn't always match up with the English dub, or the subtitles you may have seen. That is because we didn't like all of the interpretations represented by preestablished translations, and decided to illustrate our own take on the dialoge of Advent Children. After finding a copy of the Japanese script, translations were made directly from it, and interpretations and liberties taken from that. So while the gist of the dialogue is no different, and the meanings of scenes won't change, the actual verbatum dialogue will probably be slightly different from that which you may be used to.
We'd Like to Thank the Academy
Obviously, as Gaia is not Earth, the customs, vernacular, and all around culture of Gaia is not going to
be that of Earth. However, rather than come up with an entirely new culture and having to create a whole encyclopedia for every nuance thereof, we decided to go with a slightly less cumbersome option: parallels. Logically, as Gaia is a relatively advanced civilization, there would be many culture congruencies between the people of Gaia and the people of Earth. So when you see a reference to something, such as Academy Awards or titles of books, foods, places, or recreational activities, be advised that we are not necessarily referring to that specific thing or place--rather we are making reference to what the Gaian equivalent would be. The Oscars probably don't exist in Edge...but certainly a civilization that has digital technology and airships can produce forms of cinematic entertainment, and have some manner of awards ceremony for high acheivment in that field. Same goes for works of literature: Gaia may not have Shakespeare, but surely they had great playwriters somewhere in their history. Italy does not exist on the continents of Gaia, but wouldn't it be a shame if the people of the planet had never eaten spaghetti? It Wutai can be likened to China, surely there is an equivalent to other places on Earth. Any time a reference is made to something that logically could not exist by name on another planet, please just think of it as the cultural Gaian equivalent. It's easier for everyone that way. ^__^