Lily Maiden

From Betweenlines


[edit] i'm falling straight down;;

Physical Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Countenance 4
Mental Attributes: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
(Please italicize favored abilities and (put Specialties +n in parentheses) Exaltation: Heroic Mortal (Demon-Blooded)

  • Martial Arts 1
  • Resistance 2
  • Performance: 4 (+2 Dancing)
  • Presence: 1
  • Integrity: 2
  • Investigation: 1
  • Lore: 2
  • Occult: 3
  • Craft: Air 2
  • Linguistics: 3
  • Socialize: 2
  • Awareness: 2
  • Dodge: 3
  • Athletics: 1
  • Ride 1


  • Resources 3
  • Contacts 2
  • Influence 1

Compassion: 2 Conviction: 3 Temperance: 3 Valor: 2

Essence: 1
Health Levels:

[edit] where our failings are forgiven;

While I cannot give you the love of the man you desire, I can give you a dream of his love.
If that is all I can ever have, then I will take it, my lord, and pay your price.

Lily Maiden always grew up on the outside. Her young mother, a noblewoman of the court of one of the myriad kingdoms in the Hundred Kingdoms, went mad shortly after she was born, and all she remembers of her mother is a pale, silent shell, staring at the wall, locked in what seemed like an eternal dream, who was always sleeping but always/never dreaming (there were whispers that she could not dream, anymore), until at last she died, quietly, one winter when the snow was falling: her grandmother took care of her, shielded her from the inevitable rumors about her parentage, about the whispers of how she was a walking blasphemy, born from her mother's sin, but Lily grew up isolated, hidden away. Educated well, yes, as befitted her station in life, but a life spent in solitude and staring out a window, all the while knowing that she did not truly belong, waiting for something, anything, to reveal what she was there for. What her purpose was. Even what she is, for the pull of two worlds is strong in her, and she cannot fully deny her own nature, even as it drives her onward.

When her grandmother died, Lily slipped out of the guarded rooms, like a bird slipping out of a gilded cage, leaving behind all she knew to seek...something. Anything. She wanders now, a wandering dancer, and drifts...seeking.

(Lily, though she knows it not, is a Demon-Blooded child of the Second Circle demon Makarios, the Sigil's Dreamer. Her mother loved a knight of the court passionately, but while he liked her well enough, was not in love with her, for he loved the queen with all his heart. And then he rode away to war, and never came back: in her grief over his death, she dreamed of him, and the strength of her dreams brought Makarios to her, who offered her a dream of the knight, a dream in which he had loved her true and not loved the king's wife, in exchange for all her dreams that she would ever have, and she accepted it. Lily was the result of the dream-tryst.)

[edit] save the fairyland we live in;

Lily is a slender, delicate girl, small and slight, and very pale, lovely but somewhat...eerie, dressing in long, simple white dresses much of the time. She wears her long white hair with ribbons and lilies-real ones if she can get them, silken ones if she cannot-and has strange, rainbow-shimmering eyes. She smiles rarely, and when she does, even her smile is touched with the edge of dream and darkness to it, even without intending anything by it.

She moves with floating grace.

[edit] the world falls apart;

i fall down/straight down/save the fairyland we live in/where my failings are forgiven

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