Esther Shalev

From Betweenlines

[edit] Basic Information

(Available on campus database)
Name: Esther Shalev
Age: 19
Major: Communications
Major: Linguistics
Minor: Political Science
E-mail: eshalev@(schooladdress).com
Forwards to: esther.shalev@(somethingorother.) Phone: None listed

[edit] Appearance

Height: 5'6
Build: Short, toned
Hair: Brown/Often dyed or spiked, generally sea green
Eyes: Brown
Style of Dress: Either very tame - tank tops and jeans, or very NOT - leather pants, industrial boots, spiked or studded armbands. Has at least a dozen small rings in her left ear.

[edit] Rumors

(Players can feel free to add comments, made-up rumors, etc. about the character.)

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