Alex Meriweather

From Betweenlines


[edit] Introduction

Alex was born in San Diego, the fourth son of older parents. Nerdy and a bit funny-looking, he had something of a lonely childhood, spent mostly indoors reading books and playing around with puzzles. High school was particularly annoying, as it tends to be, and he fled as soon as he could to the first place out of state he could get a full scholarship. Thus, somehow he ended up in Iowa.

His childhood interests in incredibly detailed fiddly little mind games and desire for a decently-paying job led him to pursue his current focus of cryptography- strictly, he's a math/Computer Science double-major, a sophomore concentrating on theory. Unfortunately, this has led him heart deep into the depths of nerdry, and he feels a bit trapped by this. He likes being constantly social, and prefers to be around more... err... culture than that, though he'd never hold anything against someone for not being so. Normally, he pays no attention to computer games, but it seems to be the sort of thing everyone he knows is doing, and maybe he'll meet someone nice?

No kindness when there's lack of dignity
Politeness has to join simplicity
No caution without pure sincerity
Compliance has to join with bravery

[edit] Character Sheet

Alexander Meriweather
Mastigos Mage, Silver Ladder (pendingish)
Prudence / Sloth (Fear)


Str * Dex *** Sta **
Pre ** Man **** Com **
Int *** Wits ** Res ****


Academics **
Computer ** (Theory)
Occult **
Politics ** (Unofficial Power)
Science **

Athletics *
Stealth **
Weaponry *

Empathy ****
Expression **
Persuasion ** (Favors)
Socialize ***
Subterfuge **

Init5 Def2 Spd9 | Health 7/7 | Morality 7
Gnosis * | Mana 6/10
Exp: 12 Spent: 95 | Willpower- 3/6


Mind ***
Space **
Forces **
Spirit *
Prime *

Allies (Hackers) **
Allies (Librarians) ***
Contacts * (Silver Ladder)
Destiny **
Eidetic Memory (Hearing) **
?? (Dr. Levert there) **

-**, Control Sound. Int+Sci+Forces.
-*, Tune In. Int+Sci+Forces.
-*, Read Matrices. Wits+Sci+Forces.
-*, Supernal Vision. Wits+Occ+Prime.
- *, Spirit Tongue. Pres+Soc+Spirit.

[edit] Descriptions and Elaborations

No mildness without some solidity
No power without simple honesty
No courage without justice joined within
Good nature and discretion makes a team

Age: 21. (As of Nov. 12thish.)
Basic Description: Alex is about 5'8", with light green eyes, very pale skin, and naturally white, curly hair that he wears in dreadlocks for lack of knowing what else to do with it. He's got small features, a very Roman nose, and annoyingly obvious hips. (Neither character nor player are entirely sure of his ethnicity, if it matters.) Despite the mix-and-match, he's somewhat attractive and knows how to carry himself well. Usually wears conservative clothing, long-sleeved pale-colored shirts and slacks, likes sandals. Image (DeviantArt)

Armor: 0
Equipment: Various small notebooks filled with scribblings, a refillable mechanical pencil and two or three colored pens. Most of the scribblings are minor ideas, to-read references, and playing around with different methods of language obfuscation.

Theme: Trying a number of things; primarily dealing with trance and general studying.
Path: Brass coin (choker ornament) (pending :3)

[edit] Notes

Alex's Notes - Things he's doing, for player reference.
Shortfic for Alex - Things between the scenes/solo stuff.
Playlist - Yeah.

Resolve 3 - 15
Computer 2 - 6
Destiny 2 - 4
Socialize 2 - 6
Socialize 3 - 9
Occult 1 - 3
Winter Downtime: Mind 3, Space 2, Prime 1 - 18, 12, 7 (37)
Occult 2 - 6
Contacts 1 (Silver Ladder) - 2
Ally/Mentor/?? (Roland) 1 + 2 - 6;

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