022: Car
From Best Pants Ever
Previously, Ken found a wallet holding a check to $500,000. He returned it to a nearby police station where the owner had actually been there soon after reporting it. Ken’s reward was $10,000. Ken plans to use some of it to buy him and Jess a new car to replace the dead one in Cincinnati.
022: CAR
$10,000’s not a bad amount after returning a man’s wallet, ey? Jessica searches Google maps for a few car dealerships to try out, but has to wonder if they should just wait until they get home. It’s decided that he’ll go ahead and get it here, then figure out all the lovely paperwork later. So with that, let the car hunt begin!
The group arrives at the car dealership, having gone west a ways into Miami itself. Even though it’s Ken and Jess looking for a car, the others also get out to look around as well. They see a nice line of cars, some that look too expensive, and some that look like a decent price, but the car seems too small.
A salesman makes his way to Mara and Brenna asking how they’re doing and if they’re finding everything alright. Mara says they’re just looking while friends are choosing. The salesman (who we’ll call Brad… despite he’s a fake person, but still protecting his real ID anyway) then tries to push the girls into buying one (like those typical cartoon and sitcom salesman you just want to smack around) , but the girls say they’re fine and try to walk away, but the salesman follows. Mara asks politely for him to leave, Brad does so, finally.
Lawrence, Ashley, and James are off looking themselves. Lawrence is wondering if one day he’d trade in his car for another, but thinks the one he has is good enough for a few more years. Ashley begins to wonder what the future brings with the first car she’ll drive. She imagines herself on a warm summer day with a nice breeze and the hood of her car down. Then reality hits when she sees herself on a cold thunderstormy day driving her sisters around. Her smiles becomes ‘ugh’ frowns. James is looking around for a possible new car in place of his dead one in Cincinnati. As far as color is concerned, he’s looking for something red or blue, possibly both. Another salesman, (who we’ll call…) Jeff, makes his way to those three. Lawrence and Ashley claim to just be looking, but has James deciding if he wants to get one. At this point in time, it’s not in James’ best interest to get one and will wait until he gets home.
The Messerolls are still looking around, but Ken believes to have found a possibility. It’s slightly larger than the car he left behind in Cincinnati, and costs about $13,000. Ken is able to get the car, but wonders if he should wait until he gets home, despite that the car would make traveling much easier. Ken then thinks about a rental, but may not want to go through that process, cause of leaving the RV behind all day where other people could park. Ken begins to wish him and James never won the eating contest. Ken blames his and James’ stomachs for not giving in sooner.
Moments later, Brad returns, and this time, bugs James’ group. He tries to pressure Lawrence and James to getting a car. Both guys decline and that they’re waiting for friends to get done deciding. Brad though then tries his persuasion to make them think different. Unfortunately for Brad, it’s not working on the guys. Brad gets a little wrest-less then decides to ignore them, and head to the Messerolls. Brad doesn’t get much help from them as Ken says they’ve already been helped. Finally, Jeff calls in Brad to talk. (We never know what’s said, aww)
After one hour of searching and the group kind of going crazy still at the car dealership, it’s decided that Ken will forgo the search and actually settle on getting a rental, so they can at least travel and park without a problem. The only negative side, at least in Lawrence’s case, is they’d need the use of his car. However, before anything is discussed, James decides to rent one too, just so nothing bad happens to Lawrence’s car. It’s decided then that they’ll go to a renter. Before that takes place, Lawrence requests a break by returning to Holiday Inn and driving home to check on his dog. The rest agree and head back to the hotel.
Next Adventure: Ken and James go car renting! What will become of the RV? Also, kittens. Again.
Completed: January 23rd, 2013
Submitted: February 23rd, 2013