
From Ben10versepedia

When Ben, Gwen, and Max first arrive at Sparksville in "Tourist Trap", they meet the mayor of the town. The mayor speaks in a monotone voice with a slight southern accent and has a completely unfazeable attitude (as do most of his fellow citizens), even as toothpicks the size of javelins are being launched into the ground around him, to which he calmly responds, "There go the world's largest toothpicks. Oh, the humanity." He also is not surprised at all by the sudden presence of Upgrade. The mayor matter-of-factly recognizes the destruction of his town as being the Megawhatt's doing, though Ben was responsible for a good portion of it.

The mayor seems to have extensive experience with the Megawhatts and how they think. About the only thing he didn't know about them is what they really were; he dismissed the explanation of their being aliens as "just plain kooky talk", despite his explanations being equally implausible. After Ben traps the multiple Megawhatts in the world's biggest goldfish bowl, the mayor promptly turns it into a new attraction: the biggest lightbulb in the world.

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