House Royce
From Asoiaf
House Royce is sworn to the Lord of the Eyrie.
House Royce is an ancient House.
279 AL Waymar Royce was born.
Jeyne Royce married Jon Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie. She died in childbed, her daughter stillborn.
Ser Waymar Royce took the black and had been a Sworn Brother for less than half a year when given command of his first ranging. He rode north from the Wall with Gared and Will for nine days on the track of a band of wildling raiders. Will scouted ahead and found their camp with all the wildlings apparently dead. Gared and Ser Waymar quarreled about what to do next, Gared wanting to return and Waymar wanting check out the wildlings more closely. Gared claimed the wildlings froze to death, but since the Wall had been weeping lately Waymar claimed this was not possible. Waymar ordered Will to show them the camp. Leaving Gared to guard the horses Will and Waymar walked the last stretch to find the camp empty. While Will was in a tree scouting the Others came. After a swordfight the Others slew Ser Waymar Royce and disappeared. Will had climbed down to survey the scene when Ser Waymar came back to life and strangled him.
Living members
- Lord Nestor Royce
- Ser Albar Royce, his son