
From Asoiaf

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The last of the River Kings was slain by the Storm Kings who conquered all the way to the Neck.

Harwyn Hardhand, King of the Isles, took the Trident from Arrec the Storm King.

During the Wars of Conquest Edmyn Tully, Lord of Riverrun and many other river lords deserted Harren the Black, King of the Isles, and joined Aegon the Dragon.

Harren and his line perished in the burning of Harrenhal. Aegon rewarded Edmyn Tully with the dominion of the riverlands.

282 AL Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Jon Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie married Catelyn and Lysa daughters of Lord Hoster Tully at Riverrun.

During the Battle of the Trident Robert Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End fought Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, King Aerys II's heir, at the ford. In the end Robert's warhammer smashed the chest of Prince Rhaegar. When Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell came to the scene men from both sides were scrabbling for rubies knocked of Rhaegar's armor.

During Greyjoy's Rebellion Rodrik Greyjoy was slain at Seagard.

293 AL Will was caught red-handed pouching in Mallister's woods. He chose to take the black rather than lose a hand.

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