AD Short Stories ~

From Asaction

hay, this is mah latest creation..

cuz i figured that liek.. i like writing stories right? and i like you guiz.. lots.. oh hecki down right luv ya!

sooo.. i decided that i cant rly write stories with long chaps.. but i cant write them with a few (not well but hey i dont run outta st00f to say so fast) anyways, so i thought well why not write indivudul stories about diff. ADers... so yeah..

first up, is kohikkis! right now im lazeh ad dont wanna fancy up this page with links.. but i will.. maybe tonight.. but yeeaaah.. so enjoy!

linky to the thread!

hey since this got moved to teh fanfiction folder this wnt be just.. limited to ADers if ya want a story writtn about ya lemme know! idk when ill get it done tho. which wont be for awhile seeing as im lazeh :P

also this is currently on hiatus while my spazzy brain works on other stuff lol.

ADers and thier stories!

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