
From Aryez

Book 11 of the Marfat

11: Struggle

1. We are not alone in our trials.

2. When we struggle, we should remember

3. that God is with us, feeling our

4. pain and struggling with us. God

5. is always there for us; we are never

6. alone. Therefore, never loose hope, and

7. those who despair should take heart! When all

8. seems lost, God will provide a way.

9. Do not retreat within yourself in

10. defeat, in silent submission to the Devil,

11. like a coward; rather go to your

12. duties and live your life to its fullest

13. potential as God would have you do.

14. God is the eternal friend of the

15. sufferers and will bring relief to

16. those who need it.

Commentary: The promise of God is that He is an eternal friend, sharing our pains, and helping us. So even if He seems remote, He is always by our sides. He never breaks His promises. If one has faith in God, God will provide a solution to any problem. To turn away from doing good or doing your daily duties in the face of problems is cowardice and silent acknowledgement of defeat, a victory for the force of evil.

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