Aryezi Names

From Aryez

Aryezi Names are names given to people in Aryez. A similar order is followed in Arzor.

Aryezi names are somewhat complicated and consist of several aspects and parts. The different parts of a name occur in a specific order. In addition, many people have a different number of names depending on status or personal preference. It is sometimes hard to identify a person's true "first name" and "last name" as is common in Western cultures. Women take the clan and family names of their husbands upon marraige. Children inheret their family names from their fathers.

Order and Rules

The following is the order, precedence, and rules of naming in Aryezi:

Title: A person's title always comes first. A person might have several titles, all of which occur before any further name. Examples are Kaza (Mister/Miss), Khör (Lord/Lady), and Ghazi (Doctor)

Clan Name: Most Aryezin belong to large units composed of several families known as clans. Clan names come first, after title. Many Aryezin however, do not have clan names.

Family Name: The family name always comes after the clan name. Every person has a family name.

Personal Name: This name always follows the family name and is a person's personal name, the name that their family and friends call them in informal situations. The honorary Ar (sir, lord) may be added to this name.

Formal Name: This is an optional name. Some Aryezin add a formal name to their personal name, which always follows their personal name. The formal name usually has some special meaning. It can be transcribed as what Western cultures call a "middle name." The honorary Ar (sir, lord) may be added to this name. Once "Ar" is added to the personal name it is added to the formal name and vice versa. *** "ar" which is pronounced "aar" should not be confused with the Aryezi word "årr," which is an Aryezi term refering to the male reproductive organs.

Epithets: One or more epithets, or extra names describing a person may follow the formal name. These are also optional, and usually unofficial.


An example of a name with all the possible aspects and part of the name is that of the First Emperor of Aryez (Akhilesh I):

Ruhanruhar Aratal Arturai Mejörkhör Ar-Äkhilëc Ar-Aryeztur Ardaçïl Menalkar

Titles: Emperor of Emperors (Ruhanruhar), High Priest (Aratal)

Clan Name: Arturai (Great Kings)

Family Name: Mejörkhör (Great Lord)

Personal Name: Ar-Äkhilëc (Sir Akhilesh, Translation of Akhilesh: Lord of the Universe)

Formal Name: Ar-Aryeztur (Sir King of Aryez)

Epithets (a descriptive word added to somebody's name): Ardaçïl (Great Victor), Menalkar (One who is glorious)

A simplification of this would be the Family Name and Personal Name taken together and this is how names are commonly given unless for official reasons. Therefore: Mejörkhör Äkhilëc, or in Western Order, Äkhilëc Mejörkhör.

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