
From Apocalypseblade

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Tresdos is a Rogue Angel with the power of Nocticertus, the Angel of Darkness. In life he was a Ferdan assassin during the creation of the Warrior Angels.

File:Nocticertus seal.JPG
The Seal of Ventusamplus


In life, Tresdos was a ruthless and sadistic assassin. He operated in and around the ancient city of Ferdas, where he came in contact with Heinous, the leader of the nomadic barbarians known as the Locust Tribe. Tresdos was hired to kill Visignis, but was fought to a stalemate effortlessly by the half-angel. Visignis passed out shortly after due to exhaustion from an extreme display of fiery magic. Tresdos' instincts told him that Visignis could have killed him with minimal effort, and simply chose not to. The assassin consequently returned Heinous' money with a note saying he had changed his mind about the job and not to follow him; Tresdos was more than capable of killing the Assassins permanently in Heinous' employ. Shortly after, Tresdos lead one of three groups of Ferdan Elites against a Locust fort. The elites were able to kill 1,000 Locusts without a single casualty. During the Locusts' last stand at Ferdas, Tresdos continued to aid the Ferdan army by viciously slaughtering countless Locusts. Tresdos maintains that following his instincts keeps him alive; his instincts stopped him from killing an unconscious Visignis, and they led him out of Ferdas while Visignis' fire rain destroyed the city, and led him back shortly after. For the remainder of Tresdos' natural life, he and Visignis were close friends. Upon his death, Tresdos was granted access to Heaven thanks to intervention on the part of Cryodivus, who had kept a close eye on Visignis and those around him in Pyrodeus' stead.

When Heaven broke, Tresdos was one of thousands of angels who fell. With his free will restored, Tresdos harbored a deep resentment of God for smothering his ability to follow his instincts. Azrael created the ninth, and presumably last, of the Warrior Angels shortly afterward the angels had fallen. However, Tresdos was able to steal the black seal of Nocticertus before the angel was fully created. Wearing the seal gave Tresdos a fraction of the power, enough for him to consume it. Azrael was unable to stop the energy transfer, and all of Nocticertus' power was transferred into Tresdos.

Weapons, Powers and Abilities

Tresdos has nearly limitless powers of dark manipulation. He can fire bursts of what he calls Inverse Energy, a black energy blast that absorbs light instead of emanating it. Tresdos can use Inverse Energy to snuff light, and has abilities of stealth rivaled only by Gisichros. Like all Warrior Angels, he can teleport using his elemental inclination.

Tresdos has incredible agility; as a human his speed and agility were matched only by Visignis, and upon receiving the power of a Warrior Angel his natural abilities were coupled with those of a Warrior Angel. Tresdos is able to diffuse his existence into the darkness surrounding Etrah at will, allowing him to observe several areas at once. When he does this, he is incapable of attack until reverting to his corporeal form; however he also can only be killed if all of the darkness around Etrah is purged (an impossible feat for anyone but God and, when using all of his power, possibly Pyrodeus).

Tresdos carries twin hookswords, infused with Inverse Energy allowing Tresdos to make them appear and disappear at will. He is skilled with the weapons; in life he was capable of inflicting immense pain and irreparable physical harm to humans with his weapons. With his new power, he is theoretically able to flay and dismember far greater entities as well.

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