Talk:Main Page

From Ancient Ways

OK, so we don't actually have a Forum. But if/when we do get one, may I suggest the following rank-structure? (Credit: Amicus clarissimus Publius Nonius Severus, who we really ought to see about talking into joining our Society, as he knows everything worth knowing and has lots more ideas where this came from.)

Goes like this:

Icons for Board-Ranks

Socius is anybody who's posted at least once.

Sodalis is a Member of Ancient Ways and has at least 20 posts

Eques has at least 100 posts...we're pretty sure s/he'll be around a while

Senator is either a financial supporter (site fees and such) or an actual member of our Senate

Magistrate is one of our Duly-Electeds (or Appointeds)

What it'll look like on the Board:

Board-Rank Display

Kewl, huh??

...OK, now let's go woo that Severus fellow!

-- MariPere' 17:32, 14 January 2007 (EST)

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