Rogatio Sandbox

From Ancient Ways

Revision as of 21:10, 26 February 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
I created this sandbox to play with content and formatting before modifying the actual "Stolen
Rules" to reduce the number of edits and make it easier to compare differences. 
After researching a lot of organizational bylaws and similar documents, I have re-formmated
 quite a bit of the language. Basically what this does is take all of the redundant language
(i.e. selection process, terms of office, etc.) and groups it all together at the beginning of
each article so when you get down below all you have is duties and responsibilities which makes
it much easier to read.  If you don't like it this way, we can keep it the way it was
I also fear I may have been unintentionally leading you astray with all of my ideas on
restricting speaking, motions, voting, etc. both in the Senate and in the Comitia.  This language
below does not have any of that.  Let's start with an "A" again.  For all intents and purposes   
all members of the Senate, both permanent and ex officio have the right to make motions, speak,  
and vote.  No more curule/non-curule business.  All members of the society have the same in the  
Comitia.  If things get wild and crazy, we can always restrict things later.  The only
priviledges are the right to call for votes and commence elections reserved for the Consul and
Tribune (see below for specifics).
Lastly, for the changes between this and 2d revision 2d you will find comments like this after  
the modified language.  I have also included a new, simplified chart below so you can look at  
language and the chart with less switching between pages.  Once we agree on 3d language we can 
copy and paste this into the "Stolen Rules" page and I will update the chart.


I. Magistrates

A. Positions, Selection, Terms, and Qualifications of Office

This section gets rid of all those redundancies making the language shorter and easier to read

1. The magistrates of the society shall be one (1) Consul, one (1) Censor, one (1) Aedile, and one (1) Tribune.

2. All magistrates will be elected by the Comitia.

3. All magistrates will serve a one (1) year term except the Censor who shall serve a two (2) year term.
It should be noted that the Censor will only be an ex officio' seat per your wishes.  The
Censor does not have to be a permanent Senator.

4. There are no restrictions of the number of terms that a magistrate may serve but no magistrate may serve consecutive terms except for the Aedile.
Gotta keep good Aediles around!

5. All magistrates will sit ex officio in the Senate only for the duration of the prescribed term of office if not already a permanent member of the Senate.

6. The qualifcations required for any magistrate will be adopted by a resolution passed by the Comitia if necessary.
I have removed any reference to standarized qualifications.  Let's start with an "A", eh?

B. Duties and Responsibilities

1. Consul
a. Execute all resolutions of the Comitia and senatus consulta of the senate.
b. Convene and preside over the Senate.
c. Call for a vote in the Senate.
d. Convene and preside over the Comitia.
e. Call for a vote in the Comitia.
I have given d & e back to the Consul in order to make sure business gets taken care of.
f. Commence elections in the Comitia.
g. Pronounce veto against the actions of all other Magistrates except the Tribune.
h. Appoint assistants to aid in carrying out assigned duties and responsibilities.

2. Censor
a. Conduct the annual Census and maintain the list of members accordingly.
b. Process application requests to join the Society and decide upon them accordingly.
c. Maintain the list of Magistrates and Senators accordingly.
d. Manage all financial matters of the Society.
e. Issue edicts as appropriate and not in contradiction of existing rules required to fulfill assigned duties and responsibilities.
f. Appoint assistants to aid in carrying out assigned duties and responsibilities.

3. Aedile(Aedilis)
a. Administer and maintain the Web site of the society.
b. Administer and maintain the message boards of the society.
c. Issue edicts as appropriate and not in contradiction of existing rules required to fulfill assigned duties and responsibilities.
d. Appoint assistants to aid in carrying out assigned duties and responsibilities.

4. Tribune
a. Convene and preside over the Comitia.
b. Call for a vote in the Comitia.
c. In the absence of the Consul commence elections in the Comitia.
d. Pronounce veto against the actions of all other magistrates.
e. Intervene on behalf of any member in a dispute between that member and another magistrate.
f. Resolve disputes between members.

II. Senate

A. Positions, Selection, Terms, and Qualifications of Office

I have simplified the Senate language as well by incorporating initial and subsequent Senator
1. The senate of the society shall consist of five (5) senators with a permanent seat. The longest serving senator will be designated the Princeps Senatus.

2. The initial membership of the Senate will be elected by the Comitia. The Senator elected with the majority of votes will be designate the Princeps Senatus. All subsequent senators will be selected by the Censor.

3. All senators with a permanent seat shall remain in the Senate as long as they remain qualified and desire to serve at the discretion of the Censor.

4. The qualifcations required for any Senator will be adopted by a senatus consulta (advice of the senate).
After the Senate is initially formed, let them decide who should be eligible to join.

B. Duties and Responsibilities

1. The Princeps Senatus shall convene and preside over the Senate in the Absence of the Consul.

2. Approve all financial matters of the Societas.

3. Assign duties and responsibilities not otherwise assigned to include governing of the Colleges of the Society and appointment of representatives (Legati) to external organizations.

4. Provide guidance to the Magistrates, Comitia, and the Society as a whole using their deep body of knowledge of the inner and outer workings of the Society based on their perceptions and experiences.

5. Issue senatus consulta regarding the administrative, financial, and external affairs of the Society.

Simplified Chart

Duties, Rights, & Responsibilities

Duties & Responsibilities Consul Tribune Censor Aedile Princ. Sen. Senator Sodalis
Execute Resolutions and SC's X - - - - - -
Veto All Lesser/Equal Magistrates X X - - - - -
Veto All Magistrates and Actions - X - - - - -
Settle Disputes Between Members - X - - - - -
Intervene in Disputes vs. Magistrates - X - - - - -
Conduct Census - - X - - - -
Approve and Maintain List of Members - - X - - - -
Approve and Maintain List of Senators - - X - - - -
Approve and Maintain List of Candidates - - X - - - -
Maintain List of Magistrates - - X - - - -
Manage Financial Matters - - X - - - -
Maintain Website - - - X - - -
Maintain Message Board - - - X - - -
Issue Edicts X - X X - - -
Appoint Assistants X - X X - - -
Preside in the Senate X - - - - - -
Call for Senate Votes X - - - X - -
Introduce Senate Motions X X X X X X -
Speak in the Senate X X X X X X -
Vote in the Senate X X X X X X -
Preside in the Comitia X X - - - - -
Call for Comitia Votes X X - - - - -
Commence Comitia Elections X X - - - - -
Introduce Comitia Motions X X X X X X X
Speak in the Comitia X X X X X X X
Vote in the Comitia X X X X X X X
Duties & Responsibilities Consul Tribune Censor Aedile Princ. Sen. Senator Sodalis
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