Entity Specials/list of companions

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[edit] Starting Characters

[edit] Fourth Doctor

The Bohemian, famous for a very, very long scarf. Somewhat crazy-eyed and alien. Absorbed the entity created from A fallen agent of the Alphanaught created by SkekPhoe Probably the best known of all the Doctor's incarnations. If you don't know who Tom Baker is, close your eyes and think of Doctor Who. That's him.

  • Accent Upon The Wrong Syllable: He tended to draw out his vowels a fair bit.
  • Action Hero: In his earlier adventures and entity specials, Four would have little problem leaping into action, such as in "The Sontaran Experiment", but nearly all of his later adventures feature the Doctor more willing to give the monster-of-the-week a jelly baby than engage in fisticuffs. Ironic, considering he was hired to be a younger, more energetic Doctor...? Of course, keeping in mind that he was in the role for seven years, going from being forty to almost fifty during this time, this gradual slowing down does begin to make a bit more sense.
  • Adorkable
  • Anti-Hero: Type II.
  • Badass Longcoat
  • Beware the Nice Ones: The friendly and childlike Fourth Doctor is also the Doctor who took place in the longest and most brutal fight in the show's history, when he spent an episode and a half playing cat-and-mouse with his opponent in "The Deadly Assassin".
  • Big Eater - Shows up Quite a bit in Heavenly Bride.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Catch Phrase: "Would you like a jelly baby?"
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: The most eccentric of the Doctors, though Eleven is currently giving him a run for his money.
  • Compelling Voice
  • Distressed Dude: Seriously, HOW MANY times has this Doctor been captured, kidnapped, tied up, locked up, drugged, knocked out, imprisoned, tortured, etc.? Sometimes it happens to him more often than his own companions! The Fourth Doctor is just as bad as the Third.
  • Einstein Hair
  • Famous Last Words: Pre-Entity - "It's the end...but the moment was prepared for.", Post-Entity - "This World...Is just Too Small"
  • Genius Sweet Tooth
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Plummeted off a satellite tower after saving most of the universe from The Master, Survival courdacy of SkekPhoe's MissingNo.
  • Hotblooded Sideburns
  • Iconic Item: The scarf. Always the scarf. And Jelly Babies. To a lesser extent, his Nice Fedora plays a part, especially when combined with his iconic curly hair.
  • Large Ham: Even his eyes are hammy.
  • Man Child
  • Nice Hat
  • No Indoor Voice
  • Obfuscating Stupidity
  • Pokemon Speak - The Arm he uses to utilize MissingNo.'s Powers.
  • Scarf of Asskicking
  • Shonen Upgrade - In each of the six Video Games.
  1. At the Start of Hand of the Heavenly Bride, he absorbs the Entity due to SkekPhoe's Plot Warp
  2. In the True Ending of Sentinels of the Starry Skies, He Enters Great demon mode and smites Lunarita. He gets better after the final boss fight with Adric Leading the way...
  3. The TARDIS undergoes an Upgrade in Chrono Trigger
  4. The Doctor Regenerates into his Fifth incarnation
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Jelly Babies, of course. Ginger Beer was his favorite drink, but it didn't come up nearly as often.

[edit] Nth Doctor aka Princess Zelda aka Raydia Elric (2nd Authoress) aka Bonnie Anderson

  • Distaff Counterpart: To the Fourth Doctor.

[edit] Adric

A snotty teenage maths geek from E-Space, annoying in the way that snotty teenage geek-boys usually are, but a well-meaning kid all the same.

  • Anti-Hero: Type II
  • The Artful Dodger: It's even part of his character concept.
  • Berserk Button: Adric puts a girl in a stranglehold for trying to take his math badge. In his first scene.
  • BFG: Used for a very weakly executed but surprisingly effective one-man Big Damn Heroes moment near the end of "Warriors' Gate."
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: In addition to his Healing Factor, the Companion Chronicles reveal that Alzarians' hearts are on the right side of their chest cavity.
  • Dead Older Brother: Varsh. He keeps his belt as a memento.
  • Fake Defector: And HOW. Considering he does this three times over the course of his time in the TARDIS ("State of Decay", "Castrovalva," and "Kinda"), it's not surprising that a lot of fans accuse him of "always siding with the villain."
  • Good With Numbers
  • Guile Hero
  • Healing Factor: You'd think it'd be a massively useful trait for a companion to have, given the scrapes they get into, but Adric's Healing Factor is only mentioned twice - in "Full Circle" (his introductory story) and again in "The Visitation".
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Towards Monarch in "Four to Doomsday." Turning the entire population of Earth into androids to rid them of disease sound like a good idea to you?
  • Human Aliens: Adric's species has three forms, only one of which is humanoid.
  • Iconic Item: His mathematical excellence badge. Seeing it shattered on the floor of the TARDIS after the end credits of the True Ending where he leaves for his Chronicles of Adric bookseries makes the Silent Title Screen all the more powerful.
  • Informed Ability: For a supposed genius, Adric doesn't come off as being particularly intelligent.
  • Insufferable Genius: Most fans place the emphasis firmly on 'insufferable'.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: To an extent. The "jerk" part doesn't really emerge until season 19, but ultimately he still cares.
  • Little Stowaway: how he got on the TARDIS in the first place.
  • Love Makes You Crazy: In The Boy That Time Forgot, he tells Nyssa that he had the entire City of Excellence built so that he could bring her back to him and make her his bride.
  • Mr. Vice Guy: Driven by a desire for approval and acceptance.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Ability-wise, Adric is a surprisingly well-equipped companion, demonstrating proficiency in lock-picking, sleight-of-hand, and knife-throwing, amongst other things. The catch? Most of them only get used in one story, two if it's really lucky.
  • Teen Genius
  • Walking the Earth: During the Chronicles of Adric

[edit] Nyssa of Traken

Daughter of Tremas, who got his body possessed by the Master at the end of Fourth Doctor serial The Keeper of Traken. Famous for the skirt removal bit in Terminus, which the actor herself has described as "a gift to the fans". One of the more accomplished TARDIS pilots among the companions; she was even able to fly it solo (with assists from Tegan in Castrovalva and Adric in The Visitation).

  • '80s Hair
  • Angst? What Angst?: The implications of her tragic backstory are barely mentioned in the show, but the Expanded Universe would make use of all her emotional baggage.
  • Ascended Extra: Was never intended to be a companion, until producer John Nathan-Turner decided otherwise.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: "Arc of Infinity". She pulls a gun on the Time Lord President, amongst many others. Sarah Sutton notes in the DVD commentary how unusually trigger-happy Nyssa was in this story.
  • Brainy Brunette
  • The Bus Came Back: She rejoins Five, Tegan, and Turlough for a few audio adventures 50 years later (for her) and immediately after the events of "Enlightenment" (for them).
  • Closer to Earth
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: In her Companion Chronicle The Darkening Eye. With Tegan. Naturally, She Got Better.
  • Expanded Universe: In the Big Finish audio series, teenaged Nyssa travels for a long time with the Doctor (presumably between the TV stories "Time-Flight" and "Arc of Infinity", during which interval Tegan as been kicked to the curb). Later, she rejoins the Doctor at a period after "Terminus", but while it has been only a few weeks or months for the Doctor and his companions, it has been decades for Nyssa. This plot twist allows actress Sarah Sutton to play the character closer to her real age.
  • Giant Poofy Sleeves
  • Hot Scientist
  • Human Aliens
  • I Choose To Stay: She leaves the TARDIS crew to stay on Terminus and try to restructure it into a proper hospital.
  • Innocent Aliens
  • Last Of Her Kind: The rest of Traken died in "Logopolis".
  • Nice Girl
  • Odd Friendship: With Tegan, who is almost her polar opposite.
  • Plucky Girl
  • The Quiet One: In comparison to Adric and Tegan.
  • Teen Genius

[edit] Tegan Jovanka

A brash Australian, inadvertently kidnapped from 1981 just as she was about to start a new job as a flight attendant. Created to help sell the show to Australia. Once described herself as "just a mouth on legs". One of a very few companions seen to pilot the TARDIS, albeit not very well. Longest-serving companion if you count by consecutive years active.

  • '80s Hair: The short, Sheena Easton variety.? Executive Meddling actually made Tegan have the Eighties Hair, amusingly enough. Producer John Nathan-Turner somehow thought that fans might somehow mistake Janet Fielding for Adric in long shots. It's a miracle that Ms. Fielding didn't take the guy's head off.
  • Beam Me Up, Scotty!: Tegan's supposed fondness for using "Rabbits!" as a swear word. She actually only uses it twice.
  • The Cat Came Back: The Doctor eventually got her back to where she wanted to be (Heathrow, about to start her new job), but several months too late. She returns in the next season, having lost her job before she even arrived and managed to find the TARDIS again (by accident).
  • Demonic Possession: Guess who becomes the Mara's host both times it shows up?
  • Department of Redundancy Department: "How do we find the index file? Of course, if we had an index file, we could look it up in the index file under 'index file'! What am I saying?!"
  • Line-of-Sight Name: How the character was named. Nathan-Turner was either going to choose Tegan, for an Australian friend's niece, or Jovanka, after the wife of Yugoslavian president Josip Broz Tito. Script-editor Christopher H. Bidmead read Tegan as the first name and Jovanka as the last name. The rest, as they say, is history.
  • Odd Friendship: With Nyssa.
  • Plucky Girl
  • Sexy Stewardess
  • Tsundere: Heavily Type A, the deredere being nearly vestigial.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2 with Adric. They seem to care as much as they bicker, especially when one of them gets captured.

[edit] Takeru Takamoto

[edit] Ryou Ninomiya

[edit] Hikari

  • Stay in the TARDIS - If neither she or Takeru are the focus of the book/audioplay
  • Combat Healer

[edit] Akari

[edit] NPC Companions

[edit] Hand of the Heavenly Bride

[edit] Main Character 1

The Hero of the first videogame in the entity special, though not The Chosen One. The only son of Pankraz and Mada, he has been traveling around the world with his father for as far back as he can remember. Possesses a natural touch with monsters, managing to earn their trust and loyalty with surprising ease.

  • Blow You Away: Many of his offensive magics are wind elemental.
  • Brown Eyes: Though so dark they can pass for Curtains Match the Window with his black hair.
  • Canon Name: Madason
  • Cosmic Plaything
  • Disappeared Dad - Becomes one.
  • Determinator: Nothing the villains throw at him (and they throw a lot) causes him to stay down for very long.
  • Fluffy Tamer
  • Hello, Insert Name Here
  • Heroic Mime - Played straight, but also played with: You get to hear two sides of the same conversation at one point, making clear that a simple Yes/No prompt on one side doesn't equate the hero saying just Yes or No.
  • The Unchosen One - Although the player character of Dragon Quest V wasn't actually "The Legendary Hero," of folklore, he was still the driving force behind the eventual defeat of Grandmaster Nimzo, and his cronies. Ironically, you don't even have to bring the real hero along!
  • Improbable Age - Begins his adventuring under the player's control at six. Prior to this, he's been traveling around with his father for basically his entire life.
  • Konami Yoshida - Voice his child self in the Drama CDs
  • Made a Slave
  • The Medic - Learns several healing spells.
  • Missing Mom
  • Ryo Horikawa- Voices his adult self in the Drama CDs.
  • Secret Legacy - Starts out unaware of his past or the full truth of his heritage.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong / Stable Time Loop - Though sadly he also finds he can't fight his father's fate.
  • Strong Family Resemblance - Becomes more obvious as he ages.
  • Taken for Granite - Also And I Must Scream if he is actually aware of time passing.

[edit] Bianca Whitaker

Daughter of the Roundbeck innkeeper, Bianca is the main character's childhood friend, and two years older than him (as she's very quick to remind him). A complete Tomboy as a child, she does her best to keep a positive attitude no matter how terrible things seem.

  • Child Mage - Qualifies as one during her ghostbusting stint.
  • Diabolus ex Machina - If not chosen as the hero's bride in the original game, proceeds to get utterly bodyslammed by this, as everything gets worse for her. Thankfully Averted in the remakes.
  • First Girl Wins - Knew the main character even before the game proper begins, being his childhood friend and all.
  • Girlish Pigtails - As a child.
  • Hair of Gold
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy - Assists the main character with the Engagement Challenge despite her own feelings for him, and would have left them completely unvoiced if Nera hadn't figured it out and spoken up on her behalf.
  • Just A Stupid Accent - In The Remake English translation for DS, one of the reasons people finds her hateable.
  • Maria Kawamura - Voices her in the Drama CDs
  • Jack Of All Trades - As far as the brides go; she's still more magically-inclined.
  • Official Couple - Most official media features her more heavily than the others, and use her son/daughter for the promotional artwork. The game itself also heavily pushes her as the 'correct' choice, particularly in the original. See Diabolus ex Machina above.
  • Plucky Girl
  • The Pollyanna
  • Remember When You Went Ghost Hunting: She certainly does and will constantly remind you in case you forgot.
  • She Is All Grown Up
  • Tomboy
  • Victorious Childhood Friend
  • Battle Couple - Becomes one with the main character.
  • Blue Eyes - In the status menu, Bianca's are sky blue; Nera's are darker to match her hair; Debora's are icy blue. Official arts are other stories.
  • Chekhov's Gunman - Although all three of them have the potential, the one the main character marries will always turn out to be the woman destined to be the mother of The Chosen One.
  • Express Delivery - Courtesy of Gameplay and Story Segregation, though NPC chatter makes it clear more time passes than the player might realize during their travels.
  • Happily Adopted - None of them are actually related to the folks who raised them. None of them care about this.
  • Playing with Fire - All of them learn Kasizzle, though their exact spell lists vary.
  • Missing Mom - Gets torn away from her children and husband for ten years.
  • Secret Legacy - Descended from a Zenithian bloodline; hence, Heavenly Bride.
  • Taken for Granite - Mixed with And I Must Scream, if aware of her predicament.
  • Whip It Good

[edit] Parry Gotha

The main character's son, and almost the spitting image of his father (though he may not share his hair color). A cheerful, amiable child and later a hot-blooded, headstrong young man, he loves traveling with his family and seeing the world.

  • Cheerful Child -> Adult Child - or at least a Teen Child
  • The Chosen One - Yup, turns out Pankraz was searching for his future grandson all along.
  • Combat Medic - Learns Omni-Heal, making him even better than his dad.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords
  • Hot Blooded - Amusingly, if Debora is his mother it's implied he gets it from her.
  • Idiot Hero - Justified, given that he's only eight. Grows out of it in the eight year timeskip that follows the final Time Lord Intermission before everybody hops aboard the TARDIS
Parry: "Everyone's happy! H-A-P-Y! I mean, H-A-P-P-Y!"
  • Keet
  • Konami Yoshida - Voices him in the Drama CDs
  • Lightning Bruiser - With a dash of The Medic thrown in. Just like Daddy!
  • Potty Failure - In several Party Chat conversations in the third and final interlude, he alludes to having trouble with wetting the bed.
  • Shock and Awe
  • Shonen Hair - Mostly in the form of big, spiky bangs. Also very fitting, given his age.

[edit] Madchen Gotha (Tabitha, Hand of the Heavenly Bride)

Daughter of the main character. Inherited his gentle hand with monsters, and loves playing with them just as much as she does with more traditional pets, like kitties and puppies.

  • An Ice Person / Playing with Fire
  • Badass Princess
  • Child Mage
  • Detect Evil - Can sense evil presences and direct her family towards them. Gets it from her grandmother.
  • Everything's Better With Princesses - Though her title isn't used much, and she makes no real effort to remind anyone of it.
  • Every Girl Is Cuter with Hair Decs - Two tiny little bows just over her ears, outgrows them during the final timeskip
  • Everything's Cuter With Kittens - Talk to a cat while she's in the party, and Party Chat with her afterward. Nine times out of ten, she'll be delighted.
  • Fluffy Tamer - Shares daddy's love for monsters, and often laments their bad reputation.
  • Friend to All Living Things
  • Innocent Prodigy - Talented and knowledgeable mage capable of considerable insight, particularly when compared to her brother, and likely to become an experienced adventurer... while retaining her childish innocence and outgrowing herfear of heights and the dark and her naivety.
  • Kae Araki - Voices her in the Drama CDs
  • Plucky Girl
  • Squishy Wizard - Skill-wise, she tends to take after her mother; this is most obvious when it's Nera, and least obvious when it's Debora.
  • The Unchosen One - Her brother can use the Zenithian equipment; she can't. This doesn't stop her from helping to save the world.
  • Summoner - she wants to invoke this trope when she grows up, guess what magic she can do once she hops aboard the TARDIS
  • Weapon of Choice - Notably goes all over the place - Her spellcasting would suggest that she favor staffs, but her sprite carries around a rapier-style blade, and she can also use whips with ease. Her original SNES sprite did show her holding a staff at all times, though.
  • Why Did It Have To Be So High? - Afraid of heights, and extreme darkness to a lesser extent. Eventually grows out of it for her induction into the TARDIS Crew

[edit] Both Twins Share

  • Badass Adorable
  • Badass Family
  • Blue Eyes - To match their mother's.
  • Half-Identical Twins
  • Harmful to Minors - Poor kids have to deal with a lot, being adventurers at their age. The remakes drive this home with Party Chat; some of what they say after certain traumatic events is just heart-wrenching.
Madchen: "...Mister Doctor, sir? Can you hold my hand?"
  • Hello, Insert Name Here
  • Hero of Another Story - Party chat will reveal that the twins spent a long time looking for their mother and father. So much so that one can roughly piece together where they went and what they did before running into the Doctor and before joining his TARDIS Crew
  • Improbable Age - They start adventuring with the Doctor at the tender age of eight, much like their mother did with their father.
  • Meaningful Name - Their default names are partly derived from their grandparents: Pankraz -> Parry and Mada -> Madchen.
  • Parental Abandonment - Their parents had been turned to stone shortly after they were born.
  • Pink Girl, Blue Boy - During Childhood Parry's outfit is entirely blue, while Madchen wears a dark pink/purple cape, and official art shows her white robe has a very light pinkish tinge to it.
  • Strong Family Resemblance - Both are compared to their father more than their mother. Parry's happy with this; Madchen is more disappointed that she isn't told she resembles her mother more often.
  • Stay in the TARDIS - Kicks in when Neither of their parents are involved in the story.
  • Superpowerful Genetics - Parry is the Legendary Hero; Madchen has inherited a host of evil-sensing powers from her grandmother. Both learn plenty of powerful spells, including several not learned by either parent.
  • Theme Twin Naming - See Meaningful Name above. Obviously, it's up to the player whether or not this is played even straighter or Averted.
  • They're All Grown Up
  • Unto Us a Son and Daughter Are Born

[edit] Sentinels of the Starry Skies

[edit] Main Character 2

The Hero (or Heroine) of IX, a Celestrian who has recently begun their training to become a guardian, protecting the mortal realm and tending to the Great World Tree, Yggdrasil. But when something goes horribly awry, the trainee winds up stranded in the mortal realm, and at the start of a perilous journey to learn the root of the world's problems...

  • Can't Drop The Hero
  • Character Customization: Mix and match your favorite Eye, Hair and Costume Tropes!
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: That's their job, after all.
  • First Girl Wins: if you choose a female character, She's the first one of three (ten if you count the second girl's seven "siblings") girls to fall in love with Adric, She even had a running gag of stealing his Iconic Badge, the true ending sadly subverts this...
  • The Hero: Duh.
  • The Hero Dies: Companion death has always been very rare, the same is said this very trope. The true ending shows the Doctor regaining control of his body to his Hands all bloody and the realm of the mighty slammed into the surface of the Earth, killing off all the Dinosaurs and making way for Man... with you along for the ride. The effect is Intensified by silently having the start screen over a picture of Adric's badge (Which she swiped sometime between Goretress and The Realm of the Mighty), smashed beyond repair.
  • I See Dead People: Part of your job as an Celestrian is to help restless souls to the afterlife.
  • Hello, Insert Name Here
  • Heroic Mime
  • Humanity Ensues
  • Our Angels Are Different
  • Rookie Red Ranger
  • Spoony Bard: Always starts as a Minstrel. Amusingly, this is due to the people of Angel Falls taking one look at your character's Celestrian uniform and thinking, "Well, they're dressed like an idiot, what else could they be?"
  • Third Person Seductress: A shockingly well supported option for customization.
  • Vague Age: Age is never brought up (beyond being one of the younger Celestians at "less than 300 years old").
  • Virtual Paper Doll
  • Winged Humanoid
  • You Can See Me?: Hears a lot of this, thanks to their Celestrian abilities.

[edit] Stella

A spunky, pink-winged Fairy Companion who accompanies the hero on their travels, keeping a record of everything that occurs. She serves as comic relief for the Entity Specials.

  • Brown Eyes
  • Cannot Spit It Out: She tries to tell you her dream, but keeps tripping up on the words. You eventually find out after she's done it and become a nail artist.
Interestingly, while that might be doing nails in a salon (which fits her personality), the game also gives you that title for getting Rank 4 in Claws. So maybe she was doing weapons training?
  • Dark Skinned Blonde
  • Dub Name Change: From Sandy to Stella.
  • Every Girl Is Cuter with Hair Decs: Wears a big pink flower that's nearly the same size as her face on the side of her head.
  • Everything's Better With Sparkles
  • Fairy Companion
  • Invisible to Normals
  • Malaproper
  • Multiple Choice Past: In the same game, numerous bonus quests hint at different origins for her. She's either the reincarnation of a young girl, the reincarnation of a very nasty Gittish Queen named Stellestria, or Celestria's little sister. Stella believes the "little sister" one, but Celestria says she feels all of Zenus' creations are her siblings.
  • Pungeon Master: Chances are that if she's not speaking in Unusual Euphemisms, she'll be punting frequently. She manages to give Teddie a run for his money.
  • Unusual Euphemism: "Flap," or "Flapping." Used every other flapping sentence. Just how flapping foul-mouthed is she, really?
  • Valley Girl: Kogal, actually, a specific Japanese variant.
  • Verbal Tic: See Unusual Euphemism. She says it that much.
  • Winged Humanoid
  • Zettai Ryouiki

[edit] Aquila

A seasoned guardian who has taken the hero under his wing and been showing them the ropes. Known to be one of the best, Aquila takes his job very seriously, and is known for being strict, yet not unkindly so. Once oversaw Angel Falls himself, but has just passed that duty down to his apprentice.

  • Bald of Awesome
  • Crutch Character
  • Eleventh Hour Ranger: Joins during a post-game DLC quest.
  • Expy: His character design is Tenshinhan from Dragon Ball with wings instead of a third eye.◦ It could be Piccolo as well, seeing as he's the hero's teacher. Also, the way he saved the life of said hero.
  • Failure Knight: Especially when he hears of his apprentace's death.
  • Fake Defector: Pretends to side with the Gittish Empire in order to infiltrate it and free Corvus. Arguably doubles as Honor Before Reason.
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • Our Angels Are Different
  • The Mentor
  • Mentor Ship: Was quickly shipped with the hero. Of both genders.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard
  • Sempai Kohai
  • Stern Teacher
  • Winged Humanoid

[edit] Erinn Hiltney

A young girl with big shoes to fill and even bigger dreams. At one time, her father was a famous innkeeper, and after learning of this legacy, she wishes to follow in his footsteps and develop a world-renowned inn of her own...

  • Blue Eyes
  • Eleventh Hour Ranger: Joins during a post-game DLC quest.
  • Expy: Her character design is similar to Pan's, instead with purple hair and an apron.
  • Ill Girl: A key part of her and Edwinn's backstory.
  • Oblivious to Love
  • Plucky Girl
  • Punny Name: Erin + Inn = Erinn.
  • You Gotta Have Purple Hair

[edit] Patty

Head of the fantastic Quester's Rest establishment which follows the Doctor and his Companions into the TARDIS, Patty has a reputation for being quite the organizer. She's even earned the playful nickname 'Patty the Party Planner'. Anyone who needs help setting up a solid group just needs to consult her, and she'll set them straight in no time!

  • Added Alliterative Appeal: Her nickname.
  • Cool Big Sis: To Erinn.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She used to be an adventurer like the hero, but after her beloved partner was butchered by monsters with Patty utterly powerless to save her, she retired in despair. She tries her damndest not to let it show, but the hero's exploits end up making her nostalgic, leading to her DLC recruitment quest.
  • Eleventh Hour Ranger: Joins during a post-game DLC quest.
  • Every Girl Is Cuter with Hair Decs: Catches her hair back in a dark ribbon.
  • Mythology Gag: She's a reference to Ruida, who ran the tavern back in Dragon Quest III; originally, they shared the same name, but now she shares her name with Patty the Party Planner of V (who was also named Ruida in the Japanese version of that game).
  • Shout Out: Probaly unintentional, but there's another person working in the inn named Sellma.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

[edit] Ginny

Runs the Rainbow's End Gold Bank inside the Quester's Rest. Briefly protests Erinn's arrival, reminding Patty that she made the same promises about Ginny helping the inn re-establish itself after she first showed up.

  • Stay in the TARDIS

[edit] Pavo

A Celestrian who has the ability to open the Rapportal, which bridges the gap between alternate universes and allows people to cross between them, however briefly. Rather than hanging out at the Observatory, she prefers the Quester's Rest.

  • Bare Your Midriff
  • Invisible to Normals: She hangs out in an inn full of people, but only the Hero can see her. There's a portion of the game where your character loses the ability to see spirits and Celestrians, but for some reason you can still see Pavo.
  • Our Angels Are Different
  • Stay in the TARDIS
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl
  • Winged Humanoid
  • You Can See Me?: Always says this to the hero no matter how many times you talk to her.

[edit] Sellma

An intrepid merchant who runs the exclusive service known as the DQVC, which offers exclusive items for tantalizingly brief periods of time. Postgame DLC reveals that she's also a secret agent working for UNIT to capture the notorius Al Capinne.

  • Eleventh Hour Ranger: Joins during a post-game DLC quest.
  • Every Girl Is Cuter with Hair Decs: Wears her hair up in a green bow.
  • Hair of Gold
  • MIB
  • Punny Name
  • Shout Out: While possibly unintentional, she works in the inn with a girl named Patty.

[edit] Abbott Jack

The heart and soul of Alltrades Abbey that agrees to Migrate the whole of the abbey into the TARDIS. This elderly priest has the power to help others change their profession, becoming whatever they wish to be with the blessings of the Almighty.

  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: When you fight him, his Woosh spell always goes haywire, while the chance of your spells going haywire is much lower. On top of that, it hits all your party members for 40 damage, while your party probably has about 70-95 HP.
  • One-Winged Angel
  • Punny Name: "Jack of Alltrades"
And his One-Winged Angel form? "Master of Nu'Un".
  • Stay in the TARDIS
  • Tragic Monster: Thankfully, he gets better.

[edit] Marion and Marionette Bloome

The daughter of the richest family in town. She struggled with a terminal illness all her life, but suddenly got better. She now spends her time showering people who please her with gifts. However, there are rumors that she's become absurdly naive, and seems to have an extremely volatile temper...

  • Cloudcuckoolander
  • Dead All Along: The Doctor Ressurects her with the Dragonballs of Planet Toriyama
  • Hair of Gold: Paired with Blue Eyes.
  • Ill Girl: And no, she did not get better... at least until the Doctor uses the Dragonballs to wish her back (believing her to be "Marion"'s one true friend)
  • The Ingenue
  • Punny Name: Marion has a twin sister (that used to be life-sized doll of herself) named - wait for it - Marionette.
  • Mood Swinger
  • The Reveal: Marion is already dead by the time you reach Bloomingdale. The Marion we see is Marionette, her favorite doll that was given sentience by the power of a Fygg.
  • Tsundere: Usually very dere-dere, but when those mood swings kick in...

[edit] Chrono Trigger

[edit] Chrono ()

Our hero. A young boy from the village of Truce in 1000 A.D. who lives with his mother and cat. Doesn't say much to many people, but becomes quite the hero after being sucked back in time.

  • Always Save the Girl: Jumping through a wormhole to save a girl he just met ten minutes ago?
  • Anime Hair: Bright red and spiky.
  • Badass: Especially gameplay-wise.
  • Cloning Gambit: The whole scheme to replace Crono with a robot double (won in the sideshow tent at the fair) to prevent his death by Lavos.
  • Crash into Hello: This is how he meets Marle. No matter how careful you are when talking to her, this will always happen.
  • Decoy Protagonist: If you don't revive him, Marle and Lucca take the lead roles for the remainder of the game.
  • Everything's Better with Spinning: Including area attacks and group heals.
  • Everything's Cuter with Kittens: He can have up to eleven cats if you really want to spend your Silver Points...
  • Expy: Looks like a certain other spiky-haired protagonist.
  • Flaming Sword - A few Double Techs with Lucca: Flame Whirl, Fire Sword and Fire Sword 2.
And it does the inverse with one with Marle or Frog.
  • The Hero Dies: In a break from RPG tradition, Crono actually dies fighting Lavos before the end of the game, and you don't even need to revive him to win.
  • Heroic Mime: Averted due to the adaptation
  • I Am Not Shazam: His name is Crono, not Chrono. At least in English.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Crono's weapon of choice, which includes some of the most powerful weapons in the game.
  • Lightning Bruiser
  • Nice Bandanna
  • No Body Left Behind: Gets turned to ash by Lavos' wave motion gun.
  • Prophetic Name
  • Red-Headed Hero
  • Shock and Awe/Light 'Em Up: Crono eventually learns lightning-based magic (changed to "light"-elemental, even if the spell is still called Lightning, in the DS Updated Rerelease). It's supposed to be "Sky" or "Heaven", which is why he also gets revival magic and Luminaire, the über Holy spell. Light was likely the closest fit without actually using "Heaven".
  • Shonen Hair
  • Spell My Name with an S: Officially "Chrono" in Japan.

[edit] Lucca

One of Crono's friends from 1000 A.D. Lucca is very good with gadgets, a trait she inherited from her father, Taban. She discovered small pockets of distortions in time (which she dubbed "Gates") after an accident at Leene Square hurled Marle back in time to 600 A.D.

  • Action Girl
  • Badass Adorable
  • Big Damn Hero: At Crono's scheduled "execution." Of course, you could just escape on your own, but this scene is cooler.
  • Black Magician Girl: Although she really doesn't look the part.
  • Drop the Hammer: Resorts to this when an enemy is too close to shoot.
  • The Engineer: Some of her techs utilize her inventions.
  • Expy: Looks like a cross between Arale and Bulma.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: With occasional hints of Mad Scientist.
  • Girls With Guns: Her standard weapon.
Homemade Inventions: And built a couple of them herself!
  • Hot Scientist
  • Like Brother and Sister/Unlucky Childhood Friend: Towards Crono. She claims it's the former, but the way she says it, the version of the Crono resurrection scene when she's present and Marle isn't and according to this script (Warning, contains the scripts of the endings), one unused line found in the Japanese game seems to indicate otherwise...
  • Meganekko
  • Mad Scientist: A heroic one.
  • Nice Helmet
  • Personality Powers: Averted. She lacks the extreme, impulsive hotheadedness one might associate with fire.
  • Playing with Fire: She uses a flamethrower, fire magic and GRENADES for crying out loud!
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni to Marle.
  • Science Hero
  • Squishy Wizard: Slower than most, and her physical defensive qualities are somewhat lacking.
  • Wrench Wench: Uses it as a Weapon in subsequent games alongside her gun.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It's violet actually.

[edit] Marle (Chrono Trigger)

The princess of Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D., and daughter of King Guardia XXXIII. Fed up with the trappings of royal life (i.e. not being able to go anywhere without her father's approval), she runs off and bumps into Crono at the Millennial Fair. Her real name is Nadia, but she prefers to be called Marle.

  • Action Girl
  • The Archer: Uses crossbows - usually firing them but resorting to Pistol Whipping at melee range.
  • Badass Adorable
  • Badass Princess:
She's the first one to say "Screw Destiny!" when the heroes discover the Bad Future.
In her personal Side Quest she jumps through a fuckin' stained glass window to save her father.
She also becomes hellbent after Crono dies to bring him back, along with Lucca. When the whole world is telling her "you have to let go", she says Screw Destiny one more time.
  • Crash into Hello: She first bumps into Crono at the Millennial Fair, dropping her pendant.
  • Crutch Character: While she's the main healer for the most part, all her healing techs are single target only unless they're combined with somebody else; for this reason, she tends to get ditched as a healer (and thus just plain ditched) once Frog and/or Robo's magic stats get high enough for their wide-angle heal beams to be worthwhile.
  • Dub Name Change: Her real name was Marledia in the Japanese version.
  • Everything's Better with Princesses
  • Expy: Shares an iconic outfit with early Dragon Ball Bulma.
  • Generation Xerox: Bears an uncanny resemblance to the queen in the middle ages. Naturally, this becomes a plot point.
  • Genki Girl
  • Hair of Gold
  • Healing Hands: The most notable healer among the party.
  • An Ice Person
  • The Medic: Has some firepower, but not really enough to be a Combat Medic.
  • Missing Mom
  • Off Model: She has six fingers on each hand in the cover art of the Original.
  • Pimped Out Dress: The royal dress she wears in the past, a similar dress she flings off in the present, and a Fairytale Wedding Dress in the good ending on re-releases of the game.
  • Rebellious Princess
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red Oni to Lucca.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something
  • Screw Destiny: She's the first to propose it.
  • Spell My Name with an S: Officially "Marl" in Japan.
  • Squishy Wizard: She can't take as many punches as the others. A funny sort of subversion is that she has the highest natural magic defense of anyone in the party, which makes her one of the easiest characters to keep alive in the final battle against Mother Brain.
  • Strong Family Resemblance
  • Tomboyish Ponytail
  • Tomboy Princess
  • White Mage

[edit] Frog/Glenn (Chrono Trigger)

A renowned warrior of the kingdom of Guardia, hailing from 600 A.D. He was placed under a curse by Magus, and has sworn to defeat him in order to find a way to restore his true form.

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: In one of the most famous examples of an exaggerated version of this trope, he slices an entire mountain in half with the Masamune. A MOUNTAIN.
  • Badass: And HOW! Probably the most badass out of the heroic characters, despite his unassuming form or because of said form!
Badass Longhair: His human form in one of the endings.
  • Baleful Polymorph: Utterly annihi-verted. Magus seemed to have been aiming for this trope, but he missed by a wide margin.
Frog: I rather enjoy this form. And I owe it all to you!
  • BFS: Frog wields large Western-style swords, as opposed to Crono's katanas. The Masamune is particularly huge.
  • The Chosen One: To fight Magus, that is, though he initially refuses the call due to his Failure Knight angst.
  • Combat Medic: Frog has physical, elemental, and healing techs available.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Side effects of being turned into a frog may include increased strength, agility, use of a sticky tongue to draw enemies to your range, water magic, and the ability to lick people's wounds. Frog even realizes it himself.
  • Dynamic Entry: Part of his Establishing Character Moment.
Big Damn Heroes
  • Expy: His human form is Vegeta with green hair (in the specials ending, at least).
  • Failure Knight: Was unable to prevent Cyrus' death at the hands of Magus.
  • He Cleans Up Nicely: In one of the endings, Lucca sees Glenn in his human form. She then starts drooling, wondering why he never told anyone he was such a dish.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: His Slurp special allows him to, quite literally, lick his allies' wounds.
  • Insult Backfire: Magus tries to taunt Frog by bringing up his curse, but Frog quite rightly thanks him for it.
  • Making a Splash: Being a frog, he's naturally good with water magic.
  • Master Swordsman
  • Overly Long Tongue
  • Summon Magic: Frog Squash.
  • Take Up My Sword: The recipient of this, from his dead mentor Cyrus.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
Glenn: "I think I'd really lose it if I had to hurt anyone."
  • Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: SNES version only.

[edit] Robo/R66-Y/Prometheus

An R-Series robot from 2300 A.D. (serial number R-66Y, real designated name Prometheus) that Crono and friends find in the Proto Dome, abandoned by his creators. He joins the party after Lucca repairs him in order to help them get back to their own time.

  • Arm Cannon: Although he never actually uses it.
He uses it in a couple of techs. And by "uses it," we mean "fires Frog out of it."
  • Badass Automaton
  • Casting a Shadow
  • Defector from Decadence
  • Distaff Counterpart: Atropos. Joins Adric's gang of whitehats
  • Duel Boss: Not Robo himself, mind you, but his poor friend Atropos.
  • Evil Twin: Six of 'em! They're Palette Swaps, but the principle's the same.
  • Frickin' Laser Beams: Robo's other type of attack, fired from his body. Strangely, they're shadow-elemental.
  • Healing Shiv: His lasers can be tuned to Shadow-element implements of destruction, or healing rays.
  • I Owe Lucca My Life
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: No pun intended. Does not initially remember much about his setting.
  • Mighty Glacier: Has the highest HP of any character, yet moves quite slowly. (Although he has rollers in his feet, used in his Tackle attack.) One of the sidequests he can undertake upgrades his speed, however.
  • Pick Your Human Half
  • Pinocchio Syndrome
  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up: During the Fiona sidequest, Robo spends 100 re-cultivating the forest. His remains are stored in a chapel built in his honor. Once Lucca powers him up, Robo reveals that he has gained a new perspective on life.
  • Power Fist
  • Robo Speak: His text boxes include an electronic noise to indicate this. The Japanese version also has him speak in katakana, a common way to show mechanical speech.
  • Robot Buddy
  • Rocket Punch: Robo's first special attack, and the wired variant.
  • Situational Sword: His ultimate weapon, the Crisis Arm, deals damage dependent on the last digit of his HP. If it is 0, it does no damage. If it is 9, it deals a lot of damage.
  • The Slow Path: Takes it on purpose to help Fiona grow a forest. This renders him centuries older than the other characters.

[edit] Ayla (Chrono Trigger)

A strong, burly, female tribal chief from 65,000,000 B.C. As one of the first humans, she is on-hand to discover Lavos' terrible destructive power.

  • Action Girl
  • All Amazons Want Hercules: Averted.
Ayla's love interest is Kino, who is most certainly NOT a Hercules. Then again, considering that official art makes her look mid-20s and him look barely teenaged, her attraction to him might be suggesting at a different trope altogether...
On the other hand, she first shows interest in Crono because he kicks tons of Reptite ass. And by "shows interest in," we mean "pushes him against the cliff wall and starts dry-humping him." However, she later says that she prefers Kino, so...
  • Badass Normal: The only human character without magic.
  • Bare Fisted Monk: Her powerset is like this.
  • Bare Your Midriff
  • Bi the Way: Seen by some in this line: "Me like strong person, man, woman, both like." and her Kiss and Charm abilities work on allies and enemies (respectively) regardless of gender.
  • Boisterous Bruiser
  • Boobs of Steel
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: At a sufficiently high level, her fists deal 9999 damage on a critical hit.
  • Dumb Muscle
  • Extreme Omnivore: A good chunk of her lines.
  • Fur Bikini: underneath a small military Jacket with a midriff, and she does not even put the jacket on until her second run in with the TARDIS Crew
  • Gainaxing: In her walking animation (but done subtly).
  • Good Old Fistcuffs of Iron: Despite her official art wielding a club, she fights using her fists in the game.
  • Hot Amazon: Emphasis on hot.
  • Hulk Speak: Ayla no understand pronouns.
  • Intimate Healing: Her "Kiss" ability heals party members.
  • Lad-ette
  • Lightning Bruiser: Ties for fastest character with Magus, and has the highest strength of any character.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Aside from her outfit, several of her abilities openly trade on her sex appeal. An early prerelease version of the game even gave her "Kiss" ability the name "Arousal"!
  • Nubile Savage: Already attached, but otherwise...
  • Pregnant Badass: Some of her comments, and her throwing up after Nizbel is defeated, implies that she is in the very early stages of pregnancy during the game. There is a debate, however, if the throwing up was because of morning sickness or if she was just hung over from the party the previous night.
  • Shout Out/Name's the Same: Shares her name with the protagonist of Jean Auel's Earth's Children series, who was also a prehistoric woman.
  • Spell My Name with an S: Officially "Eira" in Japan.
  • Summon Magic: Dino Tail.
  • Thanks for the Mammary: Does it unabashedly to Marle during Marle's Side Quest. Ayla claims that Marle isn't "ready" to have her own kids yet (of course, Ayla was comparing Marle's chest to her own, so the bar is a little high...)
  • Wild Woman

[edit] Magus/Janus

An evil wizard from 600 A.D. but actually from 12,000 B.C., worshiped by the monsters of Medina Town, and wielder of many forms of dark magic. He plans to summon Lavos, the being destined to destroy the world.

  • Adaptive Ability: First battle only.
  • Anti-Hero: Type V.
  • Arch Enemy: To Frog.
  • Badass: He seems specifically designed to be as awesome as possible.
  • Barrier Change Boss: The Trope Namer
  • Black Mage
  • Black Magic
  • Casting a Shadow: He's the only magic-user in the game explicitly stated to be shadow-elemental. His ultimate spell, Dark Matter, is a particularly notable example of the trope and his SECOND strongest spell is a black hole!
  • Climax Boss: Complete with theme music!
  • Crutch Character: Magus joins very strong, and his stat growths are top notch (indeed, he'll max most stats before anyone else, even the non-magical ones) but he has no healing abilities, double techs, and very few and usually Awesome, but Impractical triple techs.
  • Conqueror From The Future: Inverted in that Magus doesn't hail from the the future, but the ancient past. — He's a magically-enhanced Precursor.
Played straight after Lavos dumps him back in 12,000 BC, where he assumes the mantle of the "Prophet".
  • Disc One Final Boss
  • Duel Boss: The second time around, if you choose to fight him with Frog in your active party.
  • Early Bird Boss: The first fight with him, it's an elemental magic reliant brawl, at which point nobody likely has their level 2 spells. Frog and Crono are forced for this fight, so Lightning and Water are covered, but you can't possibly cover all of the elements, since only Lucca can use Fire magic and only Robo can hit with Shadow element (and it's a rather weak spell against a boss to boot). Taking either could leave your healing a bit weak, and Magus can be a very hectic boss requiring constant healing, but taking Marle to better cover your healing will leave you only able to cast Lightning and Water magic. And God help you if you forgot to take Frog to meet Spekkio.
  • Everyone Calls Him Barkeep: In the SNES translation and Japanese version, "Magus" and "Maoh" (literally "demon king") are his title. Averted in the GBA translation: "Magus" is a name he gave himself, while his title is "Fiendlord."
  • Expy: Of Piccolo.
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning: He uses these as his barriers, along with a shadow one he very rarely uses and you probably won't be able to damage. When he joins you, his three starting techs are the level 2 spells of these elements.
  • Foreshadowing:
Right from the beginning, Magus' name keeps being dropped.
When he kills Cyrus and turns Glenn into Frog during Frog's flashback, the theme of Zeal plays for the first time in the game. Later it's revealed that Magus is actually from the kingdom of Zeal.
  • Four Is Death: Guess how many bosses you fight in his castle. Come on, guess. Four.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: As a child, he blocked out his magical power because he hated what it was doing to his mother and sister. After he was sent to 600 A.D., he embraced that same power in order to destroy Lavos, becoming much like his mother in the process.
  • Heel Face Turn: You get to choose whether or not to let him join your party after Crono's death.
  • Hidden Villain: Doesn't rear his head until roughly halfway into the story, and then only in flashback.? Hidden Agenda Villain
  • In the Blood: Power-lust definitely runs in the Zeal family line.
  • In the Hood: As the "Prophet".
  • Jerkass: It's a matter of much debate whether he's truly one or simply adopting a Jerkass Facade.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Strong with Magic, definitely not a Squishy Wizard, and no slouch with his scythe either.
  • Magic Knight: Somewhat, while all of his techs are magic, unlike Lucca and Marle his basic attacks are worth using.
  • The Man Behind The Monsters
  • Master of None: In terms of his non-Shadow magic anyway. He starts with the level 2 versions of lightning, fire and ice magic, making him very versatile for some of the endgame bosses. However, Crono, Robo and Lucca will eventually learn stronger spells of their own elements. He's still party's the master of Shadow magic, mind you.
  • Number of the Beast: His HP (as a boss) is 6666.
  • One-Hit Kill: Black Hole. Like most spells of this type it only works on regular enemies.
  • Optional Party Member
  • Pet The Cat
  • Pointy Ears
  • Power Floats
  • Prophetic Name: "Janus" is named for the two-faced Roman god, implying dual identities.
  • Redemption Demotion: Magus is still very powerful all around, especially compared to Lucca and Marle, your other two dedicated mages, but he's weaker when compared to his boss fight.
Justified in that Lavos drains his power when he tries fighting it at the Ocean Palace.
  • Right-Hand Cat: Alfador.
  • Self Fanservice: Magus is drawn in fan art as a typical White-Haired Pretty Boy, but Akira Toriyama's original character design for him is anything but.
  • Sinister Scythe
  • Sixth Ranger
  • Skippable Boss: Only the second time around.
  • Token Evil Teammate
  • Turns Red: "Magus risks casting a spell!"
  • Villainous Widows Peak
  • The Worf Effect: Gets rather thoroughly defeated when he goes against Lavos.

[edit] Mario

The Hero; a short, pudgy Italian plumber and inhabitant of the Mushroom Kingdom. He is primarily charged with saving the perpetually Distressed Damsel, Princess Peach, from the clutches of Bowser and the Koopas. Since his debut in Donkey Kong in 1981, he's gone on to take many different professions, including golfer, tennis player, doctor, and go-kart racer. Mario doesn't have much of a personality, aside from a cheerful get-up-and-go attitude; he's primarily a silent protagonist through which the player gets to experience the game.

  • Acrofatic: Shigeru Miyamoto recently explained that his chubbiness is the result of games back in the 80's only being able to register collisions with squares. Doesn't stop him from pulling off all sorts of acrobatic feats.
  • Almighty Plumber: And how!
  • Badass in Distress: Four times: Mario Is Missing (which is safely forgettable), Luigis Mansion, Super Mario 64 DS, and Super Princess Peach. Not to mention several minor incidents in the Mario & Luigi series.
  • Blood Knight: Sorta. Just listening to him in the 3D games makes it obvious he's enjoying himself as he traverses dangerous terrain, dodges obstacles, and battles all sorts of monsters.
  • Captain Obvious: "All toastuz toast toast."◦ Actually, they toast bread. Toasting toast would probably give you burnt toast.
  • Chick Magnet: Most definitely this in the Paper Mario series. In fact, every female* playable character in The Thousand-Year Door kisses him at least once.
  • Chrome Champion: Metal Mario.
  • Dance Sensation: "Do the Mario!"
  • Elemental Powers: See the folder for both brothers for powers shared with Luigi.◦ Making a Splash: F.L.U.D.D.
  • The Everyman: The producers say that they have intentionally kept his characterization minimal to make him versatile and able to be put in many situations.
  • Famed in Story
  • Flat Character: He's been intentionally kept flat so that he can be anything.
  • Go Karting with Bowser: Sure, Mario and Bowser are mortal enemies, but that doesn't stop them from playing games together every once in a while.
  • The Hero
  • Humble Hero: He's often mentioned to be humble.◦ Increasingly inverted. Certain personality traits have started to show through as games become more sophisticated. The fact that everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom treats him as a celebrity but only remembers Luigi's name half the time doesn't help.
  • I Have-a Many Names: Some call him Jumpman, or The Great Gonzales, or Butterball, or New Bee, or Hero of Legend.
  • Jerkass: If this interview for Mario Sports Mix is anything to believe, Mario can be a bit of a dick when it comes to his popularity.
That makes him a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, though, because if there's one thing for sure, he's always got the world's best interests first and foremost.
You can choose for him to be this in the Paper Mario series if you see him this way.
  • Required Spinoff Crossover: Has made cameo appearances in both Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 and Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest.
  • Stout Strength: Not as much as Wario, but this guy can spin around Bowser by the tail.
  • Suddenly Voiced: in Mario vs. Donkey Kong. Also gives a ten minute long press conference for Mario Sports Mix.
  • Title Scream: He does it in many games.
  • Tohru Furuya: Provided the first-ever spoken voice for Mario in The Great Mission To Rescue Princess Peach OVA. Surprised?
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Pasta. To be precise, Spaghetti Bolognese with alfredo sauce and meatballs. Also, toast in YouTube Poop, thanks to Hotel Mario.
  • Victorious Childhood Friend: He's known Peach since they were babies, as Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. This raises the question of how the Mario Bros. managed to get into the crown family's good favor before they even started their hero business.◦ ...Maybe their parents were the lord and lady?
  • Vocal Dissonance: Mario's voice seems to go perma-falsetto when he's excited, and otherwise regularly breaks between his falsetto register and his lower tenor register. This is especially noticeable when contrasted to Luigi's more consistently tenor voice that never goes falsetto.
And then there's that faux-boyish voice that's something of a low tenor given to him in The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach! movie courtesy of Tohru Furuya.

[edit] Tippi, AKA Lady Timpani

A butterfly Pixl that serves as Mario's Exposition Fairy. It's revealed through the backstory that she's Timpani, the love of Blumiere. After Blumiere's father banished her, he was driven mad by his grief and became the Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds that is Count Bleck.

  • Exposition Fairy
  • Interspecies Romance: With Bleck
  • The Power of Love: Invoked to create a Pure Heart in the final battle.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: With Bleck.

[edit] The Knights of the Round Table

These are the Knights of the Round Table. Adric and a few others joins their group in camelot in an effort to prove to the Doctor that he's trying his hardest to control the entity's influence.

[edit] Nana

Nana Suzuki's father returns from a trip abroad, and he gives Nana a crystal that he had bought from a gypsy woman. He tells her the gypsy woman's warning, to never let the light of the moon pass through the crystal. That night Nana hangs the crystal in front of her window; there is a moon visible through the window. In the morning Nana wakes to find Adric (just starting on his quest) and six other Nana-s in bed with her. Shy and very timid, and for as long as she can remember she has had a crush on a boy in her class called Yuichi, and yet has been scared to approach him and tell him how she feels. This has led to three girls, that actually turn out to be her friends as the story progresses, to tease and torment her as they try to vie for Yuichi's attention. She is also the only Nana to be called only "Nana". Her color is Blue.

[edit] Nanappe

The "Hot tempered Nana". Quick to anger and a tomboy, she likes to fight and work out. Her color is Red.

[edit] Nanakko

The "Slow Nana". Laid-back, this Nana has an affinity for fish items (specifically, Billy-related items). Nanakko takes a relaxed approach to life, even with an approaching deadline, and speaks with a childish and congested voice. Her color is Orange.

[edit] Nanacchi

The "Happy Nana". Happy-go-lucky, she likes movies, especially funny ones. Her color is Yellow.

[edit] Nanarin

The "Sad Nana". She likes video games. Very sensitive, up to the point that almost anything can make her cry. Her power allows her to emit sonic waves from her voice when she cries. Her color is Chartreuse.

[edit] Nanasama

The "Intellectual Nana". Intelligent and stubborn, this Nana likes books and manga. The title of the book she always reads is Les Miserables. Her color is Green.

[edit] Nanapon

The "Sensitive Nana". Flirty and mysterious, she likes spiritual things. She also has the essence of feminine physique. At one time, she used her crystal to hypnotize many other people, and eventually herself while trying to teach the original Nana hypnosis. Her color is Purple.

[edit] Jamanana

The dark side of Nana or the "Eighth Nana". She first appears on New Year's, planning on interfering with Nana's plans. Disturbingly, Hitomi cannot tell her apart from the others. While she, like the other Nanas, wants Nana to succeed, the Eighth Nana is not beyond using less moral methods and sabotage to ensure Nana's success. She has proven to be more powerful than the other six combined. Jamanana can hypnotize people, even without carrying her crystal. The black crystal that symbolizes her emerged when all seven Nanas were depressed over Yuichi's interest with Tsuki, and the crystal in the microwave oven was starting to break. As a Nana Ranger, Jamanana has white hair and wears a jagged red scarf, sharp ears, and inward curving horns on the helmet, and does not need a costume to transform. Her color is Black.

[edit] Luvbi

Luvbi is a Pure Heart-turned-Nimbi-turned-Alzarian in Super Paper Mario.

Luvbi is believed to be the daughter of Queen Jaydes and King Grambi, and she runs away often to escape her overprotective parents. She does not know why her parents are so protective, so she joins Adric on his quest to find the Holy Grail that can aid him with his Entity Powers.

  • Canon Immigrant: From the Chronicles of Adric Books
  • First Girl Wins: An Inversion where she's the last of the three (or is it ten) dames to be in a relationship with Adric
  • Relationship Upgrade: Chapter 4-4, the scene afterward drives it home with a sitcom-esque feel complete with live studio audience.
A Live studio Audinece that acctually cheers when Adric returns from his Date at the Whoa Zone

[edit] King Arthur

He is the king of the Britons. God send him and his knights on a quest to find the Holy Grail. Acts very stoic considering the amount of strangeness happening around him.

  • Badass Beard
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Cool Helmet
  • Only Sane Man
  • The Smart Guy: Much wiser than Sir Bedivere
  • Verbal Tic: Skips 3 and 4 when counting.
  • The Stoic: Compared to other characters, who have very eccentric personalities, Arthur always acts like people would expect from a king.

[edit] Sir Bedivere the Wise

The wisest of the knights. This does not mean anything, since he thinks the earth is banana-shaped and proclaims earthquakes can be stopped by sheep bladders.

  • Badass Moustache
  • Character Tics: He always holds his visor up, despite being able to look perfectly through it
  • Cool Helmet
  • The Fool
  • Informed Attribute: Played for laughs. He is supposed to be wise, but makes very big mistakes and acts like a fool.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Employs this to help villagers expose a witch. It went like this: Witches burn. Wood also burns. Wood floats. Ducks also float. So if someone weighs the same as a duck, she is made of wood and is therefore a witch.

[edit] Sir Lancelot the Brave

An Axe Crazy knight. He always tries to solve his problems through violence. Is also very dramatic in his way of acting.

  • Axe Crazy: When something provokes him to fight, there is nothing stopping him from slaughtering everyone on sight. Even wedding guests had to die.
  • The Berserker
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: He IS John Cleese, you know
  • Easily Forgiven
  • Evil Laugh
  • Lantern Jaw of Justice
  • Large Ham
  • Leeroy Jenkins
  • Only Sane Man: Until he has to rescue someone...
  • Unstoppable Rage

[edit] Sir Galahad the Pure/Chaste

This knight does not do much in the film. Like his title says, he is a chaste knight.

  • Adorkable
  • Deadpan Snarker: "What a strange person."
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: He tries to be this, but after being in Castle Anthrax, which is filled with hyper-sexual blonds and brunettes of 16 to 19 and a half years old, for around 10 minutes, he gives up.
  • Messy Hair

[edit] Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-As-Sir-Lancelot

Sir Robin claims to be very brave. He also has a band of minstrels singing about his bravery...but is an enormous coward.

  • Adorkable
  • Badass Moustache: His moustache is much more badass then him.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: He is known of personally wetting himself at the battle for Badon Hill. He also did it when the Killer Rabbit made his first victim.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Informed Attribute: An in universe example. He is claimed to be the brave sir Robin, but runs away from every sign of danger. But this does not stop his minstrels from singing how bravely he ran away.
  • Lovable Coward
  • Miles Gloriosus

[edit] The Purity Heart

[edit] Luigi

Mario's taller, marginally younger, and not-quite-as-famous twin brother. Eventually got his own proper game in Luigis Mansion. Unlike Mario, Luigi is more of a reluctant (read: cowardly) hero who would rather stay at home than save the world, but he still always pulls through in the end. Luigi is often paired off with Princess Daisy (especially by Shippers).

  • Adorkable
  • Ambiguously Gay: His mannerisms are occasionally camped-up, most egregiously in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Also: Gay Luigi?◦ The ambiguity drops to dangerously low levels when he encounters Prince Peasely. Luigi actually gets a heart over his head when Peasely pokes him in the back with a rapier.
Although, he did seem pretty much madly in love with Princess Eclair in the second Paper Mario game.
  • Apocalypse Maiden: In Super Paper Mario.
  • Attractive Bent Gender: Twice. Once in Superstar Saga, and once in the old Super Mario Adventures comic. Inverted off-screen in Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, where his Bob-omb partner Jerry only follows him to keep him from going in a dress again.
  • Balloon Belly
  • Berserk Button: Don't make fun of the 'stache.◦ On that note, you better not call him a pushover, either.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Brother Chuck/Demoted to Extra: Semi-example—after Super Mario World in 1991, Luigi more or less dropped off the face of the planet aside from small cameos or supporting appearances in multiplayer games like Mario Kart or Mario Party till Luigis Mansion in 2001, and didn't appear as a playable character in any main series games or RPGs until Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga in 2003 and New Super Mario Bros in 2006—basically he was stuck in Comic Book Limbo for nearly a decade. He was, however, in Mario Is Missing, which most fans don't want to remember.
  • Butt Monkey: A comic series is devoted to him being one!
  • Characterization Marches On: Some games have him be reluctant; other games, like in the Paper Mario, he's pretty eager for adventure and doesn't like to stick at home. He seems to be leaning towards the second a bit more though, even chasing down a spaceship that Mario's on by himself (Literally. He chases it down without a spaceship of his own.)
  • The Chew Toy: Hilariously.
  • The Chick: At least on the chess board where he is the Queen.◊
  • Cowardly Lion: Can easily become The Determinator if you threaten his friends.
  • Cowardly Sidekick
  • Dark is Not Evil: Three recent games have given Luigi a place as an evil entity in an ancient text, a dark secret from his past, and the power to create a void of nothingness said to come from the darkness in his heart, respectively. He's not a villain outside of fanfiction just yet.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has a Mythology Gag where there are two characters, Talon and Ingo, who resemble Mario and Luigi. "Mario" owns a ranch, but is lazy and spends most of the time napping. "Luigi" does most of the work, but "Mario" gets all of the credit. "Luigi" grows bitter after spending all of his time in "Mario"'s shadow and eventually sides with Ganon to overthrow "Mario".
  • Deadpan Snarker: In Luigis Mansion and the cartoons.
  • Divergent Character Evolution: When he first started out, Luigi was nearly identical to his brother in every way. The game designers started to differentiate him in the U.S. version of Super Mario Bros. 2 with the floaty jump, and, as of Luigis Mansion has since started to take on a personality of his own, in contrast to Mario. A more cowardly one, but at least it's something. (Heck, the trope was originally called "Luigification"!)◦ His divergent character evolution actually began with the Japanese Super Mario 2, where he could jump higher than Mario but had terrible traction and slid around quite a bit.
Inverted in New Super Mario Bros and New Super Mario Bros Wii, where he plays identically to Mario.
  • Elemental Powers: Luigi has used pretty much element you can think of over the games. Even more than Mario.
Making a Splash: The Poltergust 3000's water power-up, as well as the Frog Suit to an extent.
An Ice Person: Galaxy's Ice Flower and the Poltergust 3000's - wait for it - ice power-up.
Blow You Away: The Tornado Ball and Tornado Swing in Super Sluggers. Inverted In Name Only with the Poltergust 3000's vacuum mode.
Shock and Awe: Thunderhand in Superstar Saga, along with his Super Strike in Strikers Charged.
Casting a Shadow/Soul Power/Pure Energy/Time Master/Gravity Master/Power Of The Void: The Negative Zone is profoundly bizarre, and a source of minor Accidental Nightmare Fuel for some, but it's at least one of these.
Green Thumb: Plus, it puts the Lip's Stick's flowers on people's heads sometimes.
  • Garfunkel: Despite being the one with "famous" in the entomology of his name, Luigi is generally referred to as being "in his brother's shadow".
  • Hidden Depths: Hinted at during Partners in Time by way of an apparent Noodle Incident.◦ And his Final Smash trophy in Super Smash Bros., which clearly states that the Negative Zone is "a reflection of the dark side he embraced in his brother's shadow."
  • The Lancer: He acts as the cowardly foil and trusted brother companion to Mario.
  • Lovable Coward: as of Luigis Mansion.
  • Miles Gloriosus: Portrayed this way in the Paper Mario series. In the second game, he tells Mario of his adventures in the Waffle Kingdom, but the accounts of his partners reveal him as cowardly and a bit clumsy. However, his stories are mostly true: He really did save the day, he just did it in a more clumsy way than he says.
  • New Age Retro Hippie
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: "Mister L."
  • Rounded Character: Probably the only one in the series.
  • The So-Called Coward
  • Shock and Awe: In Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
  • Spring Jump: His Signature Move in a number of spin-offs and Super Paper Mario.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Luigi has a fear of ghosts.

[edit] Peach Toadstool

Originally named Princess Toadstool in America, she is the crown princess of the Mushroom Kingdom and Mario's main love interest. She gets kidnapped frequently by Bowser in the main Super Mario Bros. games, but proves herself to be very skilled in sports. Though she's often the Damsel In Distress, there are times she will get up and do something herself (such as in Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario RPG, and her own game, Super Princess Peach). Tropes associated with Peach:• Achilles Heel: Word Of God says it's cake.

  • Action Girl: In Super Mario Bros. 2 and in Super Princess Peach. One wonders why she's so easy to kidnap when she can fend for herself so formidably.◦ She's no slouch in Super Smash Bros, or the Paper Mario games either.
  • A Day in the Limelight: The entire point of Super Princess Peach.
  • Ambiguously Human: Her race is frequently debated. As far as we know, she's a native of the Mushroom Kingdom, but in Super Mario RPG, she has a "grandma" that's a Toad.
  • Badass Princess: Can be this at times.
Badass in Distress: Yet she can also be this.
Badass Adorable
  • Barrier Maiden
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Peach is the blonde, Pauline is the brunette, and Daisy is the redhead.◦ Peach herself has been all three over the years before they finally settled on blonde.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: In Mario Golf for the N64, whenever she makes a bad shot she says, "Mama mia!"◦ She also says that in Super Mario Advance when she loses a life.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: She shows this at times, most especially during The Subspace Emissary.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Is shown to be this in Super Paper Mario
  • Distressed Damsel (All too often, except for Super Princess Peach, where she is the main character, while Mario gets to be in James Bondage. Frequently lampshaded in the RPGs.)
  • Dub Name Change: America originally called her Princess Toadstool. Later, Super Mario 64 and later games would call her Peach, making Toadstool her last name.◦ Oddly enough, one episode of the The Super Mario Bros. Super Show has her say "Princess P. to the rescue!"
  • Ermine Cape Effect
  • Everything's Better with Princesses
  • Fragile Speedster: In the racing and sports games.
  • Girly run: In SSBB.
  • Heart Beat Down
  • Hair of Gold
  • 100% Adoration Rating: She's loved so dearly by her subjects that it's not uncommon for them to have sets of Princess Peach merchandise in their homes.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Constantly described as this.
  • Informed Attribute: Her ability to govern, as noted in the tropes below. May have something to do with Conservation of Detail, since she gets kidnapped often and talking is boring.
  • Only Sane Man: In "Super Smash Bros. Brawl"
  • The Other Darrin: Peach had a much lower voice in Super Mario 64 and the non-Japanese versions of Mario Kart 64. Her original voice was recently brought back in Super Mario 64 DS, complete with newly recorded lines for the ending to take the added playable characters into account... and then she's back to her high voice for the subsequent games.
  • Opera Gloves: With the exception of the sports games.
  • Parasol Of Pain
  • Parasol of Prettiness
  • Parasol Parachute
  • Pimped Out Dress: Moreso in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Brawl.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: We've seen her do exactly two actual acts of government in the past 25 years. Though there are plenty of meetings shown in the RPGs, they either get interrupted or were trivial to begin with.
  • Power Creep, Power Seep: She ranges from a Distressed Damsel to an effective Lady of War depending on the game.
  • Princesses Prefer Pink: She's the present page picture proper.
  • Princess Classic: Parodied, especially in the Paper Mario series.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: In Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Princess Peach.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Has her castle, her kingdom, and her pretty dresses. She is not the Alpha Bitch, though.
  • Supreme Baker: An oft-referenced ability of hers is her ability to bake cakes.
  • Super Empowering: In Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly girl to Daisy's tomboy.
  • Victorious Childhood Friend: To Mario, whom she has known since they were babies.

[edit] Daisy

Daisy made her first appearance in the Game Boy game Super Mario Land as Princess Peach's analogue in Sarasaland. Though she hasn't appeared in a main, storyline game since her debut, Daisy pops up frequently in the Mario Sports and Mario Party titles. She is friends with Princess Peach and has been believed to be romantically involved with Luigi. Tropes associated with Daisy:• American Accents: Tomboyish slang and sometimes even ghetto slang.

  • Ascended Extra: Originally considered Peach's look-alike, she now has her own set of recognizable traits.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Peach is the blonde, Pauline is the brunette, and Daisy is the redhead.
  • Distressed Damsel: Super Mario Land only.
  • Expy: Started out as this for Peach, but has since changed into a very different character.
  • Fiery Redhead
  • Flower Motifs
Elemental Powers
Green Thumb
Petal Power
Meaningful Name
Pimped Out Dress
  • Heroes Want Redheads
  • Informed Attribute: Her tomboyishness in some games, such as Mario Party 3, where her whole character revolves around her pride of being "the fairest of them all."
  • New Age Retro Hippie
  • Odd Friendship: Daisy is officially good friends with Mario as well as Birdo.◦ Although her friendship with Mario might not seem odd at first, when you consider her debut appearance showed her in a romantic situation with him, and then you remember now she is his brother's strongly hinted love-interest, as well as his actual love-interest's best friend, it feels a little weird when you put all this together.
Daisy doesn't even have interactions with Yoshi, so how is it she became friends with the gender-defying Birdo ever since their first playable appearances together in Mario Tennis? Possibly a connection to Pair The Spares as listed below.
She doesn't need to know her boyfriend in order to be friends with her.
  • Pair the Spares: Obviously Luigi, and at times Waluigi.
  • Requisite Royal Regalia
  • Screw The Rules, I'm Beautiful!: In Mario Party 3: "When it comes to beauty, there's no denying Daisy is fairest of all! There's no need to battle."
  • The Rival: Daisy might give Peach much-needed female companionship, but just as the most likely reason they are even friends, the same reasoning is applied to any moments the two rival one-another in spin-off games.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to Peach's girly girl.◦ Cute Bruiser
Genki Girl
One of the Boys
Short Tank
Tomboy Princess
  • What Beautiful Eyes
Blue Eyes

[edit] Rosalina

Once, Rosalina was a young girl living on the Mushroom World, but she found an old spaceship with a Luma (a living star-person) inside. Together, they traveled across the universe, and as she grew older, to fill the void left by the loss of her mother, Rosalina adopted the Lumas as her own children. She built the Comet Observatory to travel the space lanes and keep them safe, and returns to check up on her planet of birth once a century. She aided Mario during Bowser's ill-fated attempt at conquering space. In Japan, her name is Rosetta.

  • Big Good: In Super Mario Galaxy 1.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome
  • Demoted to Extra: She only shows up at the ending of Super Mario Galaxy 2. Averted in, You Guessed it, the Entity Specials
"Of Course!"
  • Everything's Better with Princesses: It isn't clear exactly what dominion she is princess of, yet Nintendo stuck the title on her anyway.
  • Queen Of All Cosmos: Nobody's quite sure how powerful Rosalina is, but she seems to enjoy racing in go-karts and motorcycles and making fat plumbers do her dirty work.
  • Glacier Waif: In Mario Kart Wii, she's classified as a heavyweight despite being approximately the same size as Peach.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite her elegant, soft-spoken manner, Mario Kart Wii reveals that Rosalina has a passion for motorcycles.
  • The High Queen
  • Mystical Waif
  • Peek-A-Bangs
  • Power Echoes: In Mario Kart Wii, at least.
  • Power Floats
  • Really 700 Years Old: She may look only a little older than Peach, but she's mentioned that her real age is at least in the realm of centuries. (Though since she travels at faster-than-light speeds in the Comet Observatory, maybe she's just moved through time faster than everyone else thanks to the theory of relativity...)
  • What Could Have Been: Word Of God states that there were plans to make her related to Peach, but that idea was dropped.

[edit] King Bowser Koopa

The king of the Koopas and the main antagonist of the Mario franchise. His goals range from taking over the Mushroom Kingdom, to the world, to even the universe. Has eight children: the seven Koopalings, and Bowser Jr. (how they came to be is unknown). In Japan, he's simply called "Koopa", with the Mook Koopas being known as "Nokonokos". In the main series he's a genuine Evil Overlord that seeks to take over everything from the Mushroom Kingdom, to the whole world, to the entire universe on a few occasions. In a few spinoffs he suffers severe Villain Decay and has less threatening schemes and sometimes even goes karting with Mario, and in some occasions he's a mixture of both. However, he's always trying to kidnap Princess Peach and destroy Mario.

  • A God Am I: Bowser doesn't actually makes this claim, however his plan in both SMG and SMG2 is to take over the entire universe and rule it with Peach by his side forever, along with making his OWN galaxy in the center of the universe. SMG2 however takes it to a whole new level when Bowser uses a few of the Grand Stars on HIMSELF, rather than use them to power up reactors, which seem to give him more power as he becomes gigantic (though he already had this power), however he is also able to conjure up meteorites and apparently a BLACK HOLE in the final battle.
  • Acrofatic (In spite of his body build, he can jump as high as Mario, among other things.)
  • Adipose Rex: In both senses of the word no less.
  • And Now You Must Marry Me: This is his plan for Peach, since he both wants control over the Mushroom Kingdom and to be with his Villainous Crush.
  • Affably Evil: On occasion is more just a jerkish brute than outright malicious. It is also made clear he genuinely wants to act as a loving husband for Peach if not for the interventions of a certain plumber. Arguably more Evilly Affable in the The Super Mario Bros. Super Show, though in later shows he cares too much about his koopalings to count.
  • Arch Enemy: He and Mario have been fighting since children, with no end in sight.◦ Subverted: He kidnapped Mario in Super Princess Peach, and Peach had to rescue him. If you remember why Bowser kept kidnapping Peach (where Mario had to rescue her), this becomes funny.
  • Art Evolution: Aside from his one-time only Bald of Evil, he went from having short limbs and mostly orange skin to having longer limbs and mostly yellow skin. Incidentally, the increase in limb-length coincided with his fighting style emphasizing more melee moves rather than solely fire-breathing.
  • Back from the Dead: His Dry Bowser form, which was created when he actually died in the first battle of New Super Mario Bros
  • Badass: Just look at his Picture here. The fact that he's also a Former "The Guy" should be enough.◦ Badbutt: Can come off as this in the RPGs.
  • Benevolent Boss: His minions don't follow him out of fear; they follow him out of respect and admiration. Though that's not to say they aren't nervous about his reactions to their failure. Even his favorite son, Bowser Jr., voiced his fear out of angering his father for giving up another Grand Star. But then again nobody in their right mind would want to piss off a giant ox-turtle unless they were an ass-kicking plumber.
  • Berserk Button: Just mentioning Mario's name is enough to get him riled up.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He has attempted to, and nearly succeeded in, destroying and remaking all of reality in Super Mario Galaxy, and literally punches an Eldritch Abomination to death in Bowser's Inside Story. If he didn't have Mario as an opponent, he'd be unstoppable.
  • Big Bad
  • Big Bad Wannabe: In the various RPGs, save the first Paper Mario, where he is often put into the hero position to stop the game's Big Bad.
  • Big Beautiful Man: At least to himself. And to lots of guys.
  • Big Eater: Especially in Bowser's Inside Story.
  • The Big Guy: Serves as this when on Mario's team as well as the Boisterous Bruiser.
  • Breath Weapon: In almost all of his appearances—but, strangely, not once in Super Mario RPG.
  • Butt Monkey
  • Card-Carrying Villain
  • Catch Phrase: In the first cartoon series: "Koopa Pack, ATTACK!"
  • Chained by Fashion
  • Clown Car Base: His Clown Car in Super Mario World.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: He was voiced by Japanese soul singer Akiko Wada in The Great Mission to Save Princess Peach.
  • Deadpan Snarker: On occasion. Especially the DiC version.
  • Dem Bones: Dry Bowser.
  • Depending on the Writer: ...or, more accurately, type of game. The main platformer series portrays him as a legitimate threat to The Mushroom Kingdom and Princess Peach, especially in Super Mario Galaxy. The spinoffs portray him as a Dumb Muscle who is often an Anti-Hero trying to work against the game's Big Bad.
  • Determinator: He got melted to the bone once. When he returned, he was even harder to take out.
  • Did You Just Falcon Punch Cthulhu: His greatest Crowning Moment of Awesome in Bowser's Inside Story.
  • Dub Name Change: From King Koopa to Bowser, as mentioned above. Unlike with Toadstool, this change still endures to this day, and English-speakers will be hardpressed to think of him as anything else.

Interestingly, unlike most cases of this his name wasn't changed from the beginning. Older fans will remember knowing him as King Koopa because of the cartoons.

  • Dumb Muscle: In the RPGs.
  • Enemy Mine: In some of the spinoffs, mostly because he can't stand the notion of anyone else destroying the Mario Brothers and ruling over the Mushroom Kingdom.
  • Evil Is Burning Hot: He has fire breath and has a general association with firey places like volcanoes and stars.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Getting hammier with each game
  • Evil Laugh: Players of Super Mario 64 will know it well.
  • Evil Overlord: Fits this to a T. Though as mentioned before, he's actually admired by his minions and it's mainly the good guys that view him as this.
  • Evil Sorceror: Allegedly turned all the toads into blocks in the original. Otherwise the only other time we see him use magic is with the Star Rod.◦ Bowser has showcased some magic tricks in a couple of games. Despite his status as the dumb muscle, he gets the hang of any ancient magical artifact with ease. So far he has wielded the Star Rod, the Vibe Scepter, the Power Stars, the Grand Stars and many other magical items with finesse. Bowser seems to be able to use magical flames aside from regular fire breath, could turn invisible in Super Mario 64 and he shot lightning from his fingertips in the intro of Super Mario Galaxy. In Bowser's Inside Story the Koopa King even assists his Magikoopas by throwing fireballs at their wands, amplifying their power during the Magikoopa Mob attack. Bowser seems to have at least some magical skill.
  • Fat Bastard
  • A Father to His Men: The degree to which he respects his minions varies with each story. Played the most straight in Bowser's Inside Story.
  • Fiction 500: He has at least twenty Castles.
  • Fiery Evil Redhead: Heh.
  • The Fighting Narcissist: He is very attractive in his own eyes. If he said the same of any other male, he'd almost certainly be Bi the Way.
  • Final Boss: Bowser was one of the earliest final bosses and he has played this role more times than the majority of VG villains.
  • Galactic Conqueror: His goal in Yoshis Island DS, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2.
  • Go Karting with Bowser: Trope Namer.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: In Super Mario RPG, he can throw Mario at enemies once equips the Hurly Gloves.
  • The Grinch: Both of the cartoons' Christmas episodes had him mimic the Trope Namer in some way.
  • Harmless Villain: In the spinoffs only, but it seems the Fandom embraces this image of him.
  • Heel Face Revolving Door
  • Hijacked By Ganon: He does this towards the end of Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix. To be fair, however, Waluigi's role in the plot had long since been finished.
He also does this in the first two Mario & Luigi games (kinda) and Super Mario Sunshine. It's teased but doesn't happen in Luigi's Mansion.
  • Hot Blooded: Can get like this during his Boisterous Bruiser moments, particularly in Bowser's Inside Story.
  • I Have Many Names: The cartoon version had many alter-egos depending on the setting of the episode.
  • Joker Immunity: He is just too popular and too integral to the Mario series to be killed off permanently, be it falling in lava, falling from a huge height, being thrown into a star, etc. But he has died three times. In New Super Mario Bros, he actually gets Stripped to the Bone from falling into lava. In Super Mario Galaxy, he died along with the rest of the universe in the black hole. In Super Paper Mario, he is killed, along with the rest of the heroes, by Dimentio.
  • Kaiju: He even rampages through Tokyo in the SNES SimCity.
  • King Mook: Although Shigeru Miyamoto initially envisioned him as an ox like King Gruesome from Alakazam The Great. This was changed when designer Takashi Tezuka pointed out the Fridge Logic in an ox ruling over turtles. Bowser became more turtle overall, but his face is more ox-like.
  • Large and in Charge
  • Large Ham
  • Lightning Bruiser: In some games, usually ones where he only serves as a boss, Bowser is surprisingly nimble for his size. For instance, in Super Mario Galaxy, he backflips over Mario.
  • Make My Monster Grow: Used on himself, one of his favourite One-Winged Angel tricks is to grow even bigger, ranging from merely twice his normal size to one that could fight Godzilla.
  • Mighty Glacier: When he's playable, this is often what he is instead.
  • Modest Royalty: Unlike most other rulers in the Mario games, he doesn't wear a crown or anything else that suggests he's a king.◦ As if being a highly memorable Boisterous Bruiser Large Ham wasn't enough.
  • Mordor: His kingdom.
  • One-Winged Angel: You would think that a giant ox-turtle like Bowser wouldn't have this (other than just simply making himself larger obviously), but in the Smash Bros games he turns in an even larger, more demonic looking ox-turtle named Giga Bowser.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: He wants to be the only one to defeat Mario. And the only one to kidnap Peach. He also doesn't like the idea of someone more powerful than him taking over the Mushroom Kingdom before he does. This is what typically leads to the Enemy Mine situations when he teams up with the plumbers.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Often mistaken for a dragon, he's actually a cross between an ox and a turtle. Bowser was originally Intended to be more of an ox, but ended up looking more turtle. The ox part is still visible in his face.
  • Papa Wolf: Despite his villainous antics, pretty much any incarnation with his Koopalings presents him as a rather caring father (in his own twisted manner anyway). Notably in New Super Mario Bros Bowser unleashes a hellfire of fireballs at you should you defeat Junior first.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Satan: Bowser is sometimes called Great Demon King and his kingdom, especially in SMB 3, resembles Hell. It's a case of In Name Only though in that he's just portrayed as simply an Evil Overlord.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: In any of the Mario Party games where you land on a Bowser space, he'll offer his own demented versions of mini-games (read: most of them involve him taking coins from the players). Occasionally the selector will land on 100-Star Present or 10,000-Coin Present. If this happens, Bowser will do nothing for a few seconds and run off screen.
  • Shockwave Stomp: Another favourite attack of his.
  • Slouch of Villainy: Look at his picture.
  • Spell My Name with a "The": At least, according to the instruction manual for the Game & Watch version of SMB◊.
  • Spikes of Villainy: His shell, horns, and bracelets.
  • Staying Alive: It seems almost nothing can kill this guy.
  • Stripped to the Bone: His first appearance as Dry Bowser.
  • Super Strength: He never misses a chance to show off his great strength.
  • Tactical Suicide Boss: His constant use of this trope undoubtedly inspired his Dumb Muscle personality in the RPG's.
  • Thememobile: The Koopa Clown Car.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: At the end of Bowser's Inside Story, after receiving no credit for saving the day and being beaten up by the Mario brothers, he receives a gift from Peach for his part in saving the Mushroom Kingdom: A cake with his face on it.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Bowser's Inside Story. Holy cow, did he ever! If squaring off against a train and one of his own castles isn't enough, then how about punching a Dark Star born copy of himself to the death!?
  • Turtle Power
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: Peach likes Bowser and is willing to be a friend to him, as long as he behaves himself. But she isn't into him the way he'd like. So he repeatedly kidnaps her to try to make her change her mind. That's not usually how it works. There's a Crowning Moment of Funny in Super Mario Sunshine that suggests that Peach and Bowser may have been involved in the past — it actually turned out that Bowser Jr. is not Peach's son after all, but she still had to stop and think about whether it could be possible, providing hilarious unretractable implications.
  • Villain Exit Stage Left: He'd frequently pull this off in the cartoons, often accompanied by the Catch Phrase "He who koops and runs away lives to koop another day!"
  • Villain Protagonist: Whenever he's a playable character in the RPGs, especially in Bowser's Inside Story where he's basically the Main Character.
  • Villainous Crush: Why he keeps kidnapping Peach, at least in the spinoffs.
  • Villainous Glutton: Judging by how he cleared that table of food in Bowser's Inside Story.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: His film incarnation depicted him as this, as his main motivation for trying to conquer the human dimension was for the survival of his species, which were living in a crapsack dimension.
  • Who Dares?: "How dare you disturb my vacation!" in Sunshine
  • The Worf Effect: Whenever there's a new villain around, Bowser is usually first in line to get walloped.
  • Worthy Opponent: In Super Mario Galaxy he mentions that he's glad Mario always puts up a good fight.◦ To fight one was also his wish in one of the Mario Party games.
  • Yandere
  • Your Size May Vary: From being no bigger than Mario to being able to swallow him whole.
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