Entity Specials

From Accct Wiki

The Fourth Doctor has absorbed the Entity (And Linkara's Home Universe along with it) and now has the powers of an outer god, but now he has to feed off of countless universes in order to keep the entity's Spirit from Taking Hold of him. So He, alongside his companions, Travels to various universes until he can find a way to extinguish the entity forever.


[edit] January

  1. Hand of the Heavenly Bride (videogame)
  2. The Morphin Grid (book)

[edit] February

  1. Four to Doomsday (Audioplay)
  2. (book)

[edit] March

  1. The Visitation (audioplay)
  2. (book)

[edit] April

  1. (book)
  2. Sentinels of the Starry Skies (videogame)

[edit] May

  1. (book)
  2. (audioplay)

[edit] June

  1. (book)
  2. Chrono Trigger (videogame)

[edit] July

  1. (audioplay)
  2. (book)

[edit] August

  1. (videogame)
  2. (book)

[edit] September

  1. (book)
  2. (audioplay)

[edit] October

  1. (book)
  2. (Videogame)

[edit] November

  1. (book)
  2. The Holy Grail (audioplay)

[edit] December

  1. Clash of the Smashers (book)
  2. The Purity Heart (Video Game)
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