Board pariah
From Superdickery
The Board Pariah is a new member who is almost unanimously hated by the rest of the board (by all the smart people, anyway). At all times, there must be a board pariah, and it is said that the only way to graduate from the role of the pariah is to wait until a more terrible noob joins, when the old pariah will lead the charge against the new. The current one is The Gray. Thick as a brick and completely oblivious about being the pariah, he will likely never cease being the pariah of Superdickery.
It is not sad. Every society must have its outcasts.
The longest running someone had as Pariah was held by Threepwood, probably because he was damn annoying. However, he wasn't the first, that title was held by ROBRAM89. Threep, when not talking about himself in third person, remembers when he kicked started the pariah thread by making a thread to bitch of Rob. Good times.
Former Pariahs
God of Awesome (briefly)
Jack Cain
Also note the title of perma-pariah, where as the member has done some seriously stupid, annoying, creepy and/or assholic thing that renders them the pariah whenever they show their stupid head.