Amy Leonarkos

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Amy Leonarkos
Physical Stats
Eye color brown
Hair color blue
Age (first apperance) 17
Combat Information
Character class Time Mage
Elemental innate none (time)
Favored weapon Staff
Game Information
First game apperance Control of Destiny 1
Other apperances CoD2, CoD3
Born in Micronia
National Alliegance Micronia
Position/job Mysterious Agent

Amy Leonarkos is an enigmatic young woman with bewildering powers over time and space. Her very existance is at odds with the natural order of Micras. She is one of the three Chrono girls that can use the full power of the Chrono to restore the universe.


Brief Character History

Amy Leonarkos was to be born in a future that does not exist, and thus, she should have never existed in the first place. However, because of her truely vast importance to the fate of the universe her essence was transfered by the Time Distortionists into Micras's current location in realtime. Essentially, Amy is a fake person; though she eats and breathes like any normal human being, her entire life has no place in history. This creates a rift between her and the planet itself; an uneasiness that manifests itself as the very fabric of the universe attempts to blot her back into nonexistance.

The only way she maintains her existance at all is because, in addition to pulling her across realtime, the Time Distoritionists also gave her advanced training as a TD operative. This training combined with her own natural talents to manipulate the Chrono mostly safegard her existance, though in moments of weakness she begins to sucumb to the pull back into oblivion.

Amy grew up in Micronia, the last human refuge in Imperial-controlled Micras. There she learned at a young age that to survive meant to be bold and fearless. She gathered information on the Imperium so that when the Control of Destiny Team arrived she could lead them on their quest to change the future.

Personality and Skills

Amy is fully aware of her burdens and this creeps into her personality despite her best efforts to avoid it. She is fairly serious and laughs seldom. Amy is slow to trust anyone, even the Control of Destiny Team itself, but slowly warms up to them after a few successes, specifically Bill Trihus. Her vast knowledge of the workings of the universe and the history of Micras make her a capable leader, though this leadership ability clashes with Jason Steffke often early on.

Amy's potent control over time and space can be potent in combat. Her space powers allow Amy to call down meteors from the heavens or control powerful gravity fields to destroy her enemies. Amy's time powers are a bit more subtle, letting her control local time around her allies to quicken them or to slow or even halt time surrounding her foes.

She can also use her Chrono powers to manipulate the fabric of time on greater scales. Originaly this allows her to energize rifts in time to create portals between different time eras. Later she can influence events through time farther and farther into the past and future without going there phygically and once she aweakens as a Chrono girl she can alter the past perfectly without creating any sort of distortion or paradox.

In Control of Destiny 3 Amy's true self came into existance. No longer a Time Distortionists weighed down by knowledge of the universe's untimely death, Amy developed a much more healthy and pleasent personality.

Control of Destiny Series History

Amy in Control of Destiny 1

Amy met the Control of Destiny Team in ACS 1950, a dark future controlled by the Imperials, where she became a guide on their quest without their intial knowledge. She encouraged them to learn magic at the Apollo Cavern and used her time powers to open time rifts leading to eras where the Time Distortionists wanted to alter the past or future. Bill was the first to befriend Amy and the two got rather close while Jason distrusted the girl and began to resent her usupring of his leadership. Ultimately the quest was completed and the future changed.

Amy in Control of Destiny 2

Under direct order from the Time Distortionists, Amy did not join the second Control of Destiny Campaign and remained in Jasonia to observe Assassinite. She discovered a terrible truth but unfortunately forgot to watch out for herself, got too close to the Nightcrash, and was enslaved by the dark power for a brief time before Jason could rescue her. Amy worked tirelessly to find a way to free Bill and the others that were stil under the Nightcrash's grip and to end the Dimensional World War. She also grew close with Empress Leos at this time.

Amy in Control of Destiny 3

The events of CoD1 and CoD2 altered the future of Micras and the true form of Amy that was previously had never existed was born. Her old self merged with the new; Amy had no solid memories of her previous adventures but, at certain locations where her old self had done something significant, vague ghostly memories swelled up within her in the form of a powerful deja vu. Again Amy was trained as a time mage, but instead of the nartural order being against her, it empowered her true form and vastly increased her powers over space and time, allowing her to become a Chrono girl. With the help of Sai'Kar Lum'Eth and Empress Leos, the final plans of the Time Distortionists were realized and Fate was destroyed using the combined power of the Chrono.

Other Fun Facts about Hero


  • Any originally was not in CoD1; Bill added her almost a year later as a guide and love interest for his character
  • Amy is the decendant of Anne Leos, Empress Leos's daugher. Despite not being related directly by blood, Empress and Amy feel a strange kinship that they can't explain until much later.
  • The Tymrian government knows about Amy's time powers early, however they let her live under observation instead of just killing her, making them the dumbest government of all time.

Notable Equipment

Amy's ultimate weapon is the Staff of Chrono, a thin staff that is actually part of an ancient crystal that survived the destruction of the Old Universe. The staff is found on the planet Indigo, a nearby planet in the Atos System that Amy travels to late in her quest.

Amy usually wears her Garnet Cloak, a magically treated dress that helps focus her powers.

Like all the Chrono girls, Amy has part of the Chrono Pendant that is one third of the key to opening the Sealed Gate of the Gods in the Existance Core.


"I know you are from the far past, far before this tragedy occurred. And you may not think this affects you, but it does. This future affects us all." (Control of Destiny 1)

"It is good to know that, whatever happens, we are not alone." (Control of Destiny 2)

"But unfortuanatly, I'm only a human. What the leaders of the nation consider to be worthless. I wonder if life in Tymaria was always like this." (Control of Destiny 3)

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