Talk:Deviant Society
From Richiepedia
Why is Dave edible? IanPCP 16:51, 7 April 2006 (PDT)
Apparently he looks edible, and isn't very evil.
Andy (Secretary)
"Andy let his political desires get the better of him and booted Richie from his position"
Dude you never once talked to me about why I decided to run for Secretary instead of Treasurer so what right do you have to say this. I am shite with money, have no real experience of handling bank accounts in any real capacity which would have made me a shite Treasurer. That is why I ran for Secretary not because of my "political desires". It was you who pulled out of the race and therefore got "booted from your position". I have made it clear all the way through this that it was nothing personal and if you had stuck to the Secretary running and I had lost the election I would have been happy to have lost to you. What you have written here is just childish.
You obviously failed to see the humorous side. Plus you have failed to understand the politics of societies. Nobody votes on manifestos, purely on who is the most popular, and who has the most friends.
I learned very fast in my first two semesters at uni that its just like secondary school.
Lighten up a bit dude. You won and got what you wanted so whats the big deal? Is a loser not allowed to have a little fun and whine about it?
Reply to Frankie:
If thats all it was then I would take it but the comments about Irish Claire are out of order as well as what has been written about me. Ive been here as long as you have so dont start assuming you know any more about the "politics of societies" than I do! Richie is a well liked and important member of the Deviant Society and what he has written about the Society here, and its new committe, and old committee, go beyond what is acceptable.
Another reply:
Honey, you may no something about the politics of societies, but after I've watched the student committees of both my secondary school and my 6th form be elected purely based on how many friends they had, I tend to assume the worst of new committees having found out the results of the voting.
Also yes it may be out of order, but 1.this is his wiki that really only Richie and a few of his friends read and 2. I've seen some very very nasty things said about both me and Richie and when we complained we were told to lighten up and it was deemed acceptable. I did not vote for thid "Irish" Claire because her manifesto was not as good as richie's; i.e. it promised subsidised events but did not say how the society would get the money for this. Just assumed it would appear just like that.
Richie wrote:
Treasurer: Irish Claire
Quite a random appointment, as Claire isn't overly regular, nor is she placed to run the society or understand it's best interests as well as other candidates.
This is correct. She is not a regular to many meets whatsoever. In fact I think I'm more regular than her and thats saying something. From her manifesto, no, she isnt best placed to run the society, seeing as she assumes money just appears in the societies accounts and has no committee experience. And seeing as she rarely turns up to meets how is she meant to listen to what members need and want?
If you don't like what is written then dont read it. He's putting down his own view of what he has seen which some people may agree with. Other people may disagree but they can make their own formulated opinion on their own site.
Just because its not pronouncing you the god of the universe doesnt make it wrong.
And dont bother patronising me like I'm worthless or stupid or something because from what I can see here I think I can see past whining that we've written something that you dont like about one of your friends.
He is putting his opinion, I was merely putting mine. I dont proclaim Irish Claire a friend of mine because I do not know her. I dont want to be called God of the Universe I just feel I deserve a bit more respect than Richie seems to be offering because 1) I have always said it was nothing personal and have TWICE bought him a beer as an olive branch to display this. 2) I have never once written anything bad about you and dont plan to. I probably do care far too much about trying not to offend people but thats just my nature which is why I have stood up against what I deem an unfair, and from his position and knowledge of me, completely unfounded description of my run up to being voted onto the committee. From where I sit Richie is a very popular member of the soceity and is someone I considered a friend and all it seems from where "I am sitting" is that you seem to think that because someone stood against him its a personal attack on him which, seeing as youre such an advocate of democracy it would seem, is complete hypocrisy. If Richie had a problem with me he should have come and talked to me end of!
Another reply. Again:
Olive branches are not beer. You rarely spoke to him before. And no. Because you ran against him it wasnt a personal attack. But it seems that way when you are all up for running for treasurer, and then as soon as claire says she is running you suddenly switch to secretary. You can obviously see how this appears to someone outside. Hypocracy is far from me right now. I'm advocating democracy or rather I was until I saw the actual idea of committees. The same as how out of over 10,000 students, 700 voted to ban coke and this was taken as a majority. University isnt a democracy, its a cheerocracy. In these "elections" everyone is against everyone else, it is always personal and it is always a popularity contest.
The only way you can prove us wrong is to be a damn good secretary. And for this Claire (whoever she is) to be a damn good treasurer. If not, Richie has proved his point, and my point is proved that uni is the same as school.
And let Richie have a whine. He lost an election and all his so-called friends (this isnt aimed at you, I mean the rest of his friends) voted against him. Oh yeah, and add me to msn if you want , cos this page is getting a bit huge and hard to read. Msn is on deviantsoc forums.
- bil's official stance on the matter*
LMFAO!!! You guys never stop! Frankie you keep making these claims that andy never spoke to richie before the elections and that claire doesn;t come to many meetings when you CLEARLY don't know what you're on about as i believe you've only actually came to 2 or 3 yourself. People voted against richie because he has made himself unpopular in recent weeks because of the company he keeps and the fact that he has backstabbed quite a few of his friends. Please frankie, for your own sake keep out of deviant politics, you really have little clue.
But keep up the ole wikipedia rants, these are fucking hilarious!
- bil*
Chill guys. This site was always intended to be humourous, tongue in cheek, and a bit exaggerated. No offence intended to anyone. If it was, I'd have fallen out with myself a long time ago. I wrote some pretty offensive things about myself! Plus you know, I'm not actually a TV star or an actor, nor do I engage in dogging :p
I've got nothing against any of the committee, but I think I'm allowed to have a silly little not entirely serious whinge on here about losing something that's been very important to me over the last couple of years.
And Bill, I haven't backstabbed anyone, and there's nothing wrong with the company I keep. So shush.
Yeah grow up Bill. Since when did anyone ask for what you thought? And nobody is amused when they are patronised by a four year old so how about you learn the facts before posting hmm? Theres a good boy.
Plus I stated Richie wasn't entirely serious in my first reply. How about if you want to whine and call him names go do it on your own website. :)
-Frankie (the more pleasant company that Richie keeps)
Frankie, when has anyone ever asked your opinion on anything? You still force it down everyone's throats.
I think a perfect summary of this page can be found in the automatic ads at the bottom...
- bil*
Again grow up. I doubt you even know what aspergers syndrome is. Maybe you should look those things up. I don't honestly think this page has anything to do with a variety of autism or sexual abuse. *eyeroll*
reply to frankie:
i don't know the ad reading - 'recovery and treatment for children who have suffered childhood trauma' sounds about right for you as you clearly have some issues from school.
[tongue-in-cheek] **sobs** i ran for school & 6th form council **sobs** and it was a popularity contest **cries profusely** [/tongue-in-cheek]
Oi. We've established that I've got nothing against Andy, and apologies if this offended him, but it ain't entirely serious. I just can't understand why people voted me out. This issue should be closed.
Whoever you are, you little shit stirring fuckhead, stop it. No one wants to hear your petty crap, so stop hassling my girlfriend.
- bil*
Erm, why would you assume that I don't know what aspergers is? What a silly thing to say to a guy who has worked with autistic children for years and who's mother is a careworker in a special school and plans on becoming a teacher. Yeah, i don;t even know what sociopathy is either!
What a completely pointless comment. And I really don;t think I'm the one who needs to grow up, you two are the ones, once again, launching personal attacks on your "friends" via you silly little personal encyclopedia, complaining about school popularity contests and challenging (quite irrelevently) my knowledge of autisms.
But yeah, bored of you guys again. bye
- bil*
Working with autistic kids? Lol. Thats hilarious. As if bill. you going for the next mother theresa? Cos its not working. And as for the personal attacks, I point you to the comment above:
quote: [tongue-in-cheek] **sobs** i ran for school & 6th form council **sobs** and it was a popularity contest **cries profusely** [/tongue-in-cheek]
Pot kettle and black come to mind. Grow up bill. We all take whatever you say with a pinch of salt. Now hows about you all shut up like I'm going to do now, and stop ruining the page. hmm?
reply to richie:
Perhaps if you and your girlfriend stopped causing shit, there wouldn't be anything to stir!?!?. Just thought i'd throw that thought out there for ya.
Anyway, you were voted out cause you didn't do a very good job this year and because of your bizarre, viperous girlfriend (her attitiude, antics & general affect on you).
We're not causing shit. This site is entirely tongue in cheek and not serious, or barely true, so stopping taking it seriously, and stop using it to post shit. Also, please do not spread it round my friends telling them I'm posting shit about them when it simply isn't true. All your doing is hurting people who don't deserve to be hurt, when there is no reason for them to get hurt. It's low and pathetic that you would use other people your petty vendetta. I'll be damned before I let my friends get hurt by this, or lose them. I don't want this carrying on, and I've done nothing but defend myself and my girlfriend against your continuous shit stirring on here. So again, stop it, drop it, and leave it.
Oh, and looking at Deviant Society this year, I think I did a VERY good job, along with my fellow committee. When you achieve something remotely similar, then I'll let you judge us.
You all suck. IanPCP 09:37, 12 April 2006 (PDT)