Talk:Deviant Society

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Revision as of 13:39, 11 April 2006 by (Talk)

Why is Dave edible? IanPCP 16:51, 7 April 2006 (PDT)

Andy (Secretary)

"Andy let his political desires get the better of him and booted Richie from his position"

Dude you never once talked to me about why I decided to run for Secretary instead of Treasurer so what right do you have to say this. I am shite with money, have no real experience of handling bank accounts in any real capacity which would have made me a shite Treasurer. That is why I ran for Secretary not because of my "political desires". It was you who pulled out of the race and therefore got "booted from your position". I have made it clear all the way through this that it was nothing personal and if you had stuck to the Secretary running and I had lost the election I would have been happy to have lost to you. What you have written here is just childish.


You obviously failed to see the humorous side. Plus you have failed to understand the politics of societies. Nobody votes on manifestos, purely on who is the most popular, and who has the most friends.

I learned very fast in my first two semesters at uni that its just like secondary school.

Lighten up a bit dude. You won and got what you wanted so whats the big deal? Is a loser not allowed to have a little fun and whine about it?


Reply to Frankie:

If thats all it was then I would take it but the comments about Irish Claire are out of order as well as what has been written about me. Ive been here as long as you have so dont start assuming you know any more about the "politics of societies" than I do! Richie is a well liked and important member of the Deviant Society and what he has written about the Society here, and its new committe, and old committee, go beyond what is acceptable.


Another reply:

Honey, you may no something about the politics of societies, but after I've watched the student committees of both my secondary school and my 6th form be elected purely based on how many friends they had, I tend to assume the worst of new committees having found out the results of the voting.

Also yes it may be out of order, but 1.this is his wiki that really only Richie and a few of his friends read and 2. I've seen some very very nasty things said about both me and Richie and when we complained we were told to lighten up and it was deemed acceptable. I did not vote for thid "Irish" Claire because her manifesto was not as good as richie's; i.e. it promised subsidised events but did not say how the society would get the money for this. Just assumed it would appear just like that.

If you don't like what is written then dont read it. He's putting down his own view of what he has seen which some people may agree with. Other people may disagree but they can make their own formulated opinion on their own site.

Just because its not pronouncing you the god of the universe doesnt make it wrong.

And dont bother patronising me like I'm worthless or stupid or something because it makes you look very sad.


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