Psycho Bonus Stage Progress |
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Plot Reverter
From Psycho Bonus Stage
The Plot Reverter's original purpose was to rewind the plot back to the episode's original plot, so as to remove spam. It worked...but then things really got worse when 2 Weird and Distrubing arrived, and Clan had to stop the mayhem all by himself.
Clan used the Plot reverter almost on a daily basis, using it to turn things in equal favour, as well as cutting the mayhem reserved for episodes like 2 Weird and Disturbing short. For Example, in the Bonus Stage 2 Prologue, Clan entered Charismaville although he wasn't meant to. He was placed in the Black Space, but Clan used the Reverter to bring himself back into Charismaville illegally.
In Clan's PBS, it is revealed that the Plot Reverter belongs to Clan.