Gillichu Chandler

From Np Hogwarts

Revision as of 18:36, 10 May 2006 by Theropicus (Talk | contribs)
Gillichu Myrddin Chandler

Frog spawn, wot, wot?

Played ByCraig Warnock
LJ accountuserinfo.gif candleschildren
HometownSir Gaerfyrddin, Wales
Current YearSecond Year
Hogwarts HouseRavenclaw
Favorite SubjectsCare of Magical Creatures, Herbology
Worst SubjectsCharms, Potions

userinfo.gif theropicus

Bratty little Ravenclaw second year. Likes animals and magical creatures and not much else. Does all right in most of his classes, though he struggles in Potions and ostensibly hates Charms (mainly because his sister likes the class). Is slightly better than average at Herbology, mainly because he likes digging in the dirt.


The Basics

A pureblood, second year Ravenclaw, Gillichu Chandler (pronounced "Gill-ih-koo") is not your younger brother, despite what you may be led to believe. He's a brat of the first degree, hates (most) girls, likes (most) all animals, and may or may not have a boggart in a box under his bed at home. He doesn't get along with people in general, but this isn't as bad as it could be, as Gillichu has an affinity for animals, canines in particular, and because of this he'll do exceptionally well in Care of Magical Creatures when he can finally take the class officially (at the moment, he has permission to sit in on some of the classes, and will upon occasion show up the upper years with his vast knowledge on all creature-related things). For now, he scrapes by at average, a little below average in most of his classes, with the exception of Herbology, which he finds interesting, and Transfiguration, which he enjoys because he can use it to play pranks.

Though short for his age (he stands at four-foot-eleven), Gillichu is gangly and clumsy, constantly tripping over his feet – which is something of a problem considering he has a short temper. He's quick to develop a grudge and slow to forgive someone when he feels he's been slighted. His sense of right and wrong are skewed in such a way that he has very few regrets over any trouble he causes. Due to a bad experience when he was younger, Gillichu's deathly afraid of thunder and lightening, and will often hide under his bed and skip classes when there's a thunderstorm outside. Also, he has a deep-seated fear of Divination, because he had some rather nasty visions when he was younger, and, while he has a strong Seeing ability, he has almost completely repressed it and never consciously acknowledges it – he can't consciously use it and it probably won't even come up to any great extent in gameplay, since he won't start to open up to it again until he's at least fifteen or so. Pretty much, if he consciously tries to use it, it doesn't work. At all.

Family, Etc.

The youngest member of the rather large and influential Chandler family, Gillichu is the only son of Owen and Rhianwen (his parents are third cousins once removed). He has an older twin sister, Nimuë, who is also a second year Ravenclaw. The Chandlers are an old and very distinct wizarding family – Gillichu's parents like to say that his sister is named after the family founder, none other than the Nimuë herself. The family is respected and well enough known that few witches or wizards think to protest this claim.

According to Gillichu, he's had a somewhat troubled childhood. He feels he has never measured up to his parents' expectations, in part because of his behaviour, in part because of the fact that he displayed very little magical talent when he was younger. His parents, unable to quite understand his somewhat-confusing thought process, have given him a lot of free reign, which he in turn takes to be neglect. Because of this he feels the need to act out in order to draw the attention of other people. Also, he's been mostly raised by his "Aunt Vicky" (no relation to him), the mother of his best friend, Amaury Oniyama, since the age of five. Because Victoria Bloom lives as a Muggle, Gillichu's had a decent amount of exposure to both magical and Muggle culture, though he doesn't really feel at home in either one. While Victoria acts as a pseudo-mother for Gillichu and Amaury a pseudo-brother, Gillichu depends on his mother's younger brother, Geoffrey, to act as a stand-in father. This doesn't always prove to be the best of moves, since Geoffrey is not the most responsible of people, and he also has a tendency to travel everywhere.

At Hogwarts, Gillichu's closer relatives include Reginald Chandler, Nimue Covey, Lily Llewellyn, and Viviane Chandler. Reginald is Gillichu's first cousin once removed (on his mother's side, at least) and the current Hogwarts' Divination professor. Gillichu doesn't get along with the man, and goes out of his way to behave in a disrespectful manner, refusing to address him as "Professor Chandler" and instead using his mother's nickname for her cousin, "Reggie." Nimue is unique in that she is one of the few relatives that Gillichu actually likes. A fellow second year though sorted Hufflepuff, Nimue gets along with both of the Chandler twins, who call her Rabbit in order to avoid confusion between Nimuë and Nimue. In contrast to Nimue, Gillichu gets along with neither Lily (a somewhat-distant relative of the same degree as Nimue) nor Viviane (the daughter of his first cousin Adyna, and first cousin of of Stephen Howell). He especially dislikes Viviane, whom he believes exists solely to make his life miserable.

Friends and Enemies

Amaury Oniyama is Gillichu's closest friend and the two are practically brothers, they are so close. Gillichu met Amaury when he was six when Amaury was visiting his mother, Victoria Bloom, one summer. Amaury is the voice of Gillichu's conscience, and perhaps the main reason Gillichu has survived to age 12. Conversely, Gillichu ensures that Amaury does not remain completely wrapped up in himself.

At the moment Gillichu has few friends among the Ravenclaw boys in his year, having upset them with some accidental dung bombs (among other things). Until things quiet down with them, he mainly hangs out with his friends from Hufflepuff, Kad Ajax and Kittu Mathur. Kad generally acts as the somewhat "responsible" member of the three, while Kittu and Gillichu generally are up to No Good when they get together. Gillichu and Kad enjoy fluffy animals together, while Gillichu and Kittu enjoy lighting things on fire together.

When it comes to the girls in his year, Gillichu doesn't get along with most of them (with the possible exception of Nimue/Rabbit). In his first year, he declared war upon the Daedals, and the animosity felt between the girls and Gillichu and his cronies continues to this day (when Kittu isn't busy hitting on them and Kad isn't busy hiding in dustbins, that is). Gillichu also claims to have a vendetta against Hannah Salix, whom he claims to be Evil, but seems to not mind all that much when it comes down to it.

Along with Amaury and Hannah, Gillichu joined forces with Dee George, Lisette Jasinski, Derek Bly, Amorisa Amherst, Ethan Tibble, and Pimento Pepper to form the Fellowship of the Letter back in October. This Fellowship formed in order to venture out on a Quest to find a letter Gillichu'd written to his uncle Geoffrey and which had, somehow or another, ended up becoming cursed. The Quest proved to be unsuccessful in the end, and the Cursed Letter continues to haunt the castle it the surrounding environs.

Gillichu's dramatic rescue of Pimento from the lake during the course of the Quest has caused the two to become on-again-off-again friends, and no one is quite sure whether they actually even like each other. When not arguing with Pimento, Gillichu will often join forces with her and the rest of the Anti-Snogging Society against the hormones that run rampant throughout the school. At the moment Gillichu's already shaky friendship with Pimento is somewhat stressed by the fact that he has has somehow managed to insert himself into the disagreement between Pimento and Sadhana Joshi, and he has (rather stupidly) declared war on the seventh year.

Aside from Sadhana, Gillichu is also at war with Tim Ashford, for the reasons that Tim is a) Evil, b) fond of Charms, c) not fond of Care of Magical Creatures, d) a great spokesman for Love, and e) the boyfriend of Bri Richards (who has helped Gillichu with Potions in the past and he may in fact be crushing on, along with Dani Littleton). Gillichu's dislike for the Evil Ashford reached a peak on October 15, 2005, when Gillichu came across Tim on a staircase while in a particularly bad mood, resulting in Tim falling off the staircase and breaking his leg after being pushed by Gillichu, and Gillichu serving at least two weeks of gruelling detention. Upon learning that Tim survived the fall, Gillichu remained rather disappointed.

In the Future


In Fanfiction


External Links

Timeline for Gillichu Chandler: 1993-2013

Mandy userinfo.gif theropicus
Gillichu Chandler | Nimuë Chandler | Ruth Ann Hunter | Lethe Noire | Geoffrey Chandler
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