Zak Reso

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Zak Reso

Never Too Late

Played ByFernando Torres
LJ accountuserinfo.gif zak-reso
HometownDublin, Ireland
Current YearSixth Year
Hogwarts HouseGryffindor
Favorite SubjectsHistory of Magic
Worst SubjectsTransfiguration

userinfo.gif f4l



He was born in Dublin and raised in the city in a small apartment complex on Bachelor's Walk. His parents were still very young when they had Zak, and weren't married. They did however, get married the following year and did up the old apartment that they were living in. New apartments went up behind them, and the family gained permission to avail of the green space that had been made for the residence in the centre of the city. Amazingly, one of Zak's current housemates moved into the apartment complex. Maggie Downey. She and Zak became great friends when they were younger, and ran amock. He attended primary school with Maggie, and they were still great friends, even though he was two years above her. Coincidentally enough, Zak was in the same class as Alex Departie. Their parents became friendly, and it wasn't rare for the two to spend days at each others houses. Neither have particularly fond memories of this. Needless to say, Zak was more than surprised to see Alex when he arrived on the Platform.

The family weren't very well off to begin with, but his parents were smart with what money they had. Most of their wages went into an account for Zak when he was older. They earned enough for them not to have to worry about medical expenses or food. When they finally found someone to rent the other apartment, they began to receive a lot more money in. It was put to fixing up their own apartment and making it much more livable. Zak's young life at home was pretty much spent on a construction site. Each floor was constantly being redone or treated for dampness etc.

Zak had a fun childhood, terrorising the neighbours and his teachers. He wasn't a bright student, and between this and his love for random fun, his parents and teachers got to know each other too well for both Zak and his parents liking. Football was very important to him when he was young, and this interest stayed with him. He played for his primary school, and his local club. The young team did relatively in their leagues. Zak tries to practice as much as possible when at school, he still goes to training when he's at home and attends football camps around the town to keep his skill up. Quidditch has helped him immensly when it comes to football, his legs are much stronger and able for the running he has to do as a striker.

There was no magical traces in Zak's family at all, so his letter came as a big surprise. Though it did explain some of the more, outlandish, results of some of his pranks. Especially the ones that both he and Maggie took part in.

When Zak came home for the holidays, he was amused to discover his friends had all grown an interest in skating. He fell right into it as the sport gave him a thrill that initially was similar to that of flying when that started up. Flying actually gave him a head start on some of the others when he started skating, his balance had improved by leaps and bounds thanks to flying. Zak bought a board and brought it back to Hogwarts, practicing where ever and whenever he could. Each time he went back home, his friends had fallen more and more into the skater scene. All of them had started drinking and a few of the older lads had already started on drugs. Zak never did do drugs with his friends, though he did start drinking. Their lives became more and more extreme within the city, and Zak followed along. He enjoyed the company and how much fun they had. Up in Stephens Green late on a Saturday night was always the best laugh. Muggle life has obviously influenced Zak when it comes to style and interests. The boy still insists on practicing football on the grounds, wearing jeans beneath his robes and trying any means necessary to listening to his tapes or CDs. He still has to get around that.

Zak is very tall, 6'2” or so. He has dark brown eyes, but often wears red contacts purely because he thinks they're cool. He's needed glasses/contacts since he was 10. Zak chose to wear contacts from a young age because of sports, he didn't want to risk breaking pairs of glasses while playing soccer. He plays striker, so he really didn't want to miss the ball due to his eyesight. He has light brown hair, but often dyes it blonde. This is all to look cool, the boy isn't conceited at all. He has a fair few freckles, much to his amusement. Zak is slim thanks to the sports he plays, he's not particularly muscular or anything though. His clothing style varies, basically he goes for comfort. And that comes in the form of baggy band t-shirts and jeans or tracksuit pants. Sometimes even sweatpants for the colder nights. He sleeps in black novelty boxers with Bart Simpson all over them.


Family was and is, very important to Zak. He grew up an only child and holds his parents very close to his heart. He was born on the 4th of February 1988 to Aoife and Darren Reso. The two owned a small flat on Bachelors Walk right in the centre of Dublin city. His parents were good people who worked hard and earned what they had. In Zak's 4th year, his Grandfather passed away from cancer. The small Reso family were left a small fortune, which led to them being able to pay off the flat. The parents left the rest of it in Zak's account, along with the money from the Government and an agreed amount from the workplace. They wanted to be sure he had a head start in funds that the both of them lacked. Darren was a History teacher in St. Jareds in Tallaght. He took the DART in and out every morning. Aoife was a nurse in Crumlin Children's Hospital.

On the 18th November 2005, Aoife and Darren Reso were found dead in their home. They were burned to death.

As it stands, Zak is the only Reso that is still alive today. He has no uncles or aunts, or cousins that he's aware of. Zak's parents left him everything.

Friends & Foes

His best friend would probably be Remy Cowan. Best friends with benefits. Zak loves Remy, and always will. His other best friend would be Barrett Barbosa, whom he met on the train in Barrett's first year. He's gotten to know Jesse Martin more this year, and finds they get along quite well despite a slight personality clash. His other close friends include Calie Myers, Chloe Hughes, Phoebe Hamilton, Cece Bree and Stella Marshalls.

There is only one of the 6th year Gryffs that Zak has a problem with, and that is one Trent Lexington. They're simply too similar to get along. When they were younger, basically both viewed the other as an annoying idiot. Their dislike for each other was a lot more serious a year or two ago though. Now, they're almost keeping up appearances. Zak often teases Trent for some of his fears, it amuses him too much not to. They'll often talk to each other in the dorms in a civil enough manner, bordering getting along. But as far as anyone knows, they're simply too similar to be friends.

Recently, he and Chloe decided to go out. Exclusively! Zak had liked Chloe from the start of the year, he just didn't know it yet what with him having a great mate in Remy. Chloe and Zak's random snogging became more frequent as time went on, until finally Zak decided he wanted it official. Sadly, he broke up with her a short while after, unable to take the responsibility of her feelings. A ridiculous reason, no matter how justified he felt he was.

Mackenzie Wickham in 7th year is also a good friend of his. He sees her almost as a sister. He's good friends with Maggie Downey, Jul Agate and Amaury Oniyama in too! His relationship with O'Neill is variable to say the least. Sometimes they get along, sometimes they just don't. But generally, Zak would consider him a friend.

Zak is very good friends with Boyko Phobos. They got along very well, and were often seen running around the halls in their respective capes (Boyko in his silken purple beauty, Zak in his Superman costume cape - yellow and red, duh!). Zak knows of Boyko's unhappiness of being a Hufflepuff, and sympathises with the boy. He is one of few who treat Boyko like a normal person, and values his friendship very much. However, since Boyko was held back this year, they've grown apart a bit which is something Zak hates. Another Hufflepuff is Camilla Lee, a 4th year Zak is quite fond of. He views her as a little sister. Since Zak found out the girl was crushing hard on him, he's tried to avoid her. He simply doesn't know how to deal with it.

Now, for those nasty Slytherin prats. Zak has an enemy in Caer Forelin and Colin Mayfield. Both are 7th Year Slyths who he quite simply, pisses the hell off. They really, not so secretly, would prefer him not to be alive anymore.

Zak and Danny Parker don't get along. They kinda sorta really hate each other. Danny called Zak a mudblood recently, which completely severed any chance of them ever being civil to each other. Zak's a mudblood and Danny's an inbred prat.


Zak was sorted into Gryffindor within seconds of putting the Sorting Hat on his head. He was very happy with the sorting as Gryffindor was the House with the most appeal. He loved the idea that he was in the House known for bravery, something he isn't really very well known for.

His 1st year in Hogwarts was rather miserable, there was no one for Zak to relate to in his House or year. The Gryffindors were all quite laid back whereas Zak was a bit of a firecracker. Same with most of the other Houses. He was practically failing all his classes, and he began to question whether he really was a wizard. Zak started to play guitar at this point to keep himself amused. He learned the silencing charm and sat on his silenced bed practicing for hours. When he discovered he was going to have to repeat, Zak remained optimistic, thinking perhaps that he would get along with some of the newer students. Which he did. The Gryffindors in his year all get along rather famously and the last few years at Hogwarts have been loads of fun for the older boy, despite his grades.

Zak is an average student, bordering on poor. His best subject is Muggle Studies and his favourite is History, purely because his father taught it. He has a good memory and finds written work comes easily to him. He also likes DADA as he sees it as an important subject, however with lacking wandwork this subject becomes a much bigger obstacle than it should. Astronomy is one of his stronger subjects, as it's mostly theory and similar to the muggle subject. He's adapted to it much better than some of his classmates. Muggle Studies, obviously comes easily enough to him as he grew up as a muggle. Zak may be a bit thick, but he's not that bad...usually. CoMC is one of his better subjects despite not doing very well in it, or keeping it up. It's one of the few he enjoys. The different creatures fascinate him to look at and watch, but he's not too bothered in studying them.

Zak has a very hard time studying magic. His attention span is quite short, and he finds new theories etc. very hard to comprehend to begin with. His difficulties were proven when he failed his 1st year in Hogwarts and was forced to repeat. His worst subject is easily Transfiguration, a subject that he didn't have too much trouble with before 6th year. The science and theory behind it completely boggle his mind. Forget about the wandwork, it's far too complex. The Gryffindor has accepted that it's unlikely he will pass the NEWT exam in this subject. He worked hard enough at OWL level to get into the NEWT level class, but wasn't preprared for the change of standard in the work rate expected. Herbology is his other main weakness, though he did enjoy the actual class. Zak was fond of his bi-weekly clay fights with random plants. He never did well in this class, even if it was fun. He didn't receive the grade to continue, sadly. Potions is another weakness of his. Right off the bat, this was his worst class in 1st year all the way up to the OWLs. It was far too like chemistry, a subject Zak never took to when he was younger. It was chemistry mixed with magic, basically not a good thing. He spent most of his time cleaning up after class as he managed to melt his cauldron or make some non-explosive potion explode.

His OWL results were as following:

Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: E
Potions: A
Transfiguration: A
Muggle Studies: O
Arithmacy: E

Zak's favourite and best classes are Defense Against Dark Arts and History, he is also very good at Muggle Studies, though he is a muggle. So most of it is already common sense. The subjects he kept for NEWT level were:

Astronomy, Charms, DADA, History of Magic, Muggle Studies and Transfiguration.

He struggles in Transfiguration, easily finding it the most difficult of the subjects he kept up. Zak did reasonably well at OWL level, but didn't realise just how much work NEWT lever Transfig required. Unless he steps it up a gear, Zak looking at receiving lower than a 'P' this summer.


Yup, young Mr. Reso here has been in Azkaban. It all really started with his parents death...

When his parents died, Zak took it really badly. He started drinking a lot, he would drink to get rid of the pain. To blur his mind. To forget about reality. But this habit was recognised by his roommates, Jesse, Remy and Barrett. They went about hiding his drink, much to Zak's dismay. He felt betrayed, and started speaking to the three even less than before. Zak called in help from the muggle world, this help was accompanied by a white powder. One Zak recognised all too well, a friend of a friend had introduced it to him when they were much younger. Until now he had managed to avoid the temptation, but at this moment in time, life was all too much. And Zak wanted a break.

This habit grew quickly, without his friends recognising the signs. No longer was he chatty, outgoing, fun or loud. This new Zak was quiet, violent, 'studious' and angry. They thought he was suffering withdrawals, going through some form of recovery stage of depression...anything and everything except for the solution itself. On the night of a Slytherin party, Zak left early and managed to avoid the Death Eater attack that followed. His wand was found at the scene, and Zak was taken to Azkaban. Guilty until proven innocent.

The boy was kept there for a month and a half before he received a trial. Zak was certain to return to the prison had he not demanded the use of veritaserum in his final statement. The truth serum proved his innocence as he confidently stated that he did not kill Kiriaki Florentine. He returned home, and Albus Dumbledore returned his wand to him, as well as giving him a pensieve. Zak has now returned to Hogwarts where he hopes life will go back to normal.



Your positive traits are originality, idealism, plus you are independent and honest. The more often you allow yourself to express the positive side of your nature that is how often you will feel fulfilled and you will see your life as a wonderful adventure. You have the power to help people to overcome their problems and you are seen as a bright spot in many lives. When young you are usually leaders of your generation but you should try not to cling to youthful opinions and lose that forward looking nature to ultra-conservatism. Awareness of the problem will go far to combat it.

You rarely lose hope due to your positive and optimistic outlook on life even when life gets difficult. Aquarius is an air sign and you must realize that aquarians need air, both physically and metaphorical. You must also realize just how stubborn you can be and should try to counter the tendency. You must not let your originality become too perverse as then others will be embarrassed or seriously annoyed. The Aquarian independence can also make themselves very remote from others thereby causing the Aquarian some emotional problems.


truthful, intense, motivated by contest, is resolute and inflexible.

People born under the year of the Dragon appear to have magical traits, they are strong and full of energy and forever on the go. Some of their more negative traits include: eccentricity, a tendency towards being arrogant and very trying. However they do have many fans and expect the same level of excellence from others that they expect from themselves. They are also full of pride. Other traits include: failing to practice what they preach, over confident, a tendency to intimidate others, feel themselves to be above the law, and can be illogical, domineering and obstinate. In many cases they fail to identify their foes. Although energetic they are liable to become obsessive. On the plus side they seldom hold grudges and are generally quick to forgive. Dragons are said to be able to accomplish great things and those born in this year are also said to represent the horns of destiny. Needing a cause for which to fight, Dragons will never merely stand back and accept their fate or what life brings.

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