Caer Forelin

From Np Hogwarts


Basic Profile

General Information

Name: Caer Forelin
LJ: caer_forelin
Played By: Jared Leto
Birthdate: 16 March 1988
In Game Age: 17
Gender: Male
Wand: 27.5 cm Mahogany with a Thestral Wing Tendon Core
Blood: Pureblood
Birthplace: South of Bantry, Ireland
Status or Class: Pureblood
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/Agnostic

Physical Description

As he values physical fitness, Caer's overall build is trim and muscular. His black hair has a tendency to disobey any attempt to put it in order and usually ends up in a moppish arrangement over his forehead and into his eyes. He does not look soft, but he lacks the hard, strictly athletic edges that many people find attractive. At 1.8 meters tall, he stands on an average with his classmates. His eyes are blue, and his skin is caucasian white. When he smiles, slightly crooked teeth shine out at whomever is the recipient of the smile, and his smiles always reach his eyes.


Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Mother - Emer Forelin, Healer at St. Mungo's
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Father - Wolfram Forelin, Potions Specialist at the Ministry

OWL Scores:

Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: T
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O
Divination: T
Care of Magical Creatures: D
Arithmancy: A

NEWT Scores:

Pending graduation

The Man Behind the Mask


Caer's personality is, and it's most basic level, divided. On the surface, he is a pleasant, charismatic, well-mannered young man, but inside, he harbors some very deep feelings of anger and hatred toward what he feels are lower bloodclasses. It causes him to operate in a very two faced manner, depending on with whom he is having his conversation. With people he does not know, or people who he knows are against his ideals, he tends to put forward his tolerant, 'good-guy' persona. His internal thoughts, while they may betray how he truly feels, are kept tightly inside him. Because of that bottling effect, there tends to be an increased amount of passion when his true personality is allowed to shine through. Evidence the Slytherin party, where he played the rightful part of Death Eater - as his creator, I have to admit that he was unusually cruel in that thread, even for him. That is his inner personality taking advantage of that ability to release. At some point, later in life perhaps, this will cause a problem for him, and it's possible the divide may become much more permanent. First, though, he has to live that long.

Personal and Magical Strengths

I'll start with his magical strengths. He is excellent at Potions; realistically, it's the only subject that causes him no trouble. He grew up with a father who worked in potions on a daily basis, and by the time Caer reached the age of ten, he could identify many common potion ingredients by their physical properties: touch, smell, appearance, even taste. Thus, Potions for him is very much a 'walk in the park' situation, and he tends to not study it very hard.

Beyond that, his overall strength is wand work - the boy knows how to use his wand. But, as any student can tell you, raw talent isn't enough, so he spends hours and hours of his would-be free time in the library, studying, or someplace open, practicing. These threads, you will notice, don't always get played out because it's boring to thread with myself, but I do try to allow time in his IG day where he could be found studying or practicing. If he doesn't work at what he's trying to do, he won't succeed - it's that simple.

His personality strengths are a bit harder to discern. Realistically, his overall charisma is a strength - he is likeable, and he knows how to bring people around to liking him. To many, he is trustworthy, properly raised and polite in his mannerisms. He has a forcefulness of presence that makes him noticeable and in charge when he wants to be (at least he likes to think so).

Personal and Magical Weaknesses

Magical weaknesses, with the exception of Potions, include everything not wand related. You'll note from his OWL scores that he failed Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, and Herbology. Working with his hands, except with a cauldron in front of him, does not suit Caer. Even given the option of a cauldron, if he can find a better way to do it with a spell, he will, no matter how much research it takes. History of Magic, too, he passed only by memorizing the required information and regurgitating it back onto the exam parchment. After he finished, he dumped the knowledge from his mind, and could not care less about knowing what goblins killed who when.

Personality-wise, I would have to say, his entire personality is a weakness. The problem with having such a two-faced persona is there's always a risk that he'll make a mistake. Buried deep underneath all his hidden feelings and desires is a brittle concern that someday he'll snap and the world will know what he truly thinks. I suppose you want more specific than that, though, so I'll do my best.

In some situations, he can be overbearing - his need to take charge sometimes puts people off. The want to be in control can cause him to do irrational things, which means he inspires derision where he wanted to inspire loyalty or fear. He also has an abnormal aversion to involving children in any of his darker affairs. Evidence, again, the Slytherin party and the age line; he simply did not want to put the younger students at risk.


His greatest fear is that he will fail. Each time he executes a plan, he has to suppress terror at the thought of being found out. It is a fear that, hopefully, he will conquer before he tries to move up in Voldemort's ranks, but until then, he's stuck at the bottom. This fear of failure also drives his schoolwork, as he sees that endeavor as the gateway to a better place among the Death Eaters. His second greatest fear is that the people he cares most about will be hurt due to his actions. If something happened that he could convince himself he caused, there would be no forgiveness.

Significant Friends

Caer has a great many acquaintances and very few true friends. Numbering among his most true friends are Colin Mayfield (with whom he freqently finds himself straining to maintain friendship in light of their differing opinions) and Aislin Castius. He dated Aislin in his sixth year and would likely rekindle that relationship if given the opportunity. Of the people at school, she was one of the few who shared his views, and the only person he really felt he could talk openly with. More recently, he has developed a friendship with C. Daniel Parker, which has been mutually beneficial, and has helped Caer influence Danny toward his darker tendencies. For the most part, however, he gets along with everyone because he forces himself to. It is important to his overall image to appear the popular, friendly one.

Significant Enemies

He is truly lacking in this category. His most potent enmity with any one person is with Zak Reso, and that feeling, I think, is likely as mutual as any. Beyond that, he has few real enemies that can name him personally as the one they hate.


Caer was born at the Forelin Mansion on the coast south of Bantry, Ireland. As the only son of Emer and Wolfram, he enjoyed a very comfortable existence. His learning began at a very young age, inadvertently as it were, when his parents caught him digging in his father's potions work. With a reprimand and a promise to teach him, they elevated the dangerous chemicals and began his tutoring. Thus, by ten, he was adept at most of the most simple potions and at least capable at some of the intermediate ones. His parents, however, obeyed the law about not allowing him to do magic - they did not, after all, want to all undue attention to themselves.

Though his parents often mentioned him attending a different school during his very young years, his acceptance to Hogwarts found warm reception in their home. So, at the age of eleven, Caer shipped off to school. His time there, though fraught with the growing experiences of life overall, had a fairly ordinary tinge. As a first and second year, he was picked on by the older boys in his House for the time he spent in the library. He belonged in Ravenclaw, or so they thought. It was, in fact, one of these tear-stained trips to the library that had him running to his usual secluded corner of the library, only to find it occupied. The meeting with Aislin Castius, by chance, proved a fruitful one, as in each other they found both research help and friendship. As they grew, so did their research ambition, finally extending to the more forbidden fruits of magic.

During his sixth year, on his seventeenth birthday, Caer received the Dark Mark from Lord Voldemort himself. Though he remembers none of the encounter, he is proud to serve in Voldemort's army and perfect the wizarding community. Of course, what is high school without a little teenage love? Though he wrapped himself in his studies, Caer found time. The friendship with Aislin blossomed into something more during his sixth year, her fifth, and lasted through the summer. In September of his seventh year, a miscommunication ended the relationship, and in October, Caer began dating Charlotte Williams (much to Aislin's unspoken chagrin). A month later, they fell apart with no real certainty as to when, and Caer is rediscovering how much he respects and cares about Aislin.

As he enters the second term of his last year at Hogwarts, his mind reels with the possibilities of what he might do with the rest of his life. Though he knows himself Marked for a purpose, the permutations of how to execute that mission seem endless.

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