Phoebe Hamilton

From Np Hogwarts

Phoebe Hamilton

Free to be...

Played ByAnne Hathaway
LJ accountuserinfo.gif phoebe_hamilton
HometownAshford, England
Current Year6th
Hogwarts HouseGryffindor
Favorite SubjectsArithmancy, Ancient Runes
Worst SubjectsCharms, Transfiguration

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Phoebe Hamilton

  • Name: Phoebe Ashira Hamilton
  • Bloodine: Halfblood
  • Birthplace: Ashford, England
  • Siblings: David Hamilton
  • Class: Upper-middle
  • Year: 6th
  • House: Gryffindor
  • Wand: Maple Wood and Unicorn hair

Now the maple is a tree most commonly found all over Canada. This country has a beautiful red maple leaf on their flag as well. The maple is a symbol of freedom and pride. Now is there any more proud and free a magical creature than the unicorn? Maybe a centaur...But all in all the unicorn is the magical creature that craves liberty and independence from humans the most. Also, if you ever meet a unicorn, you will meet no prouder nor distiguished a creature. If you are ever lucky to get close enough to one that is! Now what happens when the free and proud hair from a unicorn, meet the free and proud maple! A quite lovely and exquisite carefree wand. The wand will execute spells at the least command. This wand type has even been rumoured to perform easy spells that the wizard may have simply been THINKING about, so strong is this wand's need for a feeling of free will and the pride that comes with executing a spell. The owners of such wands are usually free-spirited (obviously) and clear of mind and thought. It is said the WAND picks the wizard, well this wand needs a clear mind to read and feel liberated in. Carefree wands for carefree people!


Phoebe is a spontaneous, free-spirited young woman. She is a romantic and a dreamer with a rich, poetic imagination. She'll try anything once, twice if she had a good time. Her motto is: "Don't complain, never explain." She trusts herself as well-- always has and always will. She has an electric vitality and her intuition is remarkable, radiant, and alive. She’s outgoing and friendly—the sort of person who will walk up to a perfect stranger and strike up a conversation. She’s not shy in the least and it has a tendency to make situations a bit awkward at times.

More adjectives to describe Phoebe? She is adventurous, curious, charming, funny, magnetic, proud and completely confident. She's also a smart-ass and very rebellious. To her credit, she can make the best out of any situation, no matter how bad or hopeless it may seem. Phoebe is a true original, one of a kind, and happy to stay that way. It's not that Phoebe dances to the beat of a different drummer, she's dancing to an entirely different band!

Unlike most upper class girls, with their refined sensibilities, Phoebe is more down to earth and easy going. She shops at thrift stores and is generally care-free and relaxed. She’s certainly not an outcast in the sense of Luna Lovegood—she doesn’t go out of her way to stand out or be different, but she doesn’t conform either. She’s got her own unique and personal sense of style and she adores it.

Most teenage girls at Hogwarts are in relationships, have relationships that are budding or… whatever. While Phoebe’s certainly not against this sort of thing, it’s not her. Far too flighty and impulsive to be tied down by an actual serious relationship, Phoebe has a tendency to avoid the subject or idea. This is due to her great fear of commitment. The idea of completely committing scares her, so she pretty much avoids anything that extends past a friendship (yes, this includes snogging) with most boys.

On a less pleasant side, she’s as stubborn as they come. Nothing can really make her change her mind, and once her opinion is set on a person or thing, it takes quite a bit to convince her otherwise. And while she’s friendly, kind, and a good friend? She remains a bit detached from just about everyone in order to keep from being hurt. Yes, this includes best friends. There’s that whole fear of commitment again. And, really, the fear is a bit on the irrational side, seeing as she's had no REAL bad luck when it comes to that sort of thing. Silly girl.

Physical Description

Phoebe stands at about 5’8” with a rather average build, since she really does nothing spectacular sports-wise. She has long, dark hair that falls past her shoulders and curls just a little. Her eyes are a dark shade of brown. Her nose is a bit larger and broader than ideal, but eh. She’s learned to live with it and love it. She has a broad, toothy grin and is rarely seen frowning.


Phoebe born into a rather wealthy family, always knowing the best in life, the perfect little brat. The only daughter o her parents (she does, however, have an older brother), she was doted upon while growing up. She changed, as she went through school, but not much. She still tends to get a bit upset when things don’t go the way she wants them to, but usually, she doesn’t whine or throw fits over it.

Phoebe’s mother, Helena Applegate, was born to a Muggle and a Pureblood, while her father, Demeterius Hamilton, heils from a long line of purebloods. Both are well-known families. Helena works in a clothing shop in Diagon Alley, while Demeterius works for the Dept. of International Magical Cooperation. Her brother David is someone who she’s extremely close to. She had quite the happy and privileged childhood.

Although, now/at school? She doesn’t really show it that much, settling for more ‘classic’ things that run a bit cheaper and stand out more from her schoolmates. She’s always been the friendly and social sort, though not always studious, and she’s a huge fan of Quidditch. Phoebe doesn’t hold any special positions in school, but she doesn’t fret over that sort of thing.

Her bloodline’s not completely pure, but it’s not the sort of topic she confirms or denies. Really, she just lets people think whatever. It’s easier than actually talking about it.


Phoebe's best friend in the ENTIRE world, despite their huge personality differences, is Calie Myers. Phoebe's outgoing personality caused the pair to become friends during their first year and they've been practically inseperable ever since. They bring out certain personality traits in one anther--Phoebe tends to make Calie a little more relaxed and playful, while Calie makes Phoee a little more serious and studious. Calie is one of the few people Phoebe genuinely trusts and is willing to tell the other girl anything.

Cecilia Bree is probably Phoebe's other BFF. With CeCe, Phoebe can run amuck and cause a little mayhem and play pranks. Also? They bond over hating/tormenting Tobias Kinsella and Lucas Longshore. Both of whom Phoebe, as well as CeCe, positively despise. In Phoebe's mind, they are far too arrogant and self-assured for their own good and really deserve hexed into oblivion.

Anora Bertrade is, of course, another partner-in-crime. Anora's antics with Maxine Mayfield and Hannah Salix amuse Phoebe. A lot.

Speaking of Bertrades, Phoebe positively adores Dominic Bertrade, a fact she was in great denial over for quite a while. The older Gryffindor is much more serious than her in terms of personality and she often wonders why it's him, of all people, that she actually managed to crush on and break her anti-relationships...whatever. It's possibly because he's extremely laidback, a sweetheart, and a completely Good Guy. Not to mention, you know, extremely good-looking... but that's just a plus.




Gryffindor, the Warriors:

The Warriors, whose task was to protect land and lord, are generally brave, stubborn and fiery, as are Gryffindors. Hence, 'Gryffs rush in where others fear to tread'. Godric Gryffindor was clearly a Warrior.



Magically, Phoebe's not strong with classes that require wandwork-- they take far too much patience and focus. She understands them, yes, but it's actually performing spells where she falls apart. She takes much better to classes that required reading and studying, surprisingly. It's not that she likes studying, but those classes intrigue her more than silly spells and potions.

She does best in Arithmancy and Ancient Runes (doesn't hurt that the Runes professor is quite good looking) and works the hardest at them. Eventually, she wants to find some sort of career within that field-- hopefully, something that will allow her to travel and see the world.

Her personality? Very, very outgoing and friendly. She'll walk right up to just about anyone and start to talk with them. She follows what she believes in her heart to be right or true and always, always speaks her mind. She's loyal and dedicated to a fault as well.

Phoebe's the type to always stand up for herself and those around here. She speaks her mind without hesitation. She's also quite social, knowing and associating with people from various houses. She’s quite the socialite and loves talking to just about everyone. She has a slight distrust of Slytherins, but not to the extent that most do. It’s a natural thing, what with her being a Gryffindor.


...Charms. DADA. Transfiguration. Wandwork classes + Phoebe= a big, fat no. She doesn't care for them much (Charms being the only real exception to that), so really, she doesn't put much effort into them at all. She JUST passed the classes, and only with 'A's in Transfiguration and DADA in order to please her parents.

Her stubbornness works both for and against her-- sometimes? It flat out makes people ANGRY and annoyed that she won't change her mind. Plus? There's that whole brutal honesty thing-- she never DOESN'T mean what she says. She's a bit hotheaded and can lose her temper rather easily-- she's not one to be in denial or hide her emotions.

Though she holds people near and dear to her heart? She remains somewhat detached from them, mostly from fear of hurting/being hurt. She’ll get close, yes, but she’ll never fully let someone in. The idea terrifies her, so she backs away before that has a chance of happening.


  • Birthday: January 28, 1989
  • Sign: Aquarius. The Water Bearer. Fixed, air, yang - planetary rulers: Saturn and Uranus. Keywords: "I KNOW"

Aquarius is the eleventh house of the Zodiac and rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles. Positive traits include brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill, and self assertion; negative traits are eccentricity, lack of attachment to people and the "real world," over-intellectualizing of the emotions, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness.

Gryffindor Aquarians

Gryffindor Aquarians are the social activists and loons of their House. They'll picket for House Elf Liberation. They'll wear their robes inside out because they spent all night reading, not pay attention to how they dressed the next day, and not care if their rumpled appearance is pointed out to them. They are intellectual rebels and will loudly defend their opinions, even if doing so makes enemies. They are apt to question authority. "Even Merlin was wrong, some of the time," they'll say, shrugging. While not particularly good at dealing with crisis situations (they stress out easily) they do tend to have enough foresight to see the situations coming, and prevent them from happening in the first place. They can be flamboyantly talented, but are less interested in using their talent to "make it big" than in using it to make a better life for themselves or other people. Because Gryffindor tends to be a flamboyant house, these oddballs (they are always odd) tend to stick out for being unusual.


The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart makes the Dragon's brash, fiery energy far more palatable. This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charming charisma that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations. This Sign is truly blessed, too; Dragons are considered to be very lucky in love! The Dragon's friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor.

Its ego can get in the Dragon's way, but even so, this larger-than-life creature has a knack for initiating projects and keeping the troops motivated. According to Dragons, it's their natural born right to lead the way -- because who else could do it so surely and so well? As lucky as they are, Dragons have a good chance of achieving considerable material wealth during their lifetimes, although it isn't mere money that's this Sign's main motivation. Power is what the Dragon wants and truly believes it deserves. Dragons are quite the opportunists, forever searching for ways in which to consolidate their considerable power. Contrary to all this strength and fire, a weakened Dragon is a sad sack, a creature that refuses to take defeat with even a modicum of grace.

The role of leader is the only one the Dragon wants, the better from which to give orders and be king of the hill. They make solid leaders, too, knowing instinctively what needs to be done to stay on top. Crossing the Dragon is never a good idea -- this beast can singe! A valuable life lesson for this clever creature would be to absorb the principles of flexibility, compassion and tolerance. Being high and mighty can serve to inspire others, but it also keeps Dragons from living their lives to the fullest. If Dragons can learn to balance their quest for success with an appreciation for the little things, their life will be more than worthwhile.


A Dragon/Aquarius is the consummate neophiliac. You crave sensation, and you live for the spectacle of a dimly imagined future becoming a reality right in front of your nose. This is your era; you were definitely born at the right time. Your Aquarian sense of innovation is not limited to technology -- changes in social mores also appeal to you, and you pride yourself on being a card-carrying member of the avant-garde, any avant-garde at all.

Highly cerebral, you are often at great pains to advance the boundaries of what you perceive to be a highly limited consciousness. A law unto your Dragon self, your independence may be compromised by a brush with outside lawmakers if your big bad brain doesn't succeed in scaring some caution into you once in a while, especially when in unfamiliar surroundings. Safety first!

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