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Legend of the Infinite Empire/Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

The rain trickled down the stained glass, Ultimatetoadette watched the rain fall. She hoped to see her brother again. She hoped he was not lost forever. Her friend Arend, was standing next to her, he smiled. “Can I get you something?” Arend asked politely.
Ultimatetoadette shook her head, but managed to smile, “No thank, but thanks for the thought.”
Arend nodded, scratched the side of his face, he smiled. And said “Let’s go find him.”
Ultimatetoadette was shocked, “Are you joking?”
Arend shook his head, “If you love your brother so much, then let’s find him!”

YoshiFan stood there, his machine gun in his hand; he estimated the attack force to be around roughly 3,000 Mars People. He heard a loud voice, it was not a scream. He turned his head to the direction of the yell. YY398 was standing there; he motioned for YoshiFan to come to his location. YoshiFan ran toward YellowYoshi398. YoshiFan looked YY398 in the eye, “What is it?”
YY398 pointed at the ground, a small hatch had been unveiled. YoshiFan smiled, “I’ll go in first, then you two follow”
YoshiFan climb down the ladder, he didn’t say a word. PY followed suit and dropped down into what laid below. YY398 looked around and climbed down into the hatch. YY398 couldn’t believe his eyes, it was a factory, a factory underneath the Poshley Heights communication Station. YY398 scanned the room; the Mars People were being created! YoshiFan walked around the room, he found a panel. He took a look at it, he pressed a few buttons…he had hacked it. He pressed a few more buttons, the room fell silent. YoshiFan has shut down the machines creating the creatures. “Hey!” shouted PY
YoshiFan turned his head, “what?” he asked
PY said in a potent voice, “These are all drones…the ones outside are the real thing…these Mars People are here for one purpose…the Prince of Darkness is gathering his armies…the world will never be the same…”
YellowYoshi398 ran his fingers across his light blue colored spike. “Huh?” he asked
YoshiFan chipped in, “Yes, PY how do you know that?”
PY shook his head, “There’s writing on the walls…they’re written in every language I know of.”
A long silence filled room; it was quieter than a graveyard. The silence was broken from the large rumble of Mars’ artillery; The Trio of Yoshis would be done for. Any second now.

Plumber had been swept off his feet by the dark creature; Plumber could make out a few sharp fangs. The dragon lifted in the air and came down for another assault…Plumber leaped with precise timing and landed on the back of the dragon, he tried to tame the ferocious creature…but it was no good. Plumber fell to the ground…his back aching now. SPL and DB leaped in unison and landed of the dragon’s head. SPL whacked the dragon with his red baseball bat, while DB clawed the Black Creature. The creature screamed in pain. The creature lifted in air, they two fell…they were falling fast. Ultimatetoad, powered up he lifted in air and with his small body caught the plumber and the beast. Ultimatetoad set the down on the ground…he then lifted himself in the air. He lifted his fist and punched the huge dragon in the mouth. The dragon cried in pain, Ultimatetoad punched again and again. The dragon’s body came to life…flames erupted from its body. The Forces of light were toppled from their feet. The dragon set down on the ground. His voice crackled the sound of thunder. Plumber could make out one word. “Gonzales”
With flames surrounding the creature’s body, it was invincible.
But suddenly…Salty, HK-47, and Ghost Jam appeared. Hk-47 pulled out his signature Super Scope, he opened fire, and the blast penetrated the creature’s skin. It unleashed fire a tHK-47 but Salty used his teleportation power to warp HK out of the hot zone/ Ghost Jam went invisible and sliced the dragon’s forehead. Salty teleported at the enemy so fast the fire didn’t eve touch him. He blasted the dragon twice with large headset he had. The dragon fell to the ground…the body dissipated. The Forces of Light were totally shocked at the terrific display of power by the Sysops. HK smiled, “Hello Heroes of Light.” His voice calm and collective
Plumber nodded, “Hello HK”
Ghost Jam chipped in, “we noticed that you were in quite a need of help.” SPL nodded, “If you put it that way, yeah.”
DB roared, “You three are Sysops?”
Salty nodded, “Yes”
Thee three Sysops turned, and disappeared.

Wayoshi’s fleet would be at the PHCS in twenty-five minutes, that Wayoshi feared wouldn’t be quick enough. Aboard Wayoshi’s personal cruiser sat his intelligence officer Stumpers, his second in command, YoshiMastar along with the most elite soldiers in his battalion. Wayoshi was nervous; his fleet wouldn’t make it to the PHCS in time. He took a deep breathe, he closed his eyes. He dreamed of something. But it was more of a vision.

A sector of the world was covered in the shadows. The sun ceased to shine. The water turned to lava, the birds turned to dragons. Heroes turned to craters. Sysops were nothing but a specter of the past. Wayoshi lay on his back; a black armored knight raised his blade and brought it down hard. Wayoshi screamed…the vision ended.

Wayoshi opened his weary eyes, the world was back to normal…but Wayoshi feared that the vision would come to pass…sooner or later.

YoshiFan climbed on top of the tower. He scanned; he opened fire on two Mars People using the automated Machinegun positioned on top of the wall. He turned the machinegun and hit two more Mars People. Down below Parayoshi was using a Mortar Cannon and launched two round shells launched out of its barrel. They two shells landed, the land came with an explosion. Two Mars People launched in the air, they landed…toasted. Two more unlucky Mars People were caught in the explosion. YellowYoshi398 was Using his signature 5A Shotgun. The blast nailed one Mars People in the chest. Omega Squad was holding out…but no one knew how long that would keep up.

The fleet was no les than five minutes away from the PHCS Wayoshi was on his feet. Stumpers shouted, “Sir all fighters have launched, we will be arriving at our destination in 3 Minutes.”
Wayoshi nodded, “All fighters, take out the nemey, make sure my guys don’t get caught in that explosion! Yoshi Mastar prepare your troops, launch in three…two…one…launch!”

“Look!” YoshiFan shouted
YellowYoshi398 looked to the sky, it was beautiful, hundreds of pods descending. Five Capital Ships lead the armada. Parayoshi smiled. They were saved

Yoshi Mastar was aboard a garrison pod, the pod was cramped, Yoshi Mastar sttod in the middle, his Machinegun in his hand. No one said a word. The pod dropped from Wayoshi’s flagship. From the small window at the front of the pod, Yoshi Mastar saw hundreds of other pods dropping from the Ship, he took a deep breathe. The pod landed, his troops poured out, Yoshi Mastar saw that his pod was the first to land. The troops scurried out. The Mars People had been taken by surprise; Yoshi Mastar ducked underneath a sizzling shot. The shot barely missed, he unsheathed his pistol and hit the enemy in the chest. He rotated 180 degrees his machine opened fire, taking down one Mars People. He turned to see something majestic…it was Wayoshi.

Wayoshi was levitated in the air, out of his finger tips shot lightning. The lightning coursed through the bodies of two Mars People, in his hand from a sword. The sword glowed with the power of justice. Wayoshi swooped down; the golden blade swiped through two Mars People. He landed on his feet; he ducked underneath the blast of a Mars People gun. He sliced off its tentacles, the creature cried in pain. Something happened, the entire Mars People vanished they vanished out of thin air. Wayoshi looked around, the entire army was shocked. Wayoshi turned to the PHCS and walked.

Mario97 leaped in the air, dodging Fire Fang’s swipe, he then ducked underneath the jaws of the evil creature. Mario97 jumped above Fire Fang’s mouth he landed on top of the creature, he suffered minor burns from Fire Fang’s flaming shield. He punched the dragon in the eye. The dragon cried in excruciating pain. Mario97 punched again, and again. The creature collapsed and got back to his feet. Fire Fang said in a stuttered voice. “Mi lord save me!”
Mario97 took a look at the creature.
Fire Fang was disappearing, “you fool, I shall cure you! You shall never breathe air again!”
Mario97 fell to the ground gasping for breath.
Fire Fang smiled, “Die you fool!” Fire Fang disappeared.
Mario97 laid of his chest, “Grodus….save…me!” Grodus nodded, “I cannot undo the poison Fire Fang has placed on you, but I know how to keep you alive.
The two teleported away.

Ghost Jam was responsible for the teleportation. He and Grodus watched the scientist at work.
“Ah!” shouted the scientist; the older man scratched his forehead. “It’s complete” he said.
Mario97 rose from the bed, “What happened?” he asked curiously. Grodus smiled, “This man…Paper E. Gadd saved you life.” Mario97 looked down at his feet; Mario97 was dressed in tan colored clothing. He stood and looked at the mirror. His head was covered in a grayish visor. To his side he saw a large purple Puni. The Puni smiled, “Hi mister, are you alright?”
“Yes.” Answered Mario97
The room fell silent.

UltimateToadette knocked on the door, the slid open a mouser looked curiously at her. Arend appeared from behind her, “Hello Fg it’s been a long time.”

The Prince of Darkness watched patiently atop of his castle. He turned to three Shadow Beings beside him. “Go my servants and destroy this world.” The three henchmen disappeared. The Prince of Darkness cocked a smile, “Soon…this world shall be mine!” His hand formed into a fist, he crushed a small statue of Porplemontage. He turned to his commander, “Prepare the army…tonight thw world shall fell the true power of DARKNESS!”

To be continued…

Spoiler Alert

The soldier hurried up the stairs, he turned around, the dark creature was in hot pursuit. All hope was lost. He stood on top of the staircase. He unsheathed his blade. He sliced one creature; he pulled out his command pistol and opened fire. The creatures were endless, he blasted one, but seemingly everyone he killed another appeared. The swung his blade and fired his pistol. The sky had grown dim, the sun setting. He smiled, a blade pierced through him. He fell to one knee but still fought. He fought to the death…

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