Delegación de Sant Jordi dels Gerdons

From Mardecristal

The Delegación de Sant Jordi dels Gerdons is one of the boroughs of La Luz. It is located in the south-central part of the city.

It was created after an extended period of activism by the Catalan community of La Luz, containing the area commonly called the Poble Catalá or Pueblo Catalán. It is the smallest delegación in the city. The Catalan language has certain special rights here; for example, street names are in Catalan, except for streets shared between this borough and others, whose names are bilingual (Calle de San Jorge/Carrer de Sant Jordi; Rambla de las Frambuesas/Rambla dels Gerdons).

It is bounded as follows:

by a line beginning at the Plaza de la Hispanidad, thence southwesterly along the Calle de San Jorge and the production of the said Calle to the midline of the Bahia del Sable; thence generally easterly along the said midline to the intersection with the Puente San Juan Bautista; thence northwesterly along the said Puente and the Rambla de las Frambuesas to the point of departure.


Boroughs of La Luz

Aguas Torcidas - Alcázar-Ensanche - Los Ángeles - La Asunción-Vistillas - Atocha - La Delta - Este - Las Islas - Norte - San Gregorio - Sant Jordi dels Gerdons - La Vieja Ciudad

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