Delegación de Atocha

From Mardecristal

The Delegación de Atocha is one of the boroughs of La Luz. It is located in the southeastern part of the city and includes the peninsula south of the Río Rosado. It is bounded as follows:

by a line beginning at the intersection of the midline of the Río Rosado and the municipal limit of La Luz and proceeding generally westerly along the said midline to the intersection with the northerly production of the midline of the channel between the Isla San Juan Bautista and Cabo Carpinteros; thence generally southerly along the said production and the said midline to the mouth of the said channel; then due south to the municipal limit of La Luz; then east and north along the said limit to the point of departure.


Boroughs of La Luz

Aguas Torcidas - Alcázar-Ensanche - Los Ángeles - La Asunción-Vistillas - Atocha - La Delta - Este - Las Islas - Norte - San Gregorio - Sant Jordi dels Gerdons - La Vieja Ciudad

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