Delegación de Los Ángeles

From Mardecristal

Revision as of 21:36, 27 January 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

The Delegación de Los Ángeles is one of the boroughs of La Luz. It is located in the western part of the city. It is bounded as follows:

by a line beginning at the intersection of the Rambla de las Frambuesas and the Alameda de la Libertad; thence southeasterly along the said Rambla and the Puente San Juan Bautista to the intersection with the midline of the Río Rosado; thence generally easterly along the said midline to the Puente Nuestra Señora del Consuelo; thence generally northerly along the said Puente and the Esplanada del Cinturón to the Sincrif lines (Capital subdivision); thence southwesterly and southerly along the said lines to the Sincrif lines (La Luz del Sur subdivision); thence southwesterly along the said lines to the Alameda de la Libertad; thence westerly along the said Alameda to the point of departure.


Boroughs of La Luz

Aguas Torcidas - Alcázar-Ensanche - Los Ángeles - La Asunción-Vistillas - Atocha - La Delta - Este - Las Islas - Norte - San Gregorio - Sant Jordi dels Gerdons - La Vieja Ciudad

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