
From London Requiem

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(City Status o)
(City Status zero / Inactive)
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* '''[[Cpt Revd Erasmus Cameron]]''' - Nosferatu. Carthian (Played by Charles Macleod)
* '''[[Cpt Revd Erasmus Cameron]]''' - Nosferatu. Carthian (Played by Charles Macleod)
* '''[[Ralph Redfearn]]''' - Ventrue. Ordo Dracul. (Played by [ Matt Hope])
* '''[[Ralph Redfearn]]''' - Ventrue. Ordo Dracul. (Played by [ Matt Hope])
* '''[[Col Thomas Rawton]]''' - Nosferatu. Carthian (Played by David Townsend)
* '''[[Brother Job]]''' - ''The Order of the Broken Spear'' Mekhet. Lancea Sanctum
* '''[[Marco Albeida]]''' - Ventrue. Invictus. (Played by Rory McIntosh)
* '''[[The Amazing Mr. Kelvin]]''' - Nosferatu. Invictus. (Played by Mark Spinks)
* '''[[Samael]]''' - Nosferatu Lancea Sanctum (Played by Daniel Derajinski)
* '''[[Ophelia Schwartz]]''' - Mekhet. Circle of the Crone. (Played by [ Hilde Heyvaert])
* '''[[Cptn Edward Armstrong]]''' - Nosferatu. Carthian (Played by John Golden)

Revision as of 13:06, 7 December 2008


Current Active Characters

City Status ooooo

City Status oooo

City Status ooo

City Status oo

City Status o

City Status Zero With Resident's Rights

City Status zero / Inactive


Regular Visitors

  • Kayoko Hamasaki - Daeva. Circle of the Crone. Antwerp, Belgium. (Played by Hilde Heyvaert)
  • Paracelsus - Nosferatu. Ordo Dracul. Southwark, UK. (Played by Ian Cannon)

Deceased Characters

  • Nick McMillan - Daeva. Ordo Dracul, Prince of Runnymede. (Played by Tim Allen)
  • Dermott Arkane - Had been banned from London on pain of death. Ventrue. Former Carthian (Currently Unaligned). Milton Keynes, UK. (Played by Matt Sanderson)
  • Alexandre Balas - High Sheriff of Outer London. Mekhet Priscus. Invictus. (Played by Nik Joannou)
  • Audric Delano - Mekhet. Ordo Dracul. (Played by Chris Grice)
  • L - Unknown. Unknown. (NPC)
  • Mr Smith - Unknown. Unknown. (Played by Mike MacDonald)
  • Anna-Marie LaBeau - Carthian Gangrel (Played by Louise Webb)
  • Lucius - Lord Mayor of The City of London Ventrue. Invictus. (Played by David Walker)
  • Nathaniel Morton - Mekhet. Invictus. (Played by Matt Dodds) Killed By VII

Past Residents

Historical Figures

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