Father Gabriel Montoya

From London Requiem

"You call yourself a God? How can you do that?" "Don't you know, dear boy? I'm a being of near-infinite power." "...How can you say that? How near?."

"Not very, but you're in Camden now..."

Father Gabriel, ex-Jesuit, ex bokkor, cult leader, dramatic Daeva and quasi-deity, appeared in London in the 1960s with a small coterie of followers calling themselves 'Les 'Ti Bon Anges'; vodoun loas and cultists. He has held the Domain of Camden since 1968 with a combination of religious devotion, superstition, bribery and fear.

He is known to be of powerful blood - and more poweful presence. He and his coterie dress in black, red and white; their mortal followers (who seem surprisingly common on the streets of Camden) can sometimes be recognised by their use of his colours, and other times because of the skull insignia they sport. His original Unaligned status changed when, after the death of Tearlach, he joined the Circle of the Crone.

When hosting gatherings, the Stables Market in Camden is his venue of choice; it is historically Elysium and the rules are kept stringently.

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