Category:Daily Eugene Guard (1892)

From Lane Co Oregon

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Last Thursday the engine in the new mill broke and causes quite a delay in the work for a day or two.  
Last Thursday the engine in the new mill broke and causes quite a delay in the work for a day or two.  
[[Category:Daily Eugene Guard]] [[Category:Eugene newspapers]]
[[Category:Daily Eugene Guard]]

Current revision as of 19:07, 8 November 2008


[edit] 1-14-1892


Last Friday a man named, Hatfield, from Coburg, was lost in the mountains north-east of John Anderson's place, on the McKenzie river. He went out hunting and did not return when searching parties went out to hunt for him. They found his tracks in the snows and also where he had slept one night, having cut some fir boughs to make his bed out of. He had plenty of cartridges, a gun, a small axe and a few matches. The search has been continued daily until last evening, and it was intended to continue the same today. Since writing the above, we have learned that Hatfield has returned to his home at Coburg, coming out by way of the Mohawk. He suffered severely from the effects of his hardship while in the mountains.

[edit] 4-12-1892


Will Casterline, who has been working for Mr. Skinner the past winter, is staying with Mr. George Drury and attending school. A very wise move, Will.

The mail comes three times a week now, but no more to the satisfaction of the citizens than before, as they all wanted their mail on Saturday instead of Friday. Mr. A. Wilson is preparing to erect a new residence on his premises the coming summer. It will add greatly to the appearance of their place, as their present house is hardly viewable from the road.

We learn that Mr. Arnold had quite an unpleasant encounter with a bear a few days ago. He shot the bear but only crippled it, and his ammunition being exhausted he, with the help of the dogs, had to kill the bear with a club. One of the dogs was nearly hugged to death and had to be carried home.

With the exception of one school, Mohawk supplied itself with teachers this season. Mrs J. Lewis is employed at Mabel, Miss E. Whitmore at upper Mill Creek, Miss Minnie Evans at Mill Creek, Mrs. J. H. Spores at Mohawk, and T. Gill of Eugene, at the Baxter school. The other Mohawk teachers are employed as follows; Miss Rena Spores at Cottage Grove, Miss Clara Stafford at Lorane, Miss Kate Drury at Star and Miss Anna Drury at Thompson.

[edit] 4-20-1892


I will endeavor to give a few Mill Creek and Mohawk items, as I think they are both deserving of, praise.

Mr. C. Cole contemplates building a new store and I.O.O.F. hall this summer, as we are in need of both greatly.

Mr. Franklin is making a drive of 10,000 ties down the Mohawk. Logging is all the rage on Mill Creek. The Mill Creek Lumbering Company, is going to do a good business this summer. Messrs. Wood, Whipple and Lilly Bros are on the way to the mouth of the Mohawk with a drive of logs from upper Mill Creek. They are driving them with a flood dam 18 feet high. Another dam will be pushed to completion at once, Henry Franklin engineering it, which will be 24 feet high when completed.

A. L. Montgomery say's he is going to drive a million and a half feet of logs to market early this fall, "if he doesn't get too fleshy", as he has 500,000 feet cut. He is fitting out one of the best logging teams on the river.

Mr. Irving Lilly lost a valuable horse out of his logging team a few days ago.

Mr. Harshberger and Beebe Smith are busy filling an order for 5000 ties.

Mr. Hank Martin, a responsible land locator went up Mill Creek the other day with a man to locate. He was from Aberdeen Washington.

This will be on of the greatest on the coast in another year without doubt. The timber is said to be the finest yellow fir on the coast and the easiest to get out. There is talk of a large sawmill going up at the mouth of Mill Creek. But it is no surprise, as it is one of the best places for one in the county, as the backing will last for years.

[edit] 6-29-1892


The hoodlum element still exists in our land on last Saturday night some person or persons removed a burr from the axle of Monroe Hill's wagon which was left standing near the road loaded with lumber. They also unloaded a part of the lumber and scattered it in bad shape. It is already pretty well known who the parties are and Mr. Hill says he will prosecute them.

[edit] 12-15-1892


George Drury has improved his lots by setting out some maple trees around them.

John Holt is the new nightwatch at the mill, and as it is the nightwatch's duty to fire up in the morning, John thought he would try it, so went to work about 4 o'clock and when found at half past six by some of the workmen, he was all in a lather and only had about 10 pounds of steam. He tried to raise steam with all the drafts open, see?

For the last 10 days a flock of from 1500 to 3000 wild geese have been making the night hideous with their squalling, in coming to and going from their roosts, which is located in a pond about a mile, south of town. Several of our hunters have gone out after them, but owing to the dark nights have failed to get many. The old mill shed has been overhauled, and now instead of the buzzing saw the hum of two monstrous planers can be heard.

Will See expects to open up his new store about the 1st of January.

Last Thursday the engine in the new mill broke and causes quite a delay in the work for a day or two.

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