Current events/March 2007

From Kokorodatabase

March 20, 2007

  • Kiki Reikaira just misses spearing Xianthe with a kitchen knife, believing the childlike invader to be an assassin. Xianthe shares details about her world, inspiring Ryou, and helps herself to some tofu (but not, sadly, a bath). Ryou tries to write his own song, and Kocha doesn't understand it at all, but since when was she an art critic? He does insult Gamu after she asks what's with the song, and tells her that she'll ever intimidate him and she doesn't really want to hurt him. Infuriated, she snaps that he doesn't consider Ichigo a child, so why her? Ryou replies that maybe he does. Kocha spots Xianthe, begins to fangirl, and makes her eat more food.
"Uh... Ooh, ooh! I know~! It's about Shirogane-senpai wanting to take over the world. ^o^ *what?*" -Kocha

March 15, 2007

  • Happy birthday, Shirogane Ichigo! Daisuke shows up with his younger brother Shinnen, who plays with Satou adorably, to wish his estranged sister well. Ryou's ear piercing is infected, and he feels guilty because he only did it to be rebellious. Kumo, feeling ignored and confused at all the people she doesn't know, goes out with Kocha and Kouji to see the ducks. It seems that Bob and Cherry are having problems... actually, Bob's just depressed that everyone forgot his birthday. Cherry and Gamu decide to throw him a party. Oh, and Ichi finally does show up, and spends the night with Ryou. Kumo, under the influence of Kocha, decides to get Ichi a present... and goes off to catch a duck.
"Does that mean I can buy you earrings now? *-*" -Satou

March 10, 2007

  • Kumo says the ducks are back, and Ryou says he'll come to see them when it's warmer. After Plum gives a weird suggestion for Ichi's birthday present, Ryou gets a better idea, sets something up and calls Ichi, setting a date for her birthday. Shirogane Kouji shows up, camera in hand, to talk to Kumo and convince Kiki Reikaira that she is in fact a fangirl. Gamu laments that, though Ichigo has had her shining moments and can be a very good person, sometimes, she likes to go missing, give people the silent treatment, complain too much and generally be undeserving of everything she has that other people don't and/or can't. After hearing a couple more hard questions, Kumo asks that next time, the whole cafe go see the ducks.
"" -

March 9, 2007

  • Shirogane Ryou fails to sneak up on Kiki Reikaira, who asks him why he tried. He doesn't answer beyond an intent to scare, but denies that it was because of the previous day's comment about Ichi. Kumo comes along and they talk about their sleepover that day. Ryou wonders what to get Ichi for her birthday, because apparently, he's used up all the usual gift ideas. Gamu sits in the corner, resolving "to do something, anything", and ends up helping Morie with her craft project.
"Um...sorry. It's an exclusive party. I don't want trouble later on for having a bunch of girls in my apartment." -Ryou

March 8, 2007

  • Kitenshi Kocha finally throws her Cheer Shirogane-senpai Up party, but Ryou is nowhere to be found. While Kocha wanders off to look for him and the guests eat some fresh-made cake, Gamu calls Ryou to see where he's hiding. Much to her annoyance, he's been avoiding the cheer brigade in Gamu's closet, and not only that, he has found her doujinshi. Kocha manages to find Ryou and drag him to the party, where Gamu has posed some hard questions to Kumo in a this-or-that game, such as "would you rather have a short life with some dear friends, or a long life all alone?" After a few more rounds, Kocha decides that Ryou still isn't cheery enough and brings in beekeeping equipment for him. Ryou doesn't ask about Gamu's increasingly depressing questions from the game, nor does he answer a query about Shirogane Ichigo's sanity. He thinks about a question of his own, where the others chose "secretive and mysterious" over "blunt and honest" after all...
"Sorry, only Ryous could understand Ryou stuff." -Ryou
Trivia: Tsu brought in her new Keyblade design and kicked off her naming contest. It's over at her DA now.

March 7, 2007

  • Kocha enlists Kumo to help her decorate the cafe for a party to cheer Ryou up. Ryou is avoiding the whole plan by sitting on the roof of Cafe Mew Mew, and Kocha takes Kumo and Tsubasa to go bother him. Although he tries to repel them, they climb up and slip, forcing him to save them. Tsubasa and Kumo go to eat, while Kocha tries and fails to get Ryou's attention so she can throw her surprise party. Which she never gets around to... oh, well, maybe tomorrow.
"Who turned off his happy?" -Tsubasa
Trivia: Satou was here, too, but studying for Bio. Let's all hope she gets an A so she can get her new game console!

March 6, 2007

  • Neglected characters Tictac and Noriko finally get their own episode. Tictac joins Noriko in a business venture to sell charms outside the cafe, and most of the episode is dedicated to their attempts to attract customers. Kitenshi Kocha happily gives half the cafe's light fixtures to the charm stand, putting her in Ryou's bad books, so he storms off to talk to Kumo while Satou bemoans a "normal", grumpy Ryou and declares war in the name of RAz. Noriko uses her telekinesis to distribute signs around the park, and assures Tictac that she too has a special talent, although Tictac worries that the only special thing about her is being able to jump 1 inch. Kumo happily claims that she's allowed to sleep over at Ryou's apartment. Kocha fangirls Kumo (again) and takes her to the charm stand, buying her something, and reads her a story. Kumo wonders if, on days when the cafe is quiet, everybody has found a more interesting party to go to.
"Now! I've seen how people get customers on TV! I'll trip them! Then they'll come!" -Tictac
Trivia: The charm stand was inspired by a similar stand that was at Jisu's school the week before, although the labels ("Money come in", "For school work win"...) were much more afflicted with Engrish.

March 3, 2007

  • The Eavesdropping Episode? Gamu's got cooking duty again and Ryou's out washing the stained glass windows - until Kitenshi Kocha glomps him from behind when he's not paying attention, that is. After Ryou's little scare, he realizes that Kocha is now longer glowing from her experiment several episodes earlier. It is then that Kocha points out the other two Shiroganes who are present: Jishou and Shuugo. Though Ryou tried to hint at Kocha to leave the area, the perky one simply remarks to Shou and Shuu about Ryou's want of attention. Thoroughly embarassed, annoyed, and fairly sure that there is no way to make the situation better, Ryou heads back into the cafe but is followed by Shuugo, who can clearly tell that something is bothering his older brother. Gamu takes up her usual eavesdropping habits, but is scolded by a group of Kuroneko Satou, Shirogane Masume, and Shirogane Kouji. While Ryou and Shuu are discussing whether or not Shou is too much of a pushover when it comes to Ryou, it appears that the adult in question has also been listening in. He decides that they need to settle the issue in private, face-to-face. Shuugo joins the others who are trying to get Gamu to quit eavesdropping on people and teleports the father and son to Shou's apartment. There Shou tries to explain that he's willing to at least give Ichigo a chance, but that he's not too happy with his son's morals, among other things. While the adult is comfortable enough to take on a joking tone, it's clear that Ryou isn't really. After Ryou returns to the cafe, he comes across Shirogane Kumo who had been looking for her father. When an argument breaks out between (you guessed it!) Ryou and Gamu, Kouji takes Kumo upstairs to read so that the violence won't rub off on her. Satou returns and, together with Gamu, tries to convince the blond that he's important to a lot of people, even though he's being critical of himself.
"Frankly, one little word of praise would be be enough to let me know if I was on the right track at all, but I have no idea..." -Ryou
Trivia: Ryou appears to have started his own movement to counter the other strange associations-- SAD: Shirogane Against Drama. The acronym shows just how well this has worked.

March 2, 2007

  • Takaishi Sora is depressing himself because he doesn't have a girlfriend, and though his friends tried to help him out, it seems that his options are limited. Ryou and Kumo have decided to bond outside the cafe and visit a coffee shop and the mall, where Ryou scares Kumo with tales of rabid shopaholics. Once Sora starts hitting on Gamu, she walks off in a brainbroken state to go stop Forte from "guarding" the cookies, and thinks... maybe if the mages are going to do what she thinks they're going to do, she can make sure he doesn't do anything about her "secret". Kocha goes to apologize to Liz, who doesn't remember what she did to her garden, but does help her optimize a cure for the glowing that she had been working on. Kocha takes this cure and is free of her incriminating green aura.
"...they won't really try to buy me, will they?" -Kumo
Trivia: Kumo's idea to make her own teddy bear comes from her author playing a MMORPG with an area with a toy factory dungeon of sorts.
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