
From Environmental Technology


a) What are the issues and problems?


Smart Grouth with quality of life

b) If this where happening in your community, could you think of any positive or constructive resolutions?


Most people don't like change but change is something that everyone has to go through and the people in this area have to realize that if they want a better life for themselves and for gerations to come then they have to adapt to the present age of growing communities. In other words they just need to get over themselves and relize that we need more jobs and let new buisnesses be built were they are able to be built. It is not always a bad thing that buisnesses are coming to an area, but most people don't undersatnd that. I do but my family and my husbands family use to own buisness. So if people want unemployment to drop and not worry about poverty then they should allow any type of buisness to grow in this area.

c) What are the positives of the plan?


to help save spiecies that are slowly dieing if someone doesn't help

d) What are the problems with the plan?


There are not alot of restrictions and it can't work with out that.

e) Do you think this is a possible solution? Why or why not?


Well yeah make it harder to distroy the area. Make the restrictios then hire people like law Enforcement to carry out the restrictions and make sure that noone os breaking laws. This is what they do for US forset service. So why not save this area if that is what they really feel is the right things to do.

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