
From Environmental Technology

Environmental Science Mr. McDonald May 5, 2006

Sweden goes for green as Nordic mull energy future

Sweden has been aware of the meltdown of fossil fuels for years now and are working on a green policy plan to reduce the use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. European union is calling for a coordinated policy with the rising demand, uncertain supply and the need to cut greenhouse gas emissions. The Nordic region expresses a concern for there environment and the climate caused by pollution. After the Ukrainian town of Chernobyl exploded with radio active chemicals they new some measure needed to be taken to stop atomic energy , so in 1980 Sweden had voted to get rid of it. I not for sure it how it went obviously unsuccessful since they are still fighting for this law. Sweden goal now is to break from fossil fuels by 2020 and to reduce green house emission to help stop Global warming. "We have to transform into a non-oil economy," said Stefan Edman, who heads the Swedish government's oil dependency panel. "We have very high ambitions, although I don't think it is realistic that not a drop of oil will be used in 2020." Sweden have already manage to cut oil usage in homes by 70%. Professor Christian Azar talks about the biggest challenge will be to reduce the use of oil by transportation. Azar also says that if they can get it down to 50% dependency how that would be a humongous accomplishment. Europe has got a big head start on many contraries and looking to take full advantage of it to become role model for other countries like us. Right now Sweden gets 35% of its energy from oil but with nuclear power arising there is a demand for an alternative energy source. For other countries like Finland nuclear power is a part of there future but smarter countries like Denmark and Norway are looking for alternatives to reduce pollution and global warming.

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