Burrows and Bunnies
From Egs Mayhem
Revision as of 19:20, 12 April 2007
"Burrows and Bunnies" is a DnD based fiction. It is centered around a game DMed by Paradox (despite supposed to be originally DMed by Jesse(Jesse_God_of_Awesome)) and played by Cameo, Drayco, Kyrio, and Grim_Atescu. It also includes Villains and NPCs based off of other Bunnies. Jesse, the author, has decided to limit the cameoes this time around. Also, Grim decided he didn't like his character again and forced Jesse to make a few changes
- Cameo
A Half-Elven Barbarian with a low INT, WIS, and CHA score and a high STR, AGI, and CON score. She wields a large battle axe possesed by a tame lightning elemental.
- Drayco
A Half-Dragon Rogue / Fighter with a shady disposition and honorless style of fighting. He wield a high CHA, INT, and AGI score, but not as high as Cameo's high scores so as to keep his STR, WIS, and CON moderate.