Young Love/ Follow Dwayne into the girl's locker room

From Create Your Own Story

As idiotic as the idea may sound you can't help but be intrigued by the thought of seeing Amanda, Katelyn or even that Celeste girl in all their naked glory. "Alright, I'm in." You tell Dwayne who promptly high fives his pals before giving you a couple pats on the back. "Good man. Okay, here's how we're going to do this. I'll take the lead, Matt you follow me, and you two are at the rear. Make sure no one sees us going in. Got it?" The two knuckleheads nod with a grin.

Your heart pounds as the four of you surround the door leading to the girl's locker room. As Dwayne cracks opens the door you can hear the sound of showers running and the chatter of girls. You can feel yourself already getting hard. Dwayne smiles mischievously and you can't help but do the same. Ever so slowly you shuffle into the locker room. A single brick divider keeps your prying eyes from those girl's beautifully naked bodies. Dwayne slowly traverses along the divider and you follow. When he reaches the edge he slowly peeks around the corner and freezes. You are about to bolt when he turns back to you with the biggest shit eatting grin you have ever seen. "DUDE! It's that hot little blonde chick, she's totally fucking naked, check it out. He steps back a few feet and allows you in front of him.

You carefully peek around the corner and see Celeste bent over; her plump pussy lips on full display as she massages lotion into her calves. You are completely entralled as Dwayne rams his shoulder into your body causing you to crash to the floor with a bang. When you look up you see Celeste doing her best to cover her nakedness before letting out a blood curdling scream as Dwayne and his friends bolt from the locker rooom.

"I'm sorry, I.." You apologize but Celeste just keeps screaming which brings all the girl still in the locker room running. Before you can do a thing Amanda, Katelyn and about eight other girls are looking down at you with mixed emotions. Though half of them are naked it doesn't make up for the humilation you are feeling and when one of them makes a snide remark about your boner, which causes several of the girls to break out in laughter, you begin to wish you were invisible. The thing that really breaks your heart is the way Amanda looks at you. Her beautiful green eyes are vacant of expression as tears run down her cheeks.

Young Love/ Football tryouts

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