Refuse the Eevee.

From Create Your Own Story

"You're a very humble young man" The Professor acknowledges.

Impressed he starts shovelling through his coat pockets.

"Tell you what, why don't I give you these" placing his hand out in front of him, he presents you with a Thunderstone, an Ultra ball and a Leftovers.

"That Thunderstone can be used to evolve a number of Pokémon, including Pikachu if you want, The Ultra ball is a very powerful device that has an enormous chance of catching wild Pokémon, and lastly, the Leftovers will help restore your Pokémon's health during battle by a little, and gradually. I have a friend, Nerei, who lives just beyond here. She owns the local pet store. Their town integrates with nature and the glade she lives in is beside a flowing waterfall which leads off into a gentle stream. Present her with that Ultra ball and tell her its from Professor Oak"

Smiling, with a nod you each wave goodbye and head on your way.

"That boy will accomplish remarkable things" the Professor thinks to himself.

A few steps away, you encounter a Pokémon centre. You heal up your Pokémon before carrying on your way.

Coming to a fork in the road you look up to see a faded sign. Three arrows point down each path.

What will you do?

Pokemon:Go Right

Pokemon:Go Left

Pokemon:Go back the way you came

Health Full Health Pokémon:


Level 7

Health Full Health Pokémon:


Level 16

Health Full Health Pokémon:


Level 16

Health Full Health Pokémon:


Level 12

Health Full Health Pokémon:


Level 18
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