Piggy's Day/Turn yourself in

From Create Your Own Story

Piggy: "Goddamit. Well, If I'm gonna screw things over like this, I might as well mend my mistakes."

You dial up 911 and tell them that you've murdered an innocent fisherman. You are arrested and taken to be evaluated for mental health. You are taken to jail for the time being. Two days later, as you sit in your jail cell, wallowing in regret, the psychologist comes over to tell you about the results.

Psychologist: "Well Piggy, we've done scans of your brain activity, and there's a bit of an anomaly here."

Piggy: "Hm? Does that mean I'm actually insane?"

Psychologist: "No, it's not that big of an anomaly, but very strange in any case."

You are shown diagrams of your brain. You understand nothing, but follow closely to the psychologist's explanations.

Psychologist: "As you may know, the brain isn't exactly a deterministic organ. We cannot predict as to how it would respond to certain situations, but we can predict how it most certainly would NOT. And your brain, while committing murder, seems to have completely disregarded all logic and previous information in favour of murder.

Piggy: "Well I must say, it was very much an unconsidered act."

Psychologist: "More than that, it was illogical to the point of breaking the causalities of brain activity. I see absolutely no way that you could've come to this conclusion."

Piggy: "But still it happened. What am I supposed to gather from this?"

Psychologist: "There is only one way this could've happened. Someone else was controlling your actions. Possibly The Alphabet Bird, possibly some sort of an evil entity, or perhaps a force so unforseeable that we can't put a name or form to it."


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