Piggy's Day/The Alphabet Bird enters the roon

From Create Your Own Story

The Alphabet Bird bursts through the wall of the jail cell.

The Alphabet Bird: "Hello Piggy, hello you unnamed one-off character who I've denoted as a psychologist, hello readers (Oh, who am I kidding, nobody reads these things), sorry for breaking the fourth wall like this, but I've got something important to say. Out of the options that the psychologist listed, the third one, "Unforseeable force", was correct. In this case, the force was the reader, who simply clicked this option for the reason that he wanted to know what would happen in the instance that Piggy would murder somebody. Jolly good fun, I say."

Piggy: "Whoah whoa- What are you saying now? What's this about readers?"

The Alphabet Bird "Your life is a lie, you're a fictional character, your existence is meaningless, move on. Or don't, you don't even need to, because the story is about to end."

Piggy: "Oh, well if the story is about to end and the fourth wall is already broken, can I do something crazy?"

The Alphabet Bird "Of course. I'll give you free hands to do whatever you like for the remaining four lines."

Thinking quickly, you decide to become a being even more powerful than the Alphabet Bird, by first copying all the powers Alphabet bird has, and then lowering the Alphabet Bird's powers. The Alphabet bird is now simply a Really Powerful Bird

A Really Powerful Bird "Hey wait a minute..."

The Alphabet Piggy: "Hahahaa! I'm The Alphabet Piggy! Now I can stop the story from ending!"

A Really Powerful Bird: "Fair enough, it's your show now. Do as you please."

Technically The Alphabet Bird knew that this would happen, and could've stopped it, but thought that it would be way more fun for the reader this way.

The Alphabet Piggy: "My first act as an all-knowing, all-powerful being is to start my own universe, where I can screw around with no consequences whatsoever."

In a time span shorter than the Planck's constant, you've created from scratch a universe that is infinitely large and able to support infinitely short distances. Still within this time span, you create yourself a palace with the height of three-hundread centillion lightyears, and with as many details as there are in a Menger's sponge. The palace is built exclusively from the most opulent of matters in the multiverse - including but not limited to: overduranium, hell-ephant ivory, antimatter, electron diamonds, black hole pearls, IT-metal and infinity emeralds. In the fountains, artificial rivers and oceans flows coincidetoxin and fine wine. You create magnificently powerful, beautiful and handsome superhumans as your personal servants to occupy this palace; innumerous amounts of demigods and demigodesses. Still within the same time span, you acquire all information that ever has been and ever will be from every universe of the Pigverse. You realize that no matter what you do anymore, you've already exprienced it in some form. Therefore you spend an eternity being infinitely pleased at the way the multiverse is, expriencing happines on a level that defies all notation of humane feelings.

A Really Powerful Bird "Been there done that."


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