D&D: The howling Wolves: Day 1 ; Skip to day 2

From Create Your Own Story

The group gathers at the inn for breakfeast. Now you've made contacts at the adventure guild, you'l be able to inquire about jobs your groups can take. More so, you're income is insured because of your deal with the clerics of Aaluuran. Anders feels glad that the girls are on board for this. Sandrine is even excited at the idea. Then again, it dosn't surprise him so much.

Sandrine : "So whats the plan today ?"

What is the plan ?

D&D: The howling Wolves: Day 2 ; Head to the adventuring guild

D&D: The howling Wolves: Day 2 ; Head to the clerics of Aaluuran

D&D: The howling Wolves: Day 2 ; Skip to day 3

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